As the official journal of the National Rural Education Association, The Rural Educator serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas among the rural education community. The journal aims to provide a greater understanding of the strengths and needs of rural education and to provide rural educators with resources that support their work.
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Current Issue: Volume 46, Number 1 (2025)
Research Articles
Public School Superintendent Turnover in Appalachian Kentucky
Kevin Hub and Gill Hunter
The Complex Art of Wearing Multiple Hats: A Case Study of Dual-Role Administrators in Rural School Districts
Abi Van Regenmorter, Erin Lehmann, Vassa Grichko, and Lisa Newland
Rural Principals’ Perceptions of Program Quality Indicators for Students with an Intellectual Disability
Jodee A. Prudente and MaryAnn Demