Citizens' Council Radio Forum
The Citizens' Council, founded in Indianola, Mississippi in 1954 following the Brown v. Board decision, was very powerful in working to maintain segregation in Mississippi. The Citizens' Council radio Forum ran from 1957-1966 and features dozens of national and Mississippi politicians, including John Stennis, James Eastland, George Wallace, and Strom Thurmond, and covers topics ranging from reaction to the Civil Rights Act to the fear of Communism. Mississippi State University Libraries is the only repository who has the complete run of the Forum; thanks to a $25,000 Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources, the original open reel magnetic audio tapes were digitized by the Northeast Document Conservation Center and are now available to researchers.
Digital Audio
Senate hearings on the muzzling of the military.
Senate preparedness subcommittee interim report on Cuban military build-up.
Sermon--the government plan for seizure of the churches.
Situation at the University of Mississippi.
South Africa--influence of press and news media.
Southern conference educational fund inc.
Southern Congressional Strategy Committee.
Southern governor's conference.
Southern governor's conference called by Gov. Barnett--southern unity.
Southern governor's conference--purpose.
Southern Governor's conference--what it can accomplish.
Sovereignty of states--usurpation of their powers.
Special session of Alabama legislature on public school issue.
Speeches throughout the state on segregation.
Speech made on floor of White House about United Southern Action.
Stacking of rules committee--its liberalizing effects.
Students for a democratic society.
Subversion and the race question.
Subversive material in church literature.
Summit conference and its developments.
Supreme Court decision on prayer.
Supreme Court decisions before 1954.
Supreme Court ruling on prayer in schools.
Supreme Court's decisions in the Brown Case--forcing school integration of the South.
The Cold War--Fulbright Memorandum.
The infiltration of communist and left-wing propoganda into church literature.
The South's Position in Race Relations-and an ad in New York Herald Tribune by State of Louisana.
Trend away from big government to States' rights--Congress.
Trend of government today--its greatest need (control of Supreme Court).
Trend of racial disturbance in northern cities.
Trend of U.S. public opinion against integration and Civil Rights movement.
Trend on States' Rights--House of Representatives.
Trends in primary elections throughout the country.
Trend toward centralization of government--effect on farmers and American people.
Trend toward states' rights--American people.
Unpledged electors in the 1960 presidential election.
U.S. defense program compared with Russia's.
U.S. expenditures--loan to U.N.
U.S. military preparedness as compared with other countries.
Usurpation of power by federal government.
Voter discrimination case--Darby vs. Circuit Clerk, Jefferson County, Mississippi.
Walker's resignation--background.
Warren communism report--connection with Walker's attempted assassination.
Will South accept integration?
Wisconsin Presidential primary platform against Civil Rights bill.
Wisconsin Presidential primary--significance platform--against Civil Rights bill.
Women in the Citizen's Council.