This sub-collection of the Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana consists of approximately 900 pamphlets.
Speech of Hon. James M. Mason, of Virginia, on non-intervention: delivered in the Senate of the United States, April 6, 1852.
James Murray Mason
This pamphlet is a speech given by Hon. James M. Mason, of Virginia, on non-intervention: delivered in the Senate of the United States, April 6, 1852.
Argument of John N. Purviance, Esq., in the Case of the Commonwealth vs. Bank of Pennsylvania.
John N. Purviance
Before the Judiciary Committee of the Senate, on the 6th and 7th February, 1852""--Page [3].
An Address Delivered Before the New York Historical Society, February 23, 1852
Daniel Webster
An address on the importantce of history delivered before the New York Historical Society, February 23, 1852.
Writings of Levi Woodbury, LL. D.: Political, judicial and literary
Levi Woodbury
Includes indexes.; Edited by Nahum Capen.
Remarks of Mr. Douglas, of Illinois : Upon the Resolution Declaring the Compromise Measures to be a Definitive Adjustment of All Questions Growing out of Domestic Slavery, Delivered in the Senate of the United States, December 23, 1851.
Stephen Arnold Douglas
Personal remarks of Mr. Douglas, of Illinois delivered in the Senate of the United States, upon the resolution declaring the compromise measures to be a definitive adjustment of all questions growing out of domestic slavery, December 23, 1851.
Annual catalogue of the instructors and pupils in the Young Ladies' Institute, Springfield, Illinois. July, 1851
Young Ladies' Institute, Springfield, Ill.
This pamphlet is a detailed description of the broad curriculum and philosophy of the school, which also featured a ""Little Boys Department,"" for the young brothers of female students. Meritocracy is stressed: ""The rich and poor may here meet and tread the paths of literature and science together .. The doors of the institute will never be closed against a deserving young lady who pants for knowledge, but has not the pecuniary means at present to gratify her thirst for learning."" The Rev. T. C. Teasdale, pastor of the Springfield Baptist Church, was principal of the school. The ten members of the school's Board of Examiners are listed, including ""Hon. A. Lincoln."" This is a sole edition of a rare Illinois imprint with pink printed wrappers, stitched . Pp. 16. One name neatly excised from text.
Memorial of the President, Directors, and Company of the Bank of Pennsylvania.
To the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met : the memorial of the president, directors, and company of the Bank of Pennsylvania, most respectfully represents : Your Memorialists were informed last winter, that a communication had been made by the Hon. John M. Bickel, Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to the Senate of the State, expressing the opinion that the Bank of Pennsylvania is subject to the tax on dividends provided for by the Act of 6th April 1835, which were declared during the year 1848; and that the dividends declared by said Bank during the years 1849 and 1850, are subject to the tax prescribed by the 7th Section of the Act of 15th March, 1849....""
Obituary addresses delivered on the occasion of the death of the Hon. John C. Calhoun: a senator of South Carolina, in the Senate of the United States, April 1, 1850, with the funeral sermon of the Rev. C.M. Butler, D.D., chaplain of the Senate, preached in the Senate, April 2, 1850.
Caption title: Obituary addresses; Printed by order of the Senate of the United States; Burke Library copy: No. 2 in a bound volume of titles.$5NNC
President's message--slavery--California : speech of Hon. W.V.N. Bay, of Missouri, in the House of Representatives, February 20, 1850, in committee of the whole on the state of the Union, on the resolution referring the President's message to the various standing committees.
William Van Ness Bay
Caption title.
Speech of Mr. Calhoun, of South Carolina, on the slavery question : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 4, 1850.
John Caldwell Calhoun
Caption title.
Preservation of the Union
Rufus Choate
Reprinted from: [Proceedings of the constitutional meeting at Faneuil Hall, Boston, November 26, 1850?].
Reply to the Argument of the Hon. John N. Purviance, Before the Committee of the Senate, on the Subject of the Bank of Pennsylvania
Garrick Mallery
A reply on behalf of the Bank of Pennsylvania.
Speech of Hon. Daniel Webster, on Mr. Clay's resolutions: in the Senate of the United States, March 7, 1850 ...
Daniel Webster
This pamphlet includes the speech of Hon. Daniel Webster, on Mr. Clay's resolutions in the Senate of the United States, March 7, 1850.
