Research Bulletins | Mississippi Agricultural and Foresty Experiment Station (MAFES) | Mississippi State University

MAFES Research Bulletins


Research Bulletins written by MAFES faculty and researchers from 1888 to 1991.


Submissions from 1991


The costs of cotton harvesting systems in the Mississippi Delta, Fred T. Cooke, David W. Parvin Jr., and Stan R. Spurlock


Forestry and Mississippi's forest resources--their economic importance, Mark R. Dubois, Thomas J. Straka, and Larry Doolittle


Preemergence control of velvetleaf and common cocklebur in cotton, Charles E. Snipes

Submissions from 1990


Timber harvesting in the Southern United States :a sociological analysis and research proposal, Larry Doolittle


Influence of rice production on subsequent cotton growth and yield, Mark E. Kurtz, Charles E. Snipes, and Joe E. Street


Influence of cultural variables on insect populations in soybeans, Henry N. Pitre and R. P. Porter


Economic comparison of intensive cow-calf forage systems for south Mississippi (Alicia Bermudagrass vs. Pensacola Bahiagrass), David G. St. Louis, Carl H. Hovermale, J. D. Davis, and Fred H. Tyner


Selected climatological features affecting agriculture and forestry in Mississippi, Charles L. Wax, Jonathan W. Pote, and Robert A. Poncet

Submissions from 1989


Perennial vine competition and control, C. Dennis Elmore, Larry G. Heatherly, and Richard A. Wesley


Progress in breeding pecans for disease resistance, Clinton H. Graves, Susan Diehi, and Karen Thies


The influence of winter vegetation on seedbed preparation and weed control in cotton : 1983-1987 (II), Harold R. Hurst


Effect of sprinkler irrigation on open cotton flowers, D. A. Pennington, H. C. Pringle III, and Randy Wells


Potential for use of rainfall during permanent flood of rice in Mississippi, Dean A. Pennington and Ray Wolf


Socioeconomic conditions : the Mississippi Delta, Lynn L. Reinschmiedt and Bernal Green


A Summary of processing research on freshwater prawns at Mississippi State University, 1984-1988, Juan L. Silva, James O. Hearnsberger, Fay Hagan, and Gale R. Ammerman


Herbicide application technology in Mississippi cotton, Charles E. Snipes, William L. Barrentine, and Ralph S. Baker


Acreage allocated to conservation tillage practices in Mississippi, 1985-1988, Stan R. Spurlock and Sukant Misra


Fescue, fescue-clover, and ryegrass for stocker production and profitability, W. J. Woods, H. W. Essig, F. T. Withers Jr., Vance H. Watson, and C. E. Centrell

Submissions from 1988


Comparison of methods for spot treating johnsongrass in cotton, Harold R. Hurst and J. R. Williford


Planning and priorities for timber harvesting research in the Southern United States, C. Ross Silversides, Donald M. Tufts, Thomas A. Walbridge, and Steven H. Bullard

Submissions from 1987


Establishing a peach hedgerow orchard, Max L. Allison and J. P. Overcash


Weed population changes in no-till soybeans, W. E. Stevens, J. R. Johnson, and Harold R. Hurst


Costs of processing and hauling freshwater shrimp in Mississippi, William J. Waits III and James G. Dillard

Submissions from 1986


Herbicide screening studies in warm season turfgrasses-1985, G. Euel Coats, Jim W. Scruggs, Doug H. Anderson, David C. Heering, and Roni F. Munoz


Impacts of selected policies and technology on the economic viability of general crops farms in the Delta Region of Mississippi, B. R. Eddleman, J. A. Musick, and James G. Hamill


Economic analysis of stale seedbed concept of soybean production on clay soil, Larry G. Heatherly, J. A. Musick, and James G. Hamill


Response of cotton to selected herbicides applied to simulate drift, Harold R. Hurst


Evaluation of peach cultivars for northern Mississippi, 1973-1986, Frank B. Matta, Max L. Allison, Juan L. Silva, and J. P. Overcash


Ten cropping systems evaluated for Mississippi, Joe O. Sanford, B. R. Eddleman, Stan R. Spurlock, and J. E. Hairston

Submissions from 1985


Red rice control with postemergence herbicides, William L. Barrentine, Mark E. Kurtz, and Joe E. Street


SLOSS (Soil Loss) : an interactive model for microcomputers, Louis Baumhardt, Anthony Trent, and John C. Hayes


Field evaluation of postemergence herbicides for Virginia buttonweed control in turf, G. Euel Coats, J. H. Jordan Jr., and J. T. McGregor Jr.


