Theses and Dissertations

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Shmulsky, Rubin

Committee Member

Montague, Iris

Committee Member

Khademibami, Laya

Date of Degree


Document Type

Graduate Thesis - Open Access


Sustainable Bioproducts

Degree Name

Master of Science (M.S.)


College of Forest Resources


Department of Sustainable Bioproducts


In 2001 a Northern Climatic Test House (the House) was constructed to demonstrate appropriate and novel building techniques and materials for the upper Midwest region of the USA. The House is a 2,300-square-foot, two-story structure located on the grounds of the USDA Forest Service Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) in Madison, Wisconsin. It is considered a research structure and not part of the FPL’s building inventory. Following construction, the House was heated and cooled but not occupied. Regular (sometimes daily) tours were conducted from it’s opening until about 2008, when tours had diminished to less than one per week. Since eliminating regular tours, the house has been used occasionally for special events, intermittent tours, and storage. In May-July 2023 a visual and minimally invasive condition assessment was performed on the House. This report details the findings of this assessment. This report focuses on existing or potential problem areas.
