Lee Guard certificate
S. H. Livingston
Certificate presented to A. Boswell Stevens for membership in the Lee Guard, a Mississippi A&M College military unit.
Richard Nixon greeting Boswell Stevens, 1971
Photograph of Richard Nixon and Boswell Stevens, matted with inscription 'To Boswell Stevens with best wishes, Richard Nixon.'
Letter, A. G. Paxton to James O. Eastland, May 1, 1967
Alexander Gallatin Paxton
Letter from A. G. Paxton to Senator James O. Eastland, regarding Senate Bill S-109, a proposed bill to regulate the trade practices of agricultural producers and associations.
Robert E. Lee Scholarship Fund brochure
Brochure for the Robert E. Lee Scholarship Fund, Inc., a fund named for extension agent Robert E. Lee, who served as extension agent for Rankin and Sunflower counties.
Letters between Boswell Stevens and Prentiss Walker, February 10, 1966
Arthur Boswell Stevens
Letter and reply from Boswell Stevens to Prentiss Walker, Congressman in the U.S. House of Representatives. Concerns the Cooley bill, a bill to assess producers for the promotion of cotton.
The Collinswood story
Brochure describing the story of Collinswood, a Mississippi poultry plant and division of the Mississippi Federated Cooperatives (AAL).
Ascalmore Watershed Dedication, 1963
George W. Yeats
Boswell Stevens speaking at the Ascalmore Watershed dedication, representing Governor Ross Barnett. Seated are (left to right): W. C. Neill of Carrollton, J. W. Whitten and W. L. Heard.
Linda Lackey invitation
Invitation to attend the homecoming program for Linda Lackey, 1961 Maid of Cotton.
M. S. Shaw biography
Biographical essay on Mose S. Shaw, director of the Agricultural Extension Service at Mississippi State University.
Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation statement
David H. Bennett
Statement of the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation to the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Equipment, Supplies, and Manpower with Regard to Farm Costs and Net Farm Income, presented by David H. Bennett, Vice-President, in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 8, 1961.
Bolivar County resolution
Bolivar County Farm Bureau
Resolution of Bolivar County (Miss.) Farm Bureau commending Mr. Boswell Stevens, president of the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation.
Citizens' Council Forum solicitation
Citizens' Council Forum
Solicitation for funds sent to Boswell Stevens and describing the work and the funds needed to support the Citizens' Council Forum.
Letters between Robert M. Koch and Mose S. Shaw
Robert M. Koch
Correspondence between Robert M. Koch, president of National Limestone Institute, Inc., and Mose S. Shaw, director of the Agricultural Extension Service at Mississippi State University concerning agricultural policy and the American Farm Bureau Federation, the National Grange, the Farmer's Union, Harold D. Cooley and the House of Representatives Agriculture Committee.
Letter, J. M. Cole to Boswell Stevens, February 22, 1960
J. M. Cole
Letter to Boswell Stevens from Compress of Union secretary and treasurer J. M. Cole, regarding Stevens' work as chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Cotton Council.
Letter, Frank L. Mathews to Boswell Stevens, June 19, 1960
Frank L. Mathews
Letter to Boswell Stevens from Hattiesburg Compress Company president Frank L. Mathews, commending him for service as president of the National Cotton Council of America.
Letter, A. G. Paxton to Mr. and Mrs. Boswell Stevens, February 15, 1960
Alexander Gallatin Paxton
Letter from A. G. Paxton to Mr. and Mrs. Boswell Stevens, regarding his opinions on farm production, including the need to increase domestic consumption.
Farm Policy Council packet
Arthur Boswell Stevens
Documents sent to Mose S. Shaw by Boswell Stevens, regarding the Farm Policy Council and Conference on agricultural policy, October 7, 1960.
Boswell Stevens and W. K. Love, Jr.
W. K. Love, Jr., President of the New York Cotton Exchange. Poster is hanging on front of desk that reads 'It's cotton time U.S.A.'
It's time for some straight thinking on agricultural research
William Rhea Blake
'It's Time For Some Straight Thinking on Agricultural Research'': address by William Rhea Blake, executive vice president of the National Cotton Council, before the American Cotton Congress, in Waco, Texas, May 5, 1959.
