Theses and Dissertations

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Swanson, Elizabeth A.

Committee Member

Natalini, Claudio Correa

Committee Member

McLaughlin, Ron M., Jr.

Committee Member

Elder, Steven H.

Date of Degree


Original embargo terms

Visible to MSU only for 1 year

Document Type

Graduate Thesis - Open Access


Veterinary Science

Degree Name

Master of Science


College of Veterinary Medicine


Department of Clinical Sciences


A 2 cm ostectomy was performed on 10 pairs of canine cadaveric humeri proximal to the supratrochlear foramen. Stabilization was with a double plate construct (DB-PLATE) (n=10) or external skeletal fixator with intramedullary pin tie-in configuration (ESF-IMP) (n=10). Cyclic testing was performed. Axial compressive load to failure testing followed. Data analyzed included dynamic stiffness, stiffness and yield load. No constructs failed during cyclic testing or lost stiffness over time, although mean dynamic stiffness was greater for DB-PLATE compared to ESF-IMP. Mean stiffness of DB-PLATE in load-toailure testing was not significantly different than ESF-IMP. Yield force of DB-PLATE was significantly higher than ESF-IMP. These results suggest that both DB-PLATE and ESF-IMP would be appropriate fixation techniques for stabilization of comminuted supracondylar humeral fractures in dogs with appropriate exercise restriction. Double plate fixation may be preferable when prolonged healing or inadequate post-operative restraint was anticipated because it was stronger in destructive testing.

