This sub-collection of the Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana consists of approximately 900 pamphlets.
Abraham Lincoln.
Includes brief information on William H. Seward (page 46); Includes information on historic characters and famous events.
Historic views of America's greatest battlefield, Gettysburg.
Cover title: The Story of Gettysburg in pictures. Lincoln delivering the Gettysburg address, Nov. 19th, 1863 (p. 8) -- The Wills House, where Lincoln wrote his Gettysburg address, Gettysburg, Pa (p. 44)
Valuable Campaign Document.: a Masterly Review. The Doctrines of the Fathers--Opposing Principles of Lincoln and the Patriots of Early History--the Record of the Republican Party.
The Doctrines of the Fathers--Opposing Principles of Lincoln and the Patriots of Early History--the Record of the Republican Party.
The Assassination of President Lincoln : What was the Religious Faith of those Engaged in the Conspiracy that Resulted in the Assassination of President Lincoln at Washington, D.C., on Friday evening, April 14, 1865? :
John B. Helwig
The sworn testimony of witnesses taken from the official report of the trial of John H. Surratt, published by the government, at Washington, D.C., 1856 : a lecture on Romanism
The Event on Which the Great Civil War Hinged; an Unwritten Chapter relating to Abraham Lincoln and Jesus Christ.
A. P. Hutchison
Cover title; ""A brochure designed to prove that the turning point of the war was not caused by the death of Stonewall Jackson or the Emancipation proclamation but by the March 2, 1863, appeal to Almighty God for succor""--M. Contains text of Lincoln's proclamation appointing a National Fast Day, issued March 30, 1863 (p. 24-26)--Cf. Basler. Collected works of Abraham Lincoln, v. 6, p. 155-157.
Abraham Lincoln: Memorial meeting, February 13, 1907
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States
Issues for 1907-1909 compiled by J.P. Nicholson.
Abraham Lincoln: memorial meeting, February ...
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States.
Issues for 1907-1909 compiled by J.P. Nicholson.
The Humaneness of Lincoln
Stella J. Preston
Caption title; At head of title: No. 189; Includes Gettysburg address and ""Suggested questions for the teacher.""
Booth and Bob Lincoln: Were J. Wilkes Booth and Robert Lincoln rivals in their Love-Making : a Virginian's Story of Booth's Insane Jealousy of Young Lincoln.
Cover title; Reprinted from the Inter ocean, June 18, 1878 ... added text ... James L. Barbour--Page 2 of cover.
Lincoln's boyhood home : Knob Creek, Kentucky
This pamphlet contains descriptions of "Lincoln's Boyhood Home", which is the title. It contains descriptions of "The Knob Creek Farm", "The Cabin", and a passage titled "About the Lincoln Family". The title is printed, left-aligned at the top of the cover. An illustrated portrait of Lincoln reading by a fire is centered on the cover, and a short description reading "(Lincoln's Home Site - 1811-1816)" is printed below the portrait. The location of the cabin is printed along the bottom of the cover.
Barret v. Alton and Sangamon Railroad Company: Illinois Supreme Court, December term, 1851.
Cover title; Project sponsored by Illinois Historic Preservation Agency.
Speeches of Messrs. Hayne and Webster in the United States Senate on the resolution of Mr. Foot, January, 1830.
Robert Young Hayne
This pamphlet contains speeches of Messrs. Hayne and Webster in the United States Senate on the resolution of Mr. Foot, January, 1830.
1835 Tax List Sangamon County, Illinois /by Marilyn Wright Thomas and Hazelmae Taylor Temple.
Marilyn Wright Thomas
Includes index. The tax list includes entries also for Menard County and parts of Logan, Christian, Macon and Mason counties which were then in Sangamon County.
Early influences on Lincoln (1809-1829).
E. T. Sechler
This pamphlet discusses Lincoln's early childhood homes, Kentucky and Indiana.
The Witness and the Collector: a Visit with Osborn Oldroyd & Louis J. Weichmann in the House where Lincoln Died on June 18, 1901
Richard E. Sloan
copy of a typescript of a play in the form of a dialog.
Abraham Lincoln's Hartford speech of 5 March 1860.
Abraham Lincoln
Reprinted from: University of Kentucky Library. Bulletin 25, October, 1964.
The True Conditions of American Loyalty : a Speech Delivered by George Ticknor Curtis, Before the Democratic Union Association, March 28th, 1863.
