Sheet Music Collection
The Templeton sheet music collection is part of a larger collection amassed by Charles Templeton, Sr. The collection contains over 22,000 pieces of sheet music representing all stages in the development of music reproduction. Digitization of the collection is part of an ongoing effort to provide broader access to titles. A large portion of these pieces are in the public domain (not copyrighted) and are available for download directly from the repository, some restricted titles are available upon request.
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Molly-O (I Love You).
Norman McNeil
Illustration of a woman carrying and umbrella and a bag. Illustration of a clover leaf.
Moments (or Jewels of Memory).
Robert Kuhn
Photograph of Wanda Hawley framed by drawing of pocket watch
Moments or Jewels of Memory
Charles Kuhn, Jeff T. Branen, and Robert Kuhn
Photograph of Wanda Hawley framed by drawing of pocket watch
Money Was Made For Coons To Spend
Harry Wellmon
Offensive illustration of an African American man in a suit and top hat waving money around while in the back seat of a car. A photograph of Arthur Deming in blackface is inset to the right of the illustration and a photograph of an African American man wearing a bowler hat in a tiny car is below it.
Mood Indigo
Duke Ellington, Irving Mills, and Albany Bigard
Photograph of Wayne King; Blue, white and yellow confetti
Moonbeams And Dreams Of You
S. Wallenstein
Photograph of Grace Louise Anderson; Illustration of moon reflecting on trees and water
Moon Country
Johnny Mercer and Hoagy Carmichael
Photograph of Ramona; Yellow moon on blue background
Moon Country
Johnny Mercer and Hoagy Carmichael
Photograph of Ramona; Yellow moon on blue background
Moon Country
Johnny Mercer and Hoagy Carmichael
Photograph of Ramona; Yellow moon on blue background
Moon Country
Johnny Mercer and Hoagy Carmichael
Photograph of Ramona; Yellow moon on blue background
Moon Face
Arthur Schwartz
Woman wearing red dress holding cigarette in right hand and blowing kiss with left hand
Will Hudson, Irving Mills, and Eddie De Lange
Illustrations of woman dancing around playing instruments and photograph of lady on left side
Moonlight and Roses
Charles Neil Daniels, Ben Black, and Edwin Henry Lemare
Photo of man in tux bordered by illustration of leaves and flowers
Moonlight Cocktail
Luckey Roberts
Picture of man holding a trumbone with cocktail glass in background
Moonlight On The Colorado
Robert A. King
Man looking at picture of woman by fire on banks of Colorado River in moonlight
Moonlight On The Colorado
Robert A. King
Man looking at picture of woman by fire on banks of Colorado River in moonlight
Moonlight On The Colorado
Robert A. King
Man looking at picture of woman by fire on banks of Colorado River in moonlight
Moonlight On The Colorado
Robert A. King
Man looking at picture of woman by fire on banks of Colorado River in moonlight
Moonlight On The Highway
Joseph A. Burke and Edgar Leslie
Illustration of a man driving a car in the moonlight towards a house on a hill. A photograph of "The Lombardos" is inset in the lower right corner.
Moonlight On The Hudson
Grenville Dean Wilson
Illustration of moon shining on river with people in boats and on land
Moonlight on the Melon-Patch
Mina Deane
Circular drawing depicting the moon shining on a watermelon patch, and adjacent to the circle are two figures eating watermelon.
Moonlight On The Nile
Julius Lenzberg
Egyptian man playing instrument while Egyptian woman dances under moonlight
Moonlight On The Rhine
Ted Snyder
Photograph of Eva Fallon holding basket of roses; purple title and border
Moonlight Saving Time
Irving Kahal and Harry Richman
Photograph of Harry Richman; Illustration of man and woman sitting on moon with stars in background
Moon On My Pillow
Elliott Tobias, Henry Tobias, and Charles Tobias
Cloudy sky with moon behind clouds
Moon Over Miami
Joseph A. Burke
Three men playing instruments with moon reflecting off water in background
Moon Winks
George Stevens
Illustration of a man in the moon winking and reflecting on the water and trees
Mootching Along
Lewis F. Muir
Photograph of man and woman dancing; Green, swirled design in background
More than Tongue Can Tell
Robert Hoffman
Illustration of red flowers in each corner and title in center
Morning Will Come
Al Jolson, Buddy Gard De Sylva, and Con Conrad
Red and orange cover with photograph of man smiling