Mississippi Coast Region
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This black and white postcard features a group of oyster schooners on the open water with their sails open. An inscription is handwritten around the center schooner and the signature is written across the sails of the center schooner. The title along the lower left reads "Oysters Schooners, Biloxi, Miss." The back of the postcard identifies the item as postcard and provides publisher information as well as indication for address placement. A green one cent postage stamp is placed in the upper right corner and the card is postmarked Biloxi, Mississippi, April 30, 1908. The card is addressed to Miss Florence Burrow in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Hello Florence. What do you think has happened. I am so slow about answering your card. I am sure you must feel quite proud now that you are aunt. How is the little baby? Were you very much afraid during the cyclone? You were like us fortunate not to get much of it. With love Paula Would you enjoy a cruise on one of these? From Paula Ans. very soon.
Publication Date
The Rotograph Co.
Time Period
Postcards; Oysters; Schooners; Biloxi, MS
Geographic Location
Biloxi, MS
Object Type
Format (original)
Format (digital)
Digital ID
Mississippi State University Libraries, Manuscripts Division, Lucius Marion Lampton, MD Historical Images Collection, Mississippiana Collection, Postcard/Photographs, Box 2: Biloxi Subcollection
Digital Publisher
Mississippi State University Libraries (electronic version)
Copyright protected by Mississippi State University Libraries. Use of materials from this collection beyond the exceptions provided for in the Fair Use and Educational Use clauses of the U.S. Copyright Law may violate federal law. Permission to publish or
Contact Information
For more information about the contents of this collection, email sp_coll@library.MSState.edu.
Recommended Citation
Lucius Marion Lampton, MD Historical Images Collection, Special Collections Department, Mississippi State University