George Ticknor Curtis
Caption title: Speech of George Ticknor Curtis; Stern 2590 [22]; not in Monaghan.
Haycraft's History of Elizabethtown, Kentucky :a Supplement to the First and Second Editions
Robert Gerald McMurtry
Cover title. Comments on the book with a section devoted to the Lincoln-Haycraft correspondence of 1860--Page [2].
Fanny McCullough
Grace Cheney Wight
Abraham Lincoln writes to Miss Fanny McCullough; Portrait and facsimile on p. [1] of cover.
Free Homesteads for All Americans; the Homestead Act of 1863.
Paul Wallace Gates
From the opening quote, "To throw open all the lands of the republic free of charge, and bid each citizen to help himself to a quarter section, will open a new era in the history of Labor."
McClellan Through Lincoln's Eyes During 1862
Richard D. Green
Lincoln Group of Boston October 20, 1962 -- cover
Abe Lincoln Nominated"": May 18, 1860.
May 1960."" ""Quotations ... extracted from various accounts of the Second Republican Convention, May 18, 1860, the day Abraham Lincoln was nominated.""
Program : 1960 Northeast Ohio ""Dinner with Ike"".
Dinner with Ike, January 27, 1960 -- title page. The print of Abraham Lincoln on page 1 was painted in the early summer of 1953 by President Eisenhower from a balck and white photograph by Alexander Gardner taken November 15, 1863. the duotone print of President Eisenhower is from a recent painting by Thomas E. Stephens.
A Memento from One Hundred Years Ago.
Republican Party Illinois. Sangamon County. Central Committee
300 copies reproduced for those attending the Illinois Republican Delegation breakfast, July 24, 1960, at the La Salle Hotel, Chicago. Facsimile of an original 1860 Republican election ticket, for use in Sangamon County, Ill., inserted on p. [3].
A. Lincoln Memorial Recording in Words of the Supreme Court of Indiana, June 20, 1865.
This memorial program has been tape-recorded by Westinghouse Radio Station WOWO, Fort Wayne, for the Indiana Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission--back cover. Includes a quotation from Walt Whitman.
Abraham Lincoln's Speech at Peoria, Illinois :Oct. 16, 1854 in reply to Senator Douglas. Seven numbers of the Illinois daily journal, Springfield, Oct. 21, 23-28, 1854.
Abraham Lincoln
Cover title: Abraham Lincoln delivering his famous speech in Peoria, Illinois on the night of October 16, 1854.
Souvenir of Lincoln National Park, Hodgenville, Kentucky
Louis Austin Warren
This phamphlet provides descriptions and historical sketches of Lincoln National Park.
Tallman Homestead, Janesville, Wisconsin.
Rock County Historical Society.
this pamphlet provides the history of the Tallman family and the Tallman Homestead where Abraham Lincoln was a guest and after having once served as a station in th e"underground railroad" activities of pre-Civil War days was opened to the public on June 23, 1951.
Lincoln Pilgrimage and Celebration: Celebration of Lincoln's Birthday at Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, Tennessee, February 10-12, 1917
Robert Lee Kincaid
Reprinted from the Lincoln Herald, October, 1950, vol. 52, no. 3; Cover and caption title. "1000 copies." "The story of his celebration ... re-told."--Page 1. The celebration was also the 20th anniversary of the chartering of the university. Includes a cartoon by E.E. Burtt, of the Knoxville (Tenn.) Journal & Tribune, depicting Lincoln's spirit hovering over the university (p. 10); also includes "Extracts of some of the more important tributes" (p. 12-15).
A Letter from Gold Hill, Nevada, April 23, 1865: Presented to F. Ray Risdon by Glen Dawson, February 12, 1950
Almarin Brooks Paul
Contains a description of memorial services for Abraham Lincoln in Nevada.
Address of Beverley Tucker, esq., to the people of the United States, 1865,
Nathaniel Beverley Tucker
Appendix relating to President Johnson's proclamation of 2nd May, 1865: p. 22-32. Cover title: Address to the people of the United States.; Missing pages 13-14
Chelsea Hospital: May 30, 1848.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Commerce.
At head of title: To accompany bill H. R. no. 516. ""Mr. Grinnell, from the Committee on Commerce, made the following report: the Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the memorial of the town of Chelsea, in the State of Massachusetts, asking that the marine hospital of the United States, situate in the village of Chelsea, may be removed, and the land connected therewith sold, report:...""
