Sheet Music Collection
The Templeton sheet music collection is part of a larger collection amassed by Charles Templeton, Sr. The collection contains over 22,000 pieces of sheet music representing all stages in the development of music reproduction. Digitization of the collection is part of an ongoing effort to provide broader access to titles. A large portion of these pieces are in the public domain (not copyrighted) and are available for download directly from the repository, some restricted titles are available upon request.
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Theodore F. Morse
Photograph of Edward Miller and Helene Vincent; Illustration of abstract floral border and a depiction of 'mother'
Mother, Here's Your Boy
Sidney D. Mitchell
Illustration of Uncle Sam delivering a young soldier to his mother.
Mother, My Dear
Bryceson Treharne
Tan cover with circle photograph of woman standing in flower patch
Mother Pin a Rose on Me
Dave Lewis, Paul Schindler, and Bob Adams
Rectangle photograph of three woman
Mother's Little Soldier Boy
Beatrice A. Bowlby
Illustration of a little boy dressed as a soldier as his mother looks at him
Mother's Prayer
Wallace L. Fowler
Illustration of house and tree in front of hills with photograph of man playing guitar
Motor Corps Of America
William F. Barmbold
Photograph of several women in military uniforms gathered around a Motor Corps of America vehicle.
Motorcycle Michael With Me
James G. Ellis
Illustration of a man and woman riding on a motorized bicycle. Another couple on a bike is depicted in the distance behind them.
Motor Maid
Leon De Lora
Illustration of woman riding through countryside on bicycle holding handkerchief in air
Motor Transit Stages
R. Willard Bronson
Small illustration of a motor transit vehicle with people visible in the windows.
Moving Day
Harry von Tilzer
A man and woman are sitting outside an apartment building in the snow; the man is sitting on a trunk; trademark photo of Harry Von Tilzer; photo inset of Pauline Wells and her Plantation Quartelles / Jenkins.
Moving Day In Jungle Town
Nat D. Ayer
Illustration of three people playing instrument above palm branches and man shooting at lion
Movin' Man Don't Take My Baby Grand
Ted Snyder
Photograph of Jack Manion; Illustration of a rose and different shapes
Mr. Johnson Shut Dat Door
Raymond Hubbell
there is a photo of Dan Allman on the right side of the page; there is a drawing of a woman throwing an iron at a man's head; the man is trying to walk out of the door.
Mr. Radio Man
Cliff Friend
Illustration of kid listening to old radio with photograph of man on left
Mr. Ragtime Whippoorwill
Lou Sievers
Illustration of couple with woman gesturing toward house in distance and photo of woman
Mr. Sousa's Yankee Band
Joe Farrell and Gene Greene
Illustration of a band; Photograph of Gene Greene
Muddy Water
Harry Richman and Peter de Rose
Illustration of a swamp with the moon shining in the background
Mud In His Ears
Joseph C. Banahan and Mac Weaver
Illustration of a man's head hovering over a jeep style vehicle.
Munyon's Liberty Song
Prof. James M. Munyon
Circular photographs of six men along the outer edges of the page and a larger square photograph of a man holding an unfurled scroll is in the center.
Peter V. Keveson, Al Hoffman, and Ralph Freed
Illustration of woman looking toward the viewer
Music, Maestro, Please!
Allie Wrubel
Pink and purple cover with photographs of people in bottom left corner
Mutt And Jeff
George H. Diamond
Photograph of Sam D. Drane and Gus Alexander, the original actors that portrayed Mutt and Jeff
Mutt & Jeff
Walter Wilson; Ernie Burnett; Leo Friedman; Theodore F. Morse, 1873-1924; Alan McDougall; Julius K. Johnson; and Edward Hutchinson
Mutt & Jeff At the Races
Dave Wolff; Gus Chandler; Joseph Sullivan; Alan McDougall; Julius K. Johnson,; Percy Ballentyne; Frank Fischbach; Ernie Burnett, 1884-1959; and Will Rossiter, 1867-1954
Cartoon style illustration of two men with mustaches. One is wearing a top hat while the other is wearing a fedora.
Mutt & Jeff Divorced
Clarence M. Jones; Irene Cooke; Leo Friedman; E. Clinton Keithley, 1880-1955;; and Burnett Wilkie
Cartoon style illustration of two men with mustaches. One is wearing a top hat while the other is wearing a fedora.
Mutt & Jeff Rag
P. L. Eubank
Illustration of black and white geometric shapes in circle with white background
My Adobe Hacienda
Louise Massey and Lee Penny
Illustration of stone building; Photograph of man on bottom left
My Baby Said Yes
Teddy Walters and Sid Robin
Illustration of excited man yelling with woman in background saying yes
My Baby's Comin' Home
William G. Leavitt, Sherm Feller, and John C. Grady
Photograph of man and woman with guitar in front of them
My Barney Lies Over the Ocean (The Way He Lied to Me)
Bert Grant
Illustration of a man and woman walking together.
My best to you
Isham Jones
Blue and white cover with white music notes; Photograph of man smiling in bottom left corner
My Bird of Paradise
Max Hoffmann
Photograph of Gertrude Hoffmann with illustration of peacock and moon in background
My Blackbirds Are Bluebirds Now
Cliff Friend
Illustration of blue and black birds; Photograph of man in bottom right corner