Speech of Mr. Webster on Mr. Clay's resolutions: delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 7, 1850.
Daniel Webster
Caption title.
Buoying Vessels over Shoals.: Specification Forming Part of Letters Patent no. 6,469, dated May 22, 1849: Application filed March 10, 1849..
Abraham Lincoln
At head of title: United States Patent Office. Abraham Lincoln, of Springfield, Illinois. At head of illustrations: A. Lincoln. Manner of buoying vessels. No. 6,469. Patented May 22, 1849. Copies printed on demand from the time of initial publication.
Statement of Facts in Regard to the Taking of the Loan of Four Million Dollars by the Bank of Pennsylvania in March 1830 Connected with the Re-charter of Said Bank.
Garrick Mallery
Argument on behalf of the Bank of Pennsylvania.
Consuls, Vice Consuls, &: Message from the President of the United States, Transmitting, in Compliance with a Resolution of the House of the 20th of February, 1849, a List of Consuls, Vice Consuls, &c.
United States. Congress. House.
Thirtieth Congress--Second Session, Executive Document number 60, House of Representatives.
Speech of Mr. Dixon, of Connecticut, on the reference of the President's message
James Dixon
A pamphlet that outlines the speech of Mr. Dixon as he spoke in the House of Representatives of the United States. The cover or first page of the pamphlet depicts the title and indicates that the speech was "Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, January 24, 1848." in smaller text. The publisher, printer, and publishing date is printed at the bottom of the first page or cover. At beginning of text (p. 3): "The President responsible for the Mexican War and its consequences."
Speech of Mr. Dixon, of Connecticut, on the reference of the President's message
James Dixon
A pamphlet that outlines the speech of Mr. Dixon as he spoke in the House of Representatives of the United States. The cover or first page of the pamphlet depicts the title and indicates that the speech was "Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, January 24, 1848." in smaller text. The publisher, printer, and publishing date is printed at the bottom of the first page or cover. At beginning of text (p. 3): "The President responsible for the Mexican War and its consequences."
William Fuller and Orlando Saltmarsh : January 19, 1848 / Mr. Lincoln ... made the following report.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Post Office and Post Roads.
Caption title. At head of title: ""Thirtieth Congress - First session. Report. No. 102. House of Representatives."" ""January 19, 1848"" -- title
Statement Showing 1st. Appropriations Made During the First Session of the 30th Congress : 2d. The officers Created, and the Salaries Thereof, 3d. The Offices, the Salaries of Which have been Increased, with the Amount of Such Increase, during the Same Period : September 16, 1848 / Prepared by the Secretary of the Senate, in Pursuance of the 6th Section of the Act of July 4, 1836, to Authorize the Appointment of Additional Paymasters, and for Other Purposes.
United States. Congress. Senate.
Thirtieth Congress--First Session, Miscellaneous, number 155, Senate, September 16, 1848.
Petition of the Pilots of Charleston, S.C. : that the Power to Regulate Pilotage may Remain with the State Legislatures.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce.
Thirtieth Congress, first session, miscellaneous number 25, January 10, 1848. Call for the repeal of the act of 1837 by which the power was taken from the legislature of the State of New York to regulate the pilotage within the limits of said State.
Resolutions of the Legislature of New Hampshire, in Favor of the Removal of the Terms of the United States Circuit and District Courts from Exeter to Concord: December 20, 1847
New Hampshire. General Court.
Read, and ordered to be printed, December 13, 1847."" Signed: Thomas P. Treadwell, secretary of state.
Resolutions of the Legislature of New Hampshire, in Relation to the Franking Privilege, and the Postage on Newspapers : December 20, 1847
New Hampshire. General Court.
Read, and ordered to be printed, December 20, 1847."" Signed: Thomas P. Treadwell, secretary of state.
Speech of Hon. S.A. Douglass on Illinois [sic]: on the Mexican War, delivered in the House of Representatives, May 13, 1846.
Stephen Aronld Douglas
Caption title.
A Legal Argument Before the Supreme Court of the State of New Jersey : at the May term, 1845, at Trenton, for the Deliverance of Four Thousand Persons from Bondage
Alvan Stewart
Argues for the freedom for enslaved persons in New Jersey.
An Address Delivered by Abraham Lincoln : Before the Springfield Washington Temperance Society at the Second Presbyterian Church, Springfield Illinois, on the 22d day of February, 1842.