Clerks in the New York Custom-House: April 26, 1848.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Commerce.
At head of title: To accompany bill H. R. no. 416. ""Mr. Gregory, from the Committee on Commerce, made the following report: the Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the petition of certain clerks in the custom-house, New York, report...""
Philip J. Fontane: April 26, 1848.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Commerce.
At head of title: To accompany bill H. R. no. 484. ""Mr. Grinnell, from the Committee on Commerce, made the following report: the Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the memorial of Philip J. Fontane, report:...""
Philip J. Fontane : May 16, 1848.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Commerce.
Caption title. At head of title: To accompany bill H. R. no. 484. ""Mr. Grinnell, from the Committee on Commerce, made the following report: the Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the memorial of Philip J. Fontane, report:...""
Thomas H. Leggett: April 26, 1848.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Commerce.
At head of title: To accompany bill H. R. no. 415. ""Mr. Gregory, from the Committee on Commerce, made the following report: the Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the memorials of Thomas H. Leggett, report:...""
Benjamin Cressey: April 26, 1848.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Naval Affairs.
At head of title: To accompany bill H. R. no. 440. ""Mr. Tuck, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, made the following report: the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the petition of Benjamin Cressey, of Buxton, in the State of Maine, praying for relief, report:...""
Lot Davis: April 26, 1848.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Naval Affairs.
At head of title: To accompany bill H. R. no. 439. ""Mr. Tuck, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, made the following report: the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was committed the memorial of Lot Davis, report:...""
Naval Pensions : April 26, 1848.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Naval Affairs.
At head of title: To accompany bill H. R. no. 442. ""Mr. Tuck, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, made the following report: the Committee on Naval Affairs, who have had under consideration the accompanying communication of the Secretary of the Navy, in regard to naval pensions, have considered the same and report the accompanying bill...""
Peter Parker and J. L. Martin: April 26, 1848.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Naval Affairs.
At head of title: To accompany bill H. R. no. 444. ""Mr. McClellan, from the Committee on Foreign Affairs, made the following report: the Committee on Foreign Affairs, to whom was referred the petitions of Peter Parker and Jacob L. Martin, esquires, respectfully report:...""
Bowie Claims: May 16, 1848.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Public Lands.
At head of title: To accompany bill H. R. No. 487. ""Mr. Garnett Duncan, from the Committee on Public Lands, made the following report: The Committee on Public Lands, having considered a resolution to them submitted on the 31st day of January, 1848, report:...""
Deaf and Dumb: April 18, 1848.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Public Lands.
At head of title: To accompany bill H. R. No. 80. ""Mr. Putnam, from the Committee on Public Lands, made the following report: The Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the bill to promote the education of the indigent deaf and dumb, have had the same under consideration, and ask leave to report:...""
Deaf and Dumb: April 18, 1848.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Public Lands.
At head of title: To accompany bill H. R. No. 80. ""Mr. Putnam, from the Committee on Public Lands, made the following report: The Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred the bill to promote the education of the indigent deaf and dumb, have had the same under consideration, and ask leave to report:...""
S. Gillett, and Others. Islands in the Detroit Straits: April 18, 1848.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Public Lands.
At head of title: To accompany bills H. R. nos. 140 and 408. ""Mr. Garnett Duncan, from the Committee on Public Lands, made the following report: The Committee on Public Lands have considered the bill for the relief of Shadrach Gillett and others, and report...""
H. M. Salomon: April 26, 1848.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Revolutionary Claims.
At head of title: To accompany bill H. R. no. 425. ""Mr. Tallmadge, from the Committee on Revolutionary Claims, made the following report: the Committee on Revolutionary Claims, to whom was referred the memorial of Haym M. Salomon, legal representative of Haym Salomon, deceased, report:...""
Thomas Jett, Deceased - Representatives of: April 26, 1848.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Revolutionary Claims.
At head of title: To accompany bill H. R. no. 424. ""Mr. Butler, from the Committee on Revolutionary Claims, made the following report: the Committee on Revolutionary Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Charles C. Jett, of Westmoreland county, Virginia, report:...""
Elizabeth Williamson: April 26, 1848.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Revolutionary Pensions.
Thirtieth Congress, first session, report number 517 to accompany bill H. R. No. 445, House of Representatives. The report addresses the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions, to whom was referred the memorial of Elizabeth Wiliamson, praying for a pension, report.
Polly Aldrich: April 26, 1848.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Revolutionary Pensions.