A Guide to the ticks of Mississippi, Jerome Goddard and B. R. Norment


Herbicides for grass control in no-till planted soybeans, J. R. Johnson, Billy L. Arnold, and Harold R. Hurst


Postemergence herbicides and trifluralin for control of rhizome johnsongrass in cotton, Mark E. Kurtz and Mike A. Brown


Effect of location and diet on performance and profitability of finishing Mississippi beef steers after winter grazing, David H. Laughlin, E. G. Morrison, Richard Conner, William Miles, Wyatte Harman, Johnny Horton, Fred H. Tyner, James Davis, and R. W. Rogers


Combining tarnished plant bug resistance with frego bract, M. R. Milam, J. C. Jenkins, J. C. McCart Jr., and W. L. Parrott


Fuel-consumption and fuel-cost prediction model for agricultural crop production for Apple II Plus, IBM PC and Radio Shack TRS-80, Fred L. Shuman and Suzanne Ector


Establishment and maintenance of rabbiteye blueberries, J. M. Spiers, J. H. Braswell, and C. P. Hegwood Jr.


Effectiveness of grass herbicides on different types of bermudagrass, G. D. Wills and C. T. Bryson

Submissions from 1984


The influence of binary seed mixtures of 'Stoneville 825' and 'Deltapine 41' cotton varieties on their performance, Robert R. Bridge, S. R. Miller, and S. M. Lane


Perennial vines in the Delta of Mississippi, C. Dennis Elmore


Cost-size relationships in the processing of farm-raised catfish in the Delta of Mississippi, Marty J. Fuller and James G. Dillard


Postemergence herbicide treatments for control of johnsongrass in soybeans :with and without preplant soil incorporated and preemergence herbicides, Harold R. Hurst, J. R. Johnson, and Billy L. Arnold


An Economic analysis of soybean yield response to irrigation of Mississippi River Delta soils, M. E. Salassi, J. A. Musick, Larry G. Heatherly, and James G. Hamill

Submissions from 1983


Tillage and weed control practices in soybeans grown on Sharkey clay soil, William L. Barrentine and G. R. Tupper


Southern pine beetle : the host dimension, C. A. Blanche, J. D. Hodges, T. E. Nebeker, and D. M. Moehring


A Bibliography of the diseases and parasites of the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus, Rafinesque) 1974-1980, Paul R. Bowser and Bruce A. Evans


General characteristics of selected cotton varieties, Robert R. Bridge and James F. Chism


Morningglories in the Delta of Mississippi, C. Dennis Elmore and Sidney McDaniel


Grain Sorghum Performance Trials 1982, Lynn M. Gourley, Ann S. Roger, Ned C. Edwards, Tommy G. Sanders, Billy L. Arnold, Normie W. Buehring, and Richard D. Harman


Establishment and maintenance of muscadine vineyards, C. P. Hegwood Jr., R. H. Mullenax, R. A. Haywood, T. S. Brook, and J. L. Peeples


The Effect of planting date, row spacing and variety on soybean yield in Mississippi, H. F. Hodges, Normie W. Buehring, Robert E. Coats, John McMillan, Ned C. Edwards, and Carl H. Hovermale


Principles of water management for soybean production, H. F. Hodges and Larry G. Heatherly


The Influence of winter vegetation on seedbed preparation and weed control in cotton, Harold R. Hurst


Evaluation of F3 and F4 lines of cotton from crosses of race accessions with upland for resistance to bacterial blight, Joel F. Mahill, Johnnie N. Jenkins, J. C. McCarty, and W. L. Parrott


1982 hybrid corn performance trials, James R. McCluskey and Gene E. Scott


Hybrid corn performance trials in 1983, James R. McCluskey and Gene E. Scott


Research with pecan nursery trees in containers and orchards, J. P. Overcash, Mary Acock, D. B. Bostian, and R. C. Sloan


Patio peach trees from cuttings, J. P. Overcash, Kevin Hancock, and Medardo Galindo


A Study of slow rusting of southern rust of corn : preliminary report, Zhou Ru-Hong, Stanley B. King, and Gene E. Scott

Submissions from 1982


Herbicides for controlling a mixed population of johnsongrass and common cocklebur in soybeans, Billy L. Arnold and Harold R. Hurst


Effects of various settings and speeds of the beehive machine on the composition of mechanically deboned beef and pork, Kantilal G. Bhojani, Gale R. Ammerman, and R. W. Rogers


1981 Mississippi cotton variety tests, Robert R. Bridge, Billy L. Arnold, F. M. Bourland, and James F. Chism


Evaluation of fungicides for treatment of rice planting seed, 1976-81, R. G. Davis


Mississippi grain sorghum performance trials 1981, Lynn M. Gourley, Ned C. Edwards, Tommy G. Sanders, Carl H. Hovermale, Billy L. Arnold, and Normie W. Buehring