Letter, G. Damilatis to Boswell Stevens, July 9, 1959
G. Damilatis
Letter to Boswell Stevens from G. Damilatis, president of the Hellenic Cotton Board in Athens, Greece.
Letter, Hayato Ikeda to Boswell Stevens, July 4, 1959
Hayato Ikeda
Letter to Boswell Stevens from Hayato Ikeda, Japanese Minster of International Trade and Industry, regarding the visit of the 21st Maid of Cotton, Malinda Berry.
Boswell Stevens, Ezra Taft Benson and 1959 Maid of Cotton
George Kalec
Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson, Boswell Stevens and 1959 Maid of Cotton Malinda Diggs Berry of Stillwater, Oklahoma look at a proclamation announcing the 1959 King Cotton Festival, Memphis, Tennessee.
Honoring Mississippi's Master Farm Families
Mississippi Agricultural Extension Service
Program printed for event at the King Edward Hotel in Jackson (Miss.) honoring the Harris Swayze family of Yazoo County, Mississippi's Master Farm Family of 1959. Includes a list of previous recipients of the award.
Letter, Mohamed Shaffi to Boswell Stevens, July 20, 1959
Mohamed Shaffi
Letter to Boswell Stevens from Mohamed Shaffi, vice-president of the Pakistan Central Cotton Committee, regarding the cotton industry and a visit from 1959 Maid of Cotton Malinda Berry.
American soybeans and cottonseed in world markets
Address delivered by Dupuy Bateman, president of the National Cottonseed Products Association for 1957, concerning cotton oil seed and soybean industry issues, with an accompanying letter from William Rhea Blake to Boswell Stevens about it.
Letter from John C. Satterfield, June 3, 1957
John C. Satterfield
Letter from John C. Satterfield, general counsel with Satterfield, Shell, Williams and Buford law firm, to gentlemen involved with the application for permit to sell stock in behalf of Mississippi Oil Mills, Inc.
Letter, Boswell Stevens to county agents, February 18, 1957
Arthur Boswell Stevens
Letter from Boswell Stevens to county agents of the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation, discussing forming a committee to purchase 12 Mississippi oil mills.
Counties in balanced farm and home planning program
Report and map detailing the Mississippi counties involved in balanced farm and home planning for 1954-1956, the number of agents, African-American and Caucasian, assigned to each county.
Mississippi Hometown Development Contest
Mississippi Hometown Development Contest is announced at Mississippi Economic Council meeting, 1956-1957. Poster displays organizations that sponsored the contest.
Balanced Farm and Home Planning Program Calhoun Progress Report
Condensed progress report for the Balanced Farm and Home Planning Program in Calhoun County (Miss.), from August 1, 1954 to July 31, 1955.
Balanced Farm and Home Planning Program Tippah progress report
Condensed progress report for the Balanced Farm and Home Planning Program in Tippah County (Miss.), from August 1, 1954 to July 31, 1955.
Balanced Farm and Home Planning Program Winston progress report
Condensed progress report for the Balanced Farm and Home Planning Program in Winston County (Miss.), from July 1, 1954 to June 30, 1955.
G. C. Cortright, Jr. testimony
Cauley George Caldwell Cortright
Testimony of G. C. Cortright, Jr. of Sharkey County, Mississippi concerning agricultural matters before the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. 1955
C. R. Sayre testimony
Charles Richard Sayre
Testimony of C. R. Sayre of the Delta County concerning agricultural matters, before the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. 1955
Boswell Stevens testimony
Arthur Boswell Stevens
Testimony of Boswell Stevens concerning agricultural matters before the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. 1955.
Delta [Redacted] Field Day
Boswell Stevens addressing African-Americans at Delta Negro Field Day, Stoneville, Mississippi. Some 800 families participated.
Greeting the 1954 Maid of Cotton
Bill Johnson, Boswell Stevens and Bill Gardener greet the 1954 Maid of Cotton, Beverly Peck of El Paso, Texas, at the Jackson, Mississippi airport.