At head of title: To accompany bill H. R. no. 447. ""Mr. Donnell, from the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions, made the following report: the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Polly Aldrich, widow of Clark Aldrich, deceased, report:...""
Sarah White: April 26, 1848.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Revolutionary Pensions.
At head of title: To accompany bill H. R. no. 446. ""Mr. Sidney Lawrence, from the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions, made the following report: the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Sarah White, of Belmont county, Ohio, praying for a pension, as the widow of thomas White, a captain in the Virginia line during the revolutionary war, made the following report:...""
King Linkum the First :a Musical Burletta, as Performed at the Concert Hall, Augusta, Georgia, February 23, 1863 /ed. by Richard Barksdale Harwell.
John Hill Hewitt
Without music. The manuscript from which King Linkum the First is here printed appears as the second play in Hewitt's call-book for his three plays The Marquis in petticoats, King Linkum the First, and The veteran. A satirical musical drama about Lincoln, in verse. Without the music.
Behind the Seams /by a [redacted] woman who took in work from Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Davis.
Betsey Kickley
Reprint. Originally published: New York : National News Co., 1868. Prefatory note signed: A. Lincoln Fann, April 1, 1945. Edition limited to 200 numbered copies. A parody on Behind the scenes by Elizabeth Keckley.
Abraham Lincoln's letter to Major General Joseph Hooker, dated January 26, 1863 :a facsimile reproduction of the letter
Abraham Lincoln
Five hundred of these facsimiles have been reproduced. with explanatory text by Paul M. Angle.
Who wrote Lincoln's letter to Mrs. Bixby?
Sherman Day Wakefield
This pamphlet discusses the question of "Who Wrote Lincoln's Letter to Mrs. Bixby?", which is the title of the article. Across two pages, there are three columns of text, two portraits, and a small portion of a letter written by John Hay about Lincoln and his habits when writing and reading letters. There are captions below the portraits and the snippet of the letter explaining their relevance. "Reprint from the February, 1941, issue of Hobbies." Attributes letter to John Hay.
Lincoln's Thanksgiving Hymn.
Stewart Winning McClelland
From Harper's Weekly, A Journal of Civilization, Volume 7, no. 362, December 5, 1863. "President's Hymn" with images of angels is on the cover. Includes a portrait of Abraham Lincoln and origin story of the hymn.
Annual Program for Patriotic Exercises in schools on Grand Army Flag Day.
Issued as Rhode Island education circulars, 1910; In honor of the national flag, the Grand Army of the Republic, the birthday of Abraham Lincoln--T.p.; Includes songs, pledges to the flag and other patriotic notes and commemorations; Title from cover. Prepared by the Rhode Island Commissioner of Education. The 1909 issue is the Lincoln centenary issue. ""Grand Army Flag Day"" was February 12 of each year.
On June 13, 1839, the Logan County Circuit Court, an Important Point on the Lincoln Circuit, Convened at Postville for the First Time
Poor Richard Press.
Quaint old courthouse history, too, for Lincoln oft' was guest of you--Gernon -- from cover.
Annual Program for Patriotic Exercises in schools on Grand Army Flag Day.
Issued as Rhode Island education circulars, 1910; In honor of the national flag, the Grand Army of the Republic, the birthday of Abraham Lincoln--T.p.; Includes songs, pledges to the flag and other patriotic notes and commemorations; Title from cover. Prepared by the Rhode Island Commissioner of Education. The 1909 issue is the Lincoln centenary issue. ""Grand Army Flag Day"" was February 12 of each year.
Visit the Lincoln Pioneer Village in City Park, Rockport, Spencer County, Indiana
Drawing of Lincoln and log cabin upper left. Lists 17 exhibits in the Village.
Lincoln and the Courts of the District of Columbia
Frederic Lauriston Bullard
Concerns the abolition of the Circuit, District, and Criminal Courts of the District of Columbia, and the establishment of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia by Act of Congress, Mar. 3, 1863.
Annual Program for Patriotic Exercises in schools on Grand Army Flag Day.
Issued as Rhode Island education circulars, 1910; In honor of the national flag, the Grand Army of the Republic, the birthday of Abraham Lincoln--T.p.; Includes songs, pledges to the flag and other patriotic notes and commemorations; Title from cover. Prepared by the Rhode Island Commissioner of Education. The 1909 issue is the Lincoln centenary issue. ""Grand Army Flag Day"" was February 12 of each year.
