Sheet Music Collection
The Templeton sheet music collection is part of a larger collection amassed by Charles Templeton, Sr. The collection contains over 22,000 pieces of sheet music representing all stages in the development of music reproduction. Digitization of the collection is part of an ongoing effort to provide broader access to titles. A large portion of these pieces are in the public domain (not copyrighted) and are available for download directly from the repository, some restricted titles are available upon request.
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My Coal Black Lady
W. T. Jefferson
Illustration of a woman surrounded by flowers, leaves, and different designs
My Cousin Louella
Jack Manus and Bernard Bierman
Three men looking at woman while she thinks; Photograph of man in top left corner
My Creole Saidee
Edward Wright
scene of a man sitting on a log playing a banjo and singing in the woods; circular photo inset of Flo Adler / Young.
My Croony Melody
Edward Ray Goetz, and Joe Goodwin
Photograph of the Mascrop Sisters; Illustration of some flowers
My Cutey's Due at Two-To-Two To-Day
Leo Robin and Albert von Tilzer
Man at train station waiting on woman with flowers and candy
My Darling
Guy Lombardo, Arthur Sizemore, and Bernie Grossman
Couple sitting by window holding hands
My Days Have Been So Wondrous Free
Francis Hopkinson
Image of Declaration of Independence in background; Image of songs by Hopkins, Francis
My Day Will Come
Monte Carlo and Alma M. Sanders
Woman sitting in circle with man and woman kissing; Photograph of Ray Miller and His Orchestra
My Diabolo Beau
Kenneth S. Clark
Photograph of Stella Tracey surrounded by illustration of man, woman, young boy, and young girl
My Down East Rose
Everett Elmore
Photograph of Elmore Everett surrounded by image of foliage; Image of flowers above title
My Dream
Horace E. Hustler and George Burnham McConnell
Image of woman holding bouquet of flowers; Image of church in lower left hand corner
My Dream Of The Big Parade
Jimmy McHugh
Soldiers, nurses, and civilians marching for parade; Steam ship in water on left upper corner; Ground and air combat in upper right corner
My Dream Of The USA
Charles H. Roth, Leonard Chick, and Ted Snyder
Photograph of men on ships; Illustration of an eagle with its wings spread
My Dream of the U.S.A.
Leonard Chick
Illustration of Revolutionary soldiers in a crowded boat. The image of an eagle with spread wings drapes the top of the illustration's frame.
My Dream Of Tomorrow
Irving Taylor and Vic Mizzy
Man and woman walking through clouds; Image of clock, bells, and stars
My Dreams Are Getting Better All The Time
Vic Mizzy
Photograph of Marion Hutton; Background of musical notes and measure
My Dreams Ne'er Come True
C. A. Brett
Man smoking pipe in chair while reading; Image of castle, money, and automobile created by pipe smoke
My Dreamy China Lady
Egbert van Alstyne
Illustration of man in traditional dress playing traditional Chinese instrument as woman looks on from window
My Farewell Don't Mean Good-bye
Herbert Walters
A sailor on a boat saying goodbye to a woman on a dock
My Flower Of Italy
J. H. Whelpley
A photo of two men in the lower left and a photo of a young woman on the right center.
My Gal Don't Love Me Anymore
Cliff Friend
Photograph of Fred Waring; Man crying while woman walks away
My Gal Sal
Paul Dresser
Illustration of woman singing with musical notes in background; Photograph of Jerry Murad's Harmonicats
My Garden Of Memories
Scotty Latham and John Conram
Woman sitting in chair by fire place with lamp and clock
My Girl Has Gone
William Robinson, Marvin Tarplin, Warren Moore, and Ronald White
Photograph of The Miracles
My Girl Is A Regular Feller
Danny O'Neil and Jimmie Foley
Photograph of Dannie O'Neil and Jimmie Foley in front of illustration of flowers
My Hawaiian Sunshine
Carey Morgan and Louis Wolfe Gilbert
Illustration of a woman looking out at the ocean; Photograph of Harry Jolson
My Heart's Desiah is Miss Mariah
John Rosamond Johnson
there is a picture of Lew. Dockstader in black face in the bottom left corner; there are pansies on the on the page; ''Lew. Dockstader's Prize Winner as sung with Primrose & Dockstader's Minstrels'' is printed on the top of the page.
My Heart's To-Night In Texas
Max S. Witt
Red tinted photograph of Lottie Colson inset against an illustration of green vines.
My Heart Tells Me
Harry Warren
Photographs of Betty Grable, Robert Young, and Adolphe Menjou; Title surrounded by an artistic border