

Background: SARS-Cov-2 (Coronavirus Disease or COVID-19) has impacted society greatly since its arrival to the United States. More specifically, college students have had to modify their behaviors on campus to minimize the spread of the virus.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify benefits and barriers to testing, reporting, and quarantining of undergraduate college students attending a large southeastern university.Methods: Undergraduate students were asked to complete an open-ended Qualtrics survey to share their perceived benefits and barriers to engage in behaviors to detect and prevent the spread of COVID-19. Data was analyzed via Grounded Theory techniques to determine codes and subsequent themes related to the probes.Results: Themes emerged in the categories of (a) Influencing Factors, and (b) Outcomes of the Health Behavior with 12 in the former and six in the latter. Emphasis on disclosure of COVID-19 status could be beneficial in preventing the spread of the virus on large college and university campuses.Conclusion: The data collected in this study can be used to inform COVID-19-related policies and health communication campaigns at similar colleges and universities.



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