Americana : catalogue of the famous Abbatt reprints.
Being a series of two hundred reprints of rare items of American history, edited and published by the late William Abbatt for a group of subscribing libraries in the United States and Great Britain, and issued over a period of thirty years in small limited editions of fifty-five copies each, and called the 'Extra numbers' of the Magazine of history.""
Annual Program for Patriotic Exercises in schools on Grand Army Flag Day.
Issued as Rhode Island education circulars, 1910; In honor of the national flag, the Grand Army of the Republic, the birthday of Abraham Lincoln--T.p.; Includes songs, pledges to the flag and other patriotic notes and commemorations; Title from cover. Prepared by the Rhode Island Commissioner of Education. The 1909 issue is the Lincoln centenary issue. ""Grand Army Flag Day"" was February 12 of each year.
Annual Program for Patriotic Exercises in schools on Grand Army Flag Day.
Issued as Rhode Island education circulars, 1910; In honor of the national flag, the Grand Army of the Republic, the birthday of Abraham Lincoln--T.p.; Includes songs, pledges to the flag and other patriotic notes and commemorations; Title from cover. Prepared by the Rhode Island Commissioner of Education. The 1909 issue is the Lincoln centenary issue. ""Grand Army Flag Day"" was February 12 of each year.
Annual Program for Patriotic Exercises in schools on Grand Army Flag Day.
Issued as Rhode Island education circulars, 1910; In honor of the national flag, the Grand Army of the Republic, the birthday of Abraham Lincoln--T.p.; Includes songs, pledges to the flag and other patriotic notes and commemorations; Title from cover. Prepared by the Rhode Island Commissioner of Education. The 1909 issue is the Lincoln centenary issue. ""Grand Army Flag Day"" was February 12 of each year.
Lincoln's Personal Characteristics
William Hnery Herndon
A letter written Jan. 15, 1874, to an unknown correspondent in New York City; ""Issue limited to 100 copies.
Annual Program for Patriotic Exercises in schools on Grand Army Flag Day.
Issued as Rhode Island education circulars, 1910; In honor of the national flag, the Grand Army of the Republic, the birthday of Abraham Lincoln--T.p.; Includes songs, pledges to the flag and other patriotic notes and commemorations; Title from cover. Prepared by the Rhode Island Commissioner of Education. The 1909 issue is the Lincoln centenary issue. ""Grand Army Flag Day"" was February 12 of each year.
Annual Program for Patriotic Exercises in schools on Grand Army Flag Day.
Issued as Rhode Island education circulars, 1910; In honor of the national flag, the Grand Army of the Republic, the birthday of Abraham Lincoln--T.p.; Includes songs, pledges to the flag and other patriotic notes and commemorations; Title from cover. Prepared by the Rhode Island Commissioner of Education. The 1909 issue is the Lincoln centenary issue. ""Grand Army Flag Day"" was February 12 of each year.
Annual Program for Patriotic Exercises in schools on Grand Army Flag Day.
Issued as Rhode Island education circulars, 1910; In honor of the national flag, the Grand Army of the Republic, the birthday of Abraham Lincoln--T.p.; Includes songs, pledges to the flag and other patriotic notes and commemorations; Title from cover. Prepared by the Rhode Island Commissioner of Education. The 1909 issue is the Lincoln centenary issue. ""Grand Army Flag Day"" was February 12 of each year.
Biennial report / Kansas State Historical Society
The second portion of a pamphlet "Including Proceedings [of the] Thirty-Fourth and Thirty-Fifth Annual Meetings, Held December 7, 1909, and December 6, 1910; Also List of Donations of Books, Pamphlets, Manuscripts, Portraits, Views, Etc., and List of Kansas Newspapers to August 1, 1911." Second report not published. Reports for -1928/1930 end June 30. The cover consists of the title, a short description of the pamphlet's contents, and a statement regarding the printing of the pamphlet. The cover is reprinted on the first page.
Biennial report / Kansas State Historical Society
The first portion of a pamphlet "Including Proceedings [of the] Thirty-Fourth and Thirty-Fifth Annual Meetings, Held December 7, 1909, and December 6, 1910; Also List of Donations of Books, Pamphlets, Manuscripts, Portraits, Views, Etc., and List of Kansas Newspapers to August 1, 1911." Second report not published. Reports for -1928/1930 end June 30. The cover consists of the title, a short description of the pamphlet's contents, and a statement regarding the printing of the pamphlet. The cover is reprinted on the first page.