McCreary family balanced farm and home planning example
Examples of Progress in Balanced Farm and Home Planning in Mississippi: The Joe B. McCreary Family, West, Mississippi.
Russell family balanced farm and home planning example
Examples of Progress in Balanced Farm and Home Planning in Mississippi: The A. R. Russell Family, McComb, Mississippi.
Sowell family balanced farm and home planning example
Examples of Progress in Balanced Farm and Home Planning in Mississippi: The Grady Sowell Family, Route 1, Canton, Mississippi.
Halvorson testimony concerning secondary highway system
Lloyd C. Halvorson
Testimony of Lloyd C. Halvorson, economist with the National Grange, to the Senate Public Works Committee, sent to Boswell Stevens by Senator John C. Stennis, with an accompanying letter. Concerns the secondary highway system and the needs of farmers for good roads.
Cooperative Extension membership alert
Mose Sydney Shaw
Letters and documents to white county agents and ''negro'' county agents of the Cooperative Extension Service, urging membership drives.
Letters between Boswell Stevens and John C. Stennis, February 11, 1954
John Cornelius Stennis
Letters of correspondence between Boswell Stevens and Senator John C. Stennis, regarding permanent legislation on cotton acreage allotments and its potential effect on cotton production, farmers and the economy.
Letters between Boswell Stevens and Lamont Rowlands, April 21-22, 1954
Arthur Boswell Stevens
Letter from Boswell Stevens to Lamont Rowlands concerning the tung oil industry and letter from Rowlands thanking him for support and mentioning the needs of the industry.
Turn dairy problems into opportunities
Ezra Taft Benson
Turn Dairy Problems Into Opportunities,' address of Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson before the American Dairy Association in Chicago, Ill., Monday, March 23, 1953, at about 2:30 p.m. Central Standard Time. Concerns the production and marketing of dairy products, including federal policy, supply and demand and pricing factors.
Letter, Owen Cooper to Boswell Stevens, April 16, 1953
Owen Cooper
Letter to Boswell Stevens from Owen Cooper of the Mississippi Chemical Corporation, regarding the loan policies of the National Farm Loan Association and the Farm Credit Administration and the need to encourage Mississippians to get in the livestock business.
Dorothy Dickins dairy marketing report and related correspondence
Henry Herbert Leveck
Dairy products investigation proposal and final report ' Advertising dairy products in grocery stores', a study funded by the American Dairy Association and conducted by Dr. Dorothy Dickins for the Mississippi Agricultural Experiment Station. Also includes correspondence between Henry H. Leveck and Boswell Stevens in regards to the report. The report includes the color posters advertising dairy products which were used in the study.
Bankrupt farm prices - the gateway to a depression
John Cornelius Stennis
Bankrupt Farm Prices - The Gateway to a Depression, speech made by U.S. Senator John C. Stennis (Mississippi) on the Senate Floor, on January 29, 1953. Concerns agricultural price supports and his support for a bill to continue mandatory supports at 90% parity.
Letters between Boswell Stevens and Mose S. Shaw
Arthur Boswell Stevens
Correspondence between Boswell Stevens and Mose S. Shaw concerning letter from Agriculture Secretary Ezra Taft Benson seeking input on agricultural price support policies, particularly cotton.
Testimony of Boswell Stevens on agricultural credits
Arthur Boswell Stevens
Testimony of before the House of Representatives Subcommittee on Agriculture. Contains his thoughts and research on the topic of agricultural credits. Includes survey of Mississippi bankers, production credit associations and farmers.
Report of Mobilization Sub-Committee on Production Goals
Report of Mobilization Sub-Committee on Production Goals; document describing national and state of Mississippi problems, goals, and programs associated with defense mobilization for agriculture.
State Agricultural Mobilization Committee meeting minutes
T. M. Patterson
Minutes of a February 7, 1952 meeting of the State Agricultural Mobilization Committee, Mississippi State Office of the Agricultural Mobilization Committee, United States Department of Agriculture.
State Agricultural Mobilization Committee meeting minutes
T. M. Patterson
Minutes of a January 10, 1952 meeting of the State Agricultural Mobilization Committee,Mississippi State Office of the Agricultural Mobilization Committee, United States Department of Agriculture.
