Citizens' Council Radio Forum
The Citizens' Council, founded in Indianola, Mississippi in 1954 following the Brown v. Board decision, was very powerful in working to maintain segregation in Mississippi. The Citizens' Council radio Forum ran from 1957-1966 and features dozens of national and Mississippi politicians, including John Stennis, James Eastland, George Wallace, and Strom Thurmond, and covers topics ranging from reaction to the Civil Rights Act to the fear of Communism. Mississippi State University Libraries is the only repository who has the complete run of the Forum; thanks to a $25,000 Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources, the original open reel magnetic audio tapes were digitized by the Northeast Document Conservation Center and are now available to researchers.
Digital Audio
10th anniversary of Supreme Court decision in Brown vs. Board of education.
1957 Civil Rights Act and related court cases.
1957 Civil Rights Act--court decisions.
1964 fall term of U.S. Supreme Court.
Address to Mississippi legislature--our present military situation in Vietnam and future.
Assassination of President Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald.
August 28 march on Washington.
A woman's viewpoint on the issues of the South.
Bill to create a commission on human resettlement.
Bill to create a commission on human resettlement.
Bill to curb powers of Supreme Court.
California views on Little Rock and Supreme Court decisions.
Centralization of power, trends against.
Citizens' Council survey of Jackson, Mississippi.
Citizens' Council survey of Jackson, Mississippi.
Civil defense program--church implications.
Civil Rights Legislation and the Constitution.
Civil Rights legislation--views of Hawaii
Civil Rights workers in Mississippi.
Commentary on socialist activities of the school.
Comments on the outcome of the Presidential election.
Communism and the Civil Rights movement.
Communism in the U.S. and Fulbright Memorandum
Communist agitation and riot tactics in the U.S.
Communist exploitation of the churches in the U.S.
Communist infiltration in Vietnam protest movement and Civil Rights movement.
Communist influence behind the racial demonstrations and Civil Rights movement-recent development.
Communist involvement in Civil Rights movement.
Communists in racial incidents.
Communist threat of U.S. muzzling the military--Fulbright Memorandum.
Communist use of churches--nation council of churches of Christ in America.
Concern over civil rights bill-involvement of communism with the civil rights movement.
Connections between freedom riders and Cuba.
Conservative trend on college campuses.
Constitutional government and states rights.
Constitutional Rights--Civil Rights
Cuban crisis-Florida viewpoint. Also economic and military aspects.
Cuban situation--U.S. policies and the Factors for Castro Committee.
Cuban situation--variance in intelligence reports.
Current crisis in race relations--Harlem, Rochester,etc.
Current Status of schools in Alabama.
Demonstration before the march from Selma to Montogomery--affadavits presented to congress.
Doctrine of interposition enacted by Barnett at Ole Miss.
Education work of the Citizens' Council.
Effect of agitation on southern political opinion.
Effect of Civil Rights legislation on business, especially in the South.
Effect of Civil Rights on the presidential election.
Effect of Kennedy sending federal troops into Ole Miss in future national elections.
Effects of Civil Rights act on average American.
Effects of Civil Rights legislation on South in the 1960 election.
Executive order on discrimination in housing.
Extent of communist exploitation of the churches.
Factors affecting internal security.
Federal Civil Rights commission.
Federal Government forcing school integration.
Federal intervention in Mississippi affairs.
Forceable integration of public schools.
Freedom of choice in education.