A Souvenir of Abraham Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln
Letters from Abraham Lincoln to Henry C. Whitney. Contains a portrait of Lincoln and a forward by Henry C. Whitney.
Our American Cousin : a Drama, in 3 Acts
Tom Taylor
Includes a list of the original cast of characters at Laura Keene's Theatre, New York, October 15, 1858.
Annual Program for Patriotic Exercises in schools on Grand Army Flag Day.
Issued as Rhode Island education circulars, 1910; In honor of the national flag, the Grand Army of the Republic, the birthday of Abraham Lincoln--T.p.; Includes songs, pledges to the flag and other patriotic notes and commemorations; Title from cover. Prepared by the Rhode Island Commissioner of Education. The 1909 issue is the Lincoln centenary issue. ""Grand Army Flag Day"" was February 12 of each year.
The Lincoln collection formed by Emanuel Hertz, New York City : sold by his order
Anderson Galleries, Inc.
The outer cover is grey with the title in a stained white text box. The inner cover includes illustrations of the busts of J. Gutenberg and Jo. Faustus on either side of the title. The publication is identified as sale number 2194 and advertised as a public exhibition from Tuesday November 8, 1927. Conditions of sale is on the page after the title page.
Lincoln in Springfield : a guide to the places in Springfield which were associated with the life of Abraham Lincoln
Paul McClelland Angle and Virginia Stuart Brown
This pamphlet is a guide to the places in Springfield which were associated with the life of Abraham Lincoln. The cover bears and illustration of the Illinois state Capitol. And illustration of Abraham Lincoln precedes the copyright page.
Lincoln in the year 1854 [-1860 and as president-elect] : being the day-by-day activities of Abraham Lincoln during that year [to March 5, 1861]
Paul McClelland Angle, Logan Hay, and George Wallace Bunn
Vol. [7] has title: Lincoln in the year 1860 and as President-elect: being the day-by-day activities of Abraham Lincoln from January 1, 1860, to March 5, 1861. Vol. [5] by Paul M. Angle in collaboration with Logan Hay and George W. Bunn, Jr. Vol. [1]-[2], [4]-[7]: "First printing." Reissued under title: Lincoln 1854-1861. Springfield, c1933. Vol. [5] has map: Lincoln's Senatorial campaign of 1858. All volumes paperbound. Collection has: 1854-55, 1857-1860/61.
Lincoln in the year 1854 [-1860 and as president-elect] : being the day-by-day activities of Abraham Lincoln during that year [to March 5, 1861]
Paul McClelland Angle, Logan Hay, and George Wallace Bunn
Vol. [7] has title: Lincoln in the year 1860 and as President-elect: being the day-by-day activities of Abraham Lincoln from January 1, 1860, to March 5, 1861. Vol. [5] by Paul M. Angle in collaboration with Logan Hay and George W. Bunn, Jr. Vol. [1]-[2], [4]-[7]: "First printing." Reissued under title: Lincoln 1854-1861. Springfield, c1933. Vol. [5] has map: Lincoln's Senatorial campaign of 1858. All volumes paperbound. Collection has: 1854-55, 1857-1860/61.
Personal recollections and impressions of Abraham Lincoln
Francis Durbin Blakeslee
As detailed on the title page, this is "An address delivered with abbreviations at Los Angeles before the Retired Methodist preachers' association of Southern California, at the Memorial day service in honor of the veterans of the Grand army of the republic tendered by the Shakespeare club of Pasadena, and on many other occasions." A copy of the "Wide Awake Clue Republican Nominations. For President Lincoln for vice-president" flyer that includes an illustration of Lincoln is included on the back of the cover.
Lincoln and the American tradition of civil liberty
Arthur Charles Cole
The cover and title page include an illustration of the seal of the state of Illinois, August 26, 1818. Reprint from the Transactions of the Illinois state historical society, 1926.
Address of Col. Wade H. Cooper on Abraham Lincoln : extension of remarks of Hon. B. Carroll Reece of Tennessee in the House of Representatives Saturday, February 12, 1927
Wade Hampton Cooper and Brazilla Carroll Reece
The cover includes the complete title, author, publisher, and publication year.
Lincoln's attitude towards prohibition
J. A. Danielson
As described prior to the essay: "This is the fifth of a series of discourses on the general topic of Prohibition, and is devoted wholly to a consideration of Lincoln's views, as contained in the accepted biographies and official documents, as well as authentic records of his public utterances." The cover includes the title and author and the claim of "The first extensive treatise from documentary sources on Abraham Lincoln's views."