1952 Mississippi crop production goals
1952 Production Goals for Cotton, Corn, and Soybeans for Mississippi By Type of Farming Areas and By Counties With Comparisons to 1951 Production Guides.
Boswell Stevens and 1951 Maid of Cotton
Boswell Stevens holds coat for 1951 Maid of Cotton Jeannine Holland as she models a sundress in the Rose Room of the Heidelburg Hotel, Jackson, Mississippi.
County reports of expected use of insecticide
Summary of County Reports of Expected Use of Insecticide on 1951 Cotton Crop in Mississippi. Provide by the USDA and used by the State Defense Production Advisory Committee for crop production planning.
Maid Of Cotton was antidote to cotton industry mills here
The National Cotton Council Maid of Cotton program was a boon to Mississippi's cotton industry. Seated left to right are Boswell Stevens, Bess and the 1951 Maid of Cotton Jeannine Holland.
Pauline Trigre, with Boswell Stevens and Robert F. Wagner
Pauline Trigere, winner of the National Cotton Council of America and American Textile Institute award with Boswell Stevens and New York Mayor Robert F. Wagner.
Memo from Charles F. Brannan, April 12, 1951
Charles Franklin Brannan
Memorandum No. 7 from Charles F. Brannan, Secretary of Agriculture and Chairman of the National Agriculture Mobilization Committee, to chairmen of County Agricultural Mobilization Committees in Mississippi. Concerns the need for increased food production in 1951.
Memo from Charles F. Brannan, April 23, 1951
Charles Franklin Brannan
Memorandum No. 9 from Charles F. Brannan, Secretary of Agriculture and Chairman of the National Agriculture Mobilization Committee, to members of the State Agricultural Mobilization Committee. Concerns the need for higher production of feed grains, livestock and meat.
Memo from Charles F. Brannan, April 25, 1951
Charles Franklin Brannan
Food prices and Farm Returns,' Memorandum No. 10 from Charles F. Brannan, Secretary of Agriculture and Chairman of the National Agriculture Mobilization Committee, to members of the State Agricultural Mobilization Committee.
Letter, M. M. Hubert to Mose S. Shaw, August 3, 1951
Major Millard Hubert
Letter to Mose S. Shaw from Major M. Hubert, director of Negro Men's Work for the Mississippi State University Extension Service, concerning the appropriation of $100 among five contest winners.
Farm policy review
Charles L. Neill
Farm Policy Review for the state of Mississippi, a state report compiled from input from farmers, and giving input on the various federal and state agencies that work with agriculture. Sent from C. L. Neill, chairman of the State Agricultural Mobilization Committee, to members of the State Agricultural Mobilization Committee for discussion at a October 11, 1951 meeting.
Cotton marketing meeting minutes
T. M. Patterson
Minutes of an August 14, 1951 meeting to formulate plans to assume the orderly marketing of the cotton crop.
State Agricultural Mobilization Committee meeting minutes
T. M. Patterson
Minutes of a February 28, 1951 meeting of the State Agricultural Mobilization Committee, Mississippi State Office of the Agricultural Mobilization Committee, United States Department of Agriculture. Facts presented and discussion of how to achieve maximum agricultural production in 1951. Mae Cresswell gave comments on gardens.
State Agricultural Mobilization Committee meeting minutes
T. M. Patterson
Minutes of an August 2, 1951 meeting of the State Agricultural Mobilization Committee, under the Mississippi State Office of the Agricultural Mobilization Committee, under the United States Department of Agriculture. Concerns the Farm Policy Review and facts and issues associated with meeting farm crop production guides for 1951.
State Agricultural Mobilization Committee meeting minutes
T. M. Patterson
Minutes of a June 7, 1951 meeting of the State Agricultural Mobilization Committee, Mississippi State Office of the Agricultural Mobilization Committee, United States Department of Agriculture. Facts and discussion about farm production guides for 1951.