Abraham Lincoln
Reprint of the original address.
Speech of Gen. J.J. Hardin, of Morgan, on the Bill to Re-organize the Judiciary, Delivered in the House of Representatives, on the 27th day of January, 1841.
John J. Hardin
In opposition to a plan proposed by Democrats to reorganize the state Supreme Court, uniting the duties of circuit court and Supreme Court judges by increasing the latter's number. John Hardin (1810-1847) and Abraham Lincoln had a complicated relationship as personal friends and political allies. In a famous episode, Hardin helped to avert a broad-sword duel to whcih Lincoln had been challenged and was prepared to enact. lincoln helped Hardin get elected to the U.S. Congress, but later succesfully challenged him for the office. Historians speculate that the immensely popular Hardin's death at Buena Vista paved the way to the presidency for Lincoln.
Report on the Condition of the Property of the State: Connected with the System of Internal Improvements, with the Amount Paid for Right of Way, and the Names of the Persons to Whom Paid, Made by the Treasurer of Illinois, in Pursuance of a Resolution of the House of Representatives.
Illinois. State Treasurer's Office.
At head of title: Illinois Legis. H.R. 12th Assem. 2d Session. At head of title: January 7, 1841. Read, laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.
Reports from the Joint Select Committee to Enquire into the condition of the State Bank of Illinois, together with the accompanying documents, made to both houses of the General Assembly.
Report No. 1. on the condition of the State Bank / B. Monroe, Jno. D. Woods, Orlando B. Ficklin, A. Lincoln -- Report no. II. on the condition of the State Bank / Jas. H. Woodworth, W.W. Happy, John Moore -- Report no. III. on the condition of the State Bank / Richard Murphy -- Documents accompanying the report on the condition of the State Bank -- Statement in answer to interrogatory twelfth -- Statement in answer to interrogatory fifteenth / N.H. Ridgely, Daniel Wann, Thomas Mather -- Document No. III / E.W. Turner, Davis Divine, Jas. H. Woodworth, T. Campbell -- Journal of the proceedings of the Joint Select Committee appointed under the Joint Resolution of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, to investigate the condition of the State Bank and Branches / Orlando B. Ficklin, Thomas Mather, John D. Wood, et al.
Report from the Commissioners of Public Works, in Reply to Resolutions of the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Illinois, Transmitting Abstracts of Disbursements in Each Circuit.
Illinois. Board of Public Works.
State legislature has, in accusatory manner, asked if the Board has made kickbacks to members of the legislature. The President of the Board submits a list of all expenses since April, 1837, & lets them figure it out. Information on roads, canals, & railroads in the frenzied days of state participation in internal improvements.
City and Bank of Cairo.
Illinois. General Assembly (11th, : 1838-1840 (House of Representatives)
At head of title: Illinois Legis. H.R. 11th Assem. Report of the select committee on the city and bank of Cairo.--Cairo bank.--Bank of Illinois -- increase of capital.--Divorces.--Report of the fund commissioners, relative to the condition of the bank of Illinois ...
Documents in Relation to Internal Improvements in the State of Illinois: January 12, 1838, Submitted by Mr. Young, and Ordered to be Printed, and that 300 Additional Copies be Furnished for the Use of the Senate.
Senate documents of the 25th Congress, second session, discussing plans to maintain internal improvements in the state of Illinois, January 12, 1938.
Speech delivered by Daniel Webster at Niblo's saloon, in New York, on the 15th March, 1837.
Daniel Webster
Cover title; The proceedings and correspondence which preceded the delivery of the speech: p. [1]-4; Forms part of: Daniel Webster Speeches [Collection].$5MoU
Speech of Henry Clay, in defence of the American system against the British colonial system ; with an appendix of documents referred to in the speech ; delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 2d, 3d, and 6th, 1832.
Henry Clay
Speech of Henry Clay, in defence of the American system against the British colonial system ; with an appendix of documents referred to in the speech ; delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 2d, 3d, and 6th, 1832.
Journal of the Free Trade Convention, held in Philadelphia from Sept. 30 to Oct. 7, 1831: and their address to the people of the United States, to which is added a sketch of the debates in the convention.
Free Trade Convention
Includes a list of delegates and minutes from the Free Trade Convention, 1831.