Mississippi Coast Region
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This postcard features a color illustration of the Methodist Church and parsonage in Scranton, Mississippi. The parsonage, to the left, is a two story house with a small front porch and a pitched gables on the front and side. Trees are depicted between the parsonage and the church. The church, to the right, is a white clapboard building with arched windows, an arched door, and a steepled tower in the front center. A white picket fence is depicted along the front of both buildings. The title of the card is printed in the upper left of the image. The back of the card is addressed to Miss Genevieve Robbins in Nova Scotia, Canada and postmarked Moss Point, Miss., February 11, 1908. An inscription is written on the left side of the card. [see transcription field]
Moss Point, Feby 10th/08 Dear I was pleased to receive your postal and post some please to the next port we go to and I will return so please answer this to this post and I will send you the next address. Walter
Publication Date
Mo. Vea. Young, Pub.
Time Period
Postcards; Churches, Methodist
MS Gulf Coast; Scranton, MS; Methodist Churches
Geographic Location
Scranton, (Miss.)
Object Type
Format (original)
Format (digital)
Digital ID
Mississippi State University Libraries, Archives and Special Collections, Manuscripts Unit, Lucius Marion Lampton, MD Historical Images Collection, Mississippiana Collection, Postcard/Photographs, Box 3, Box 3: Mississippi Coastal Region
Digital Publisher
Mississippi State University Libraries (electronic version)
Copyright protected by Mississippi State University Libraries. Use of materials from this collection beyond the exceptions provided for in the Fair Use and Educational Use clauses of the U.S. Copyright Law may violate federal law. Permission to publish or reproduce is required.
Contact Information
For more information about the contents of this collection, email sp_coll@library.MSState.edu.
Recommended Citation
Methodist Church and Parsonage, Scranton, Mississippi, Lucius Marion Lampton, MD Historical Images Collection, Special Collections Department, Mississippi State University