Mississippi Coast Region
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This color picture postcard features a side angle view of the Bay St. Louis City Hall. The building is two stories with white pillars and a porch with white railing on the second floor balcony and stone pillars on the bottom floor porch. The railing of a cupola adorns the roof and a sign identifying the building as City Hall is placed on the siding of the front gable. An empty flagpole is in front of the building and a birdhouse on a pole is to the left of the building. To the far right of the building, a shoo-fly deck surrounds a large oak tree. The back of the postcard identifies the item as a postcard and provides publication information as well as indication of postage stamp placement. The description in the upper left corner reads "CITY HALL AND SHOO-FLY Bay St. Louis, Mississippi The building is an eclectic style of Greek, Roman and Egyptian revival built in 1905. The live oak trees on the grounds that were used for public hangings now shade concerts and civic gatherings. The 'shoo-fly' was added to the grounds in 1992."
Publication Date
Time Period
Postcards; Picture postcards; Bay St. Louis, MS ; City halls; Decks (Architecture, Domestic)
Geographic Location
Bay St. Louis, MS
Object Type
Format (original)
Format (digital)
Digital ID
Mississippi State University Libraries, Manuscripts Division, Lucius Marion Lampton, MD Historical Images Collection, Mississippiana Collection, Gulf Coast Sub-Collection
Digital Publisher
Mississippi State University Libraries (electronic version)
Copyright protected by Mississippi State University Libraries. Use of materials from this collection beyond the exceptions provided for in the Fair Use and Educational Use clauses of the U.S. Copyright Law may violate federal law. Permission to publish or reproduce is required.
Contact Information
For more information about the contents of this collection, email sp_coll@library.MSState.edu.
Recommended Citation
Lucius Marion Lampton, MD Historical Images Collection, Special Collections Department, Mississippi State University