Mississippi State University
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Bill of sale for African American young men, Jacob (name changed to Peter), aged about twenty-one, and Jim, aged seventeen, sold by William Hunt to John Henderson, merchant.
Know all men by these presents that I William Hunt of the State of Mississippi for and in consideration of the sum of Eleven hundred Dollars to me in hand paid by John Henderson of the City of Natchez the receipts whereof is hereby acknowledged have bargained sold and delivered and by these presents do bargain sell and deliver to the said John Henderson tw oNegro Men slaves vir— Jacob about twenty one years of age and Jim about seventeen years of age. And I do hereby warrant the said Negro Men Jacob and Jim as slaves for life to the said JOhn Henderson by [[?]] and assigns against the legal claim of all and every person or personswhensoever and do also warrant them to be at the time sound in mind and body. In witness whereof I have hereunto sold my hand and seal at Natchez the 31st day of December 1828. William Hunt Witness [[D. L. Miller?]]
Approximate Creation Date
Time Period
Slaveholders ; Slavery--Mississippi ; Slavery--Mississippi--History--Sources
Geographic Location
Object Type
Physical Format
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Physical ID
MSS 658 Todd A. Herring Collection, Manuscripts Division, Special Collections, Mississippi State University Libraries.
Digital ID
MFM_MSS-658-1828-12-31_Receipt_0001u ; MFM_MSS-658-1828-12-31_Receipt_0002u
MSS 658 Todd A. Herring Collection, Manuscripts Division, Special Collections, Mississippi State University Libraries.
Mississippi State University Libraries
Mississippi State University Libraries
Digital Publisher
Mississippi State University Libraries
Recommended Citation
Bill of sale for Jacob and Jim, sold by William Hunt to John Henderson, MSS 658 Todd A. Herring Collection, Manuscripts Division, Special Collections, Mississippi State University Libraries.