Multiple practices for control of johnsongrass in cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum (L.) Pers.), Harold R. Hurst and Billy L. Arnold


Anatomy of the digestive system of Heliothis zea (Lepidoptera ; Noctuidae) larvae, M. W. MacGown and P. P. Sikorowski


Miss Blanc' a new bunch grape cultivar, J. P. Overcash, C. P. Hegwood Jr., and B. J. Stojanovic


A small winery rinsing device for grape-harvesting containers, Fred L. Shuman


Making bottle-fermented sparkling wine at home, B. J. Stojanovic


Microbiological characteristics of vacuum-CO2-packaged broiler carcasses, K. Viseshiri and T. C. Chen

Submissions from 1981


1980 Mississippi cotton variety tests, Robert R. Bridge, Billy L. Arnold, F. M. Bourland, Normie W. Buehring, and James F. Chism


Changes in commuting in Mississippi from 1960 to 1970, Ellen S. Bryant


Stand-age analysis of timber on Mississippi's private, nonindustrial forests, Steven H. Bullard, G. H. Weaver, and Hees Willem van W.


Production efficiency of rubber-tired cable skidders, Oliver A. Clair, W. F. Watson, and R. K. Matthes


Soybean response to tillage of Sharkey clay soil, Larry G. Heatherly


Control of sicklepod (Cassia obtusifolia L.) in soybeans, Carl H. Hovermale and Harold R. Hurst


1980 Mississippi hybrid corn performance trials, James R. McCluskey and Gene E. Scott


Mississippi hybrid corn performance trials in 1981, James R. McCluskey and Gene E. Scott


A small winery freezing unit for disgorging bottle-fermented champagne, Fred L. Shuman


Influence of row spacing on new DES cotton varieties and strains, G. R. Tupper, Robert R. Bridge, and W. I. Spurgeon


Cotton Response to Subsoiling and Chiseling of Sandy Loam Soil, G. R. Tupper and W. I. Spurgeon


Investment, operating costs and estimated returns for 500- and 1000-head beef cattle feedlots, Mississippi, 1979, Fred H. Tyner and Thomas D. Scoggins

Submissions from 1980


Mississippi cotton variety tests in 1979, Robert R. Bridge, James F. Chism, Billy L. Arnold, Normie W. Buehring, and F. M. Bourland


Percieved Changes in Quality of Life of Open-Country Residents in Six Mississippi Counties, Wolfgang Frese


Mississippi grain sorghum performance trials in 1979, Lynn M. Gourley, Ned C. Edwards, Tommy G. Sanders, Carl H. Hovermale, Normie W. Buehring, Billy L. Arnold, and Wade W. Stewart


Mississippi hybrid corn performance trials in 1979, James R. McCluskey and Gene E. Scott


Johnsongrass as a forage in Mississippi, Vance H. Watson, Robert E. Coats, and Lamar E. Kimbrough

Submissions from 1979


Mississippi cotton variety tests in 1978, Robert R. Bridge, James F. Chism, Billy L. Arnold, Normie W. Buehring, and A. G. Douglas


Variety evaluation of winter annual forage crops, 1976-77, Ned C. Edwards, Clarence E. Watson Jr., Vance H. Watson, Billy L. Arnold, T. G. Sanders, and Carl H. Hovermale


Educational aspirations and achievements of rural and small town Mississippi youth, Wolfgang Frese, Yedehhalli R. Mohan, and Carlton R. Sollie


Occupational knowledge and the vocational aspirations and expectations of southern non-metropolitan male youth, Wolfgang Frese, Carlton R. Sollie, and Frank M. Howell


Mississippi grain sorghum performance trials in 1978, Lynn M. Gourley, Ned C. Edwards, Tommy G. Sanders, Carl H. Hovermale, Charles D. Fisher, Normie W. Buehring, Billy L. Arnold, and Wade W. Stewart III


Germplasm release of 81 F5 flowering lines of cotton involving 54 Gossypium hirsutum l. race accessions, Johnnie N. Jenkins, J. C. McCarty, W. L. Parrott, and R. G. Creech


Mississippi hybrid corn performance trials in 1978, James R. McCluskey and Gene E. Scott


Fall armyworm on sorghum : other hosts, Henry N. Pitre

Submissions from 1978


An economic analysis of producing pond-raised catfish for food in Mississippi, Robert L. Burke and John E. Waldrop


Effect of nitrogen levels and stocking rates on profitability of winter grazing, Ned C. Edwards Jr., E. G. Morrison, and Fred H. Tyner


Mississippi grain sorghum performance trials in 1977, Lynn M. Gourley, Ned C. Edwards, Tommy G. Sanders, Carl H. Hovermale, Charles D. Fisher, Buehring W. Normie, and Billy L. Arnold