Abraham Lincoln : a play
John Drinkwater
The cover is a green tone with the title within an illustration of ornate stage pillars. The back of the cover includes the complete catalogue and price list of other Riverside Literature Series publications.
Abraham Lincoln: the ideal American : an address delivered at the Pacific branch national soldiers' home, Sawtelle, California, Sunday, February 13, 1927
S. A. Drummond
The cover includes a portrait of Abraham Lincoln beneath the title and author and is stamped by Lincoln Memorial Library near the bottom. This Lincolniana copy is printed on glazed paper and is inscribed by the author on the cover. This is number 29 of one hundred copies printed.
Abraham Lincoln: the ideal American : an address delivered at the Pacific branch national soldiers' home, Sawtelle, California, Sunday, February 13, 1927
S. A. Drummond
A pamphlet consisting of an "Address at National Soldiers' Home, Sawtelle, California February 13, 1927". The cover of the pamphlet consists of the title and the author of the address and a short summary of the address's date and location. This information is printed on a small, white notecard, which is surrounded by an orange frame.
Lincoln, the Hoosier : a restatement of some facts that too many folks seem to have forgotten
Theodore Thomas Frankenberg and Constance E. Forsyth
An illustration titled "The Hoosier Lincoln learning wisdom between the furrows of the field" is located on the page before the title page. More illustrations are found throughout the publication. The illustrations are ... pen drawings made at the various localities in Indiana which Lincoln is known to have visited. They are the work of Miss Constance Forsyth of Indianapolis.
Lincoln, the Hoosier : a restatement of some facts that too many folks seem to have forgotten
Theodore Thomas Frankenberg and Constance E. Forsyth
This pamphlet contains a description of the Lincoln family's time in Indiana, beginning with President Lincoln's parents and moving forward throughout his life. The cover has a pen drawing of a young Abraham Lincoln holding an axe and looking over the Indiana countryside at sundown. The title, "Lincoln the Hoosier" is printed above this illustration. Foreword signed: T.T.F. Attributed to T.T. Frankenberg. Cf. NUC pre-1956 imprints. Illustrated by Constance Forsyth. "Published by the Indiana Lincoln Union, Illinois Building, Indianapolis". "The illustrations are ... pen drawings made at the various localities in Indiana which Lincoln is known to have visited. They are the work of Miss Constance Forsyth of Indianapolis."--Foreword. Cover does not have Lincoln port., present in some copies.
Two presidents: Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis ; origin, cause and conduct of the war between the states, the truth of history belongs to posterity
Charles Edwin Gilbert
The cover contains portraits of Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis with the title above and below. The title page contains and inscription by the author.
Abraham Lincoln, the legal phase of the "First American"
Emanuel Hertz
"Delivered over WRNY, February 12, 1927, under the auspices of the Committee on citizenship of the New York County Lawyers Association." is located on the cover below the title and author.
Abraham Lincoln
Emanuel Hertz and Abraham Lincoln
This pamphlet is a collection of reprints of three news-articles (including Lincoln letters), the first from the New York times, May 30, 1927, the second from the New York times, December 26, 1926, and the third from the Boston herald, May 31, 1926.
Lincoln birthday service : address ... The Grand Army Hall and Memorial Association of Illinois, Saturday, Feb. 12, 1927 at 2:30 p.m.
Henry Horner
The pamphlet includes an order of exercises and illustrations of the Lincoln statue, W. M. P. Wright, and Judge Henry Holder.
Lincoln memorials
Indiana Lincoln Union
The pamphlet includes photos and histories of various Lincoln Memorials throughout the country. The cover bears an illustration of the Indiana Memorial.
he Lincoln Essay Contest / conducted by the America-Japan Society ; in co-operation with the Lincoln Centennial Association, Springfield, Illinois
Nichi-Bei Kyōkai
Includes essays of the Japanese winners in the Lincoln Essay Contest held in Tokyo, Japan with images of Lincoln medals.
Lincoln Memorial, Lincoln Farm, Hodgenville, Ky., the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln
Ladies Lincoln League Inc.
A pamphlet devoted mainly to transcriptions from the memorial temple. The cover includes a photo of the Lincoln memorial and an illustration of the original cabin where Lincoln was born is on the first page of the pamphlet.