State Agricultural Mobilization Committee meeting minutes
T. M. Patterson
Minutes of a December 18, 1951 meeting of the State Agricultural Mobilization Committee, Mississippi State Office of the Agricultural Mobilization Committee, United States Department of Agriculture. Concerns defense and other issues that affect farm production goals for 1952.
State Defense Production Advisory Committee meeting minutes
T. M. Patterson
Minutes of a January 26, 1951 meeting of the State Defense Production Advisory Committee, Mississippi State Office of the Production and Marketing Administration, United States Department of Agriculture. Facts presented and discussion of how to achieve maximum agricultural production in 1951.
Letter, J. E. Rankin to Boswell Stevens, January 19, 1951
John Elliott Rankin
Letter from U. S. Representative John E. Rankin to Boswell Stevens concerning his opinions on the effects of fixing the acreage for farmers.
1951 [Redacted] Farm and Home Week itinerary
Mose Sydney Shaw
Correspondence between Mose S. Shaw and Boswell Stevens about the 1951 ''Negro Farm and Home Week'' at Alcorn A&M College, as well as an itinerary and list of Negro farmers who produced 100 bushels or more of corn per acre..
Letter, John C. Stennis to Boswell Stevens, June 22, 1951
John Cornelius Stennis
Letter from John C. Stennis to Boswell Stevens regarding agricultural policy matters, the build-up of the military and military spending and its future effect on the economy.
Letter, Boswell Stevens to John C. Stennis, May 11, 1951
Arthur Boswell Stevens
Letter from Boswell Stevens to U.S. Senator John C. Stennis and his entire delegation, regarding reduction of a bill to reduce agricultural price supports at to levels below 90% parity and its effect on cotton farmers.
Agricultural leaders greet John C. Stennis
Ellis T. Woolfolk, Maury Knowlton of Perthshire, Mississippi, Dr. C. R. Sayre, C. L. Neill, Sen John Stennis and Boswell Stevens at airport.
Boswell Stevens and Governor Hugh White
Boswell Stevens makes a presentation to Governor Hugh White at the Heidelburg Hotel, Jackson, Mississippi.
Boswell Stevens and Howard Langfitt
Boswell Stevens being interviewed by Howard Langfitt for the WLBT-TV (Jackson, Mississippi) television show, RFD Televisit.
Boswell Stevens and Senator John C. Stennis
Boswell Stevens standing next to Senator John C. Stennis with flags in background.
Boswell Stevens biographical article
Biographical article about Boswell Stevens by an unknown author.
Canton Fertilizer Plant
Canton Fertilizer Plant publicity photo: Seated: H. C. Carter, President, Mississippi Federated Cooperatives (MFC). Standing (left to right): Boswell Stevens, Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) President; Charlie McNeil, MFC General Manager, I.W. Young, MFC Director; Don Echols, MFBF; Earl Beall, MFC Organizational Director; John H. Williamson, Canton Fertilizer Plant manager.
Collins poultry processing plant costs
Document describing the building costs of a poultry processing plant in Collins, Mississippi. Probably describes the Collinswood plant.
Letters between M. M. Hubert and Wilma B. Sledge; 5/16/1950
Major Millard Hubert
Correspondence between M. M. Hubert, leader of the Negro Men's Work, and Mrs. Wilma B. Sledge, social and educational director of the State Farm Bureau, regarding corn production contests and African-American farmers. Included are lists of farmers by county with production records.
Boswell Stevens Federal Milk Order writing
Arthur Boswell Stevens
Writing for a hearing into milk legislation, supporting a Federal Milk Order to control milk production in Mississippi. Describes Boswell Stevens' Noxubee County background, the dairy business, the work of Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation,
Noxubee County Club, 1917
Photocollage of photographs of the individual members and sponsors of the 1917 Noxubee County Club at Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical College. Boswell Stevens was President of the Club in 1917. Appeared in the 1917 Reveille.
Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation building
Front entrance of Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation building, 221 N. President St., Jackson, Mississippi.
Letter, Ross R. Barnett to Boswell Stevens, September 5, 1950
Ross Robert Barnett
Letter from Ross R. Barnett to Boswell Stevens in regard to agricultural development in Mississippi, his future candidacy for governor of Mississippi, and including comments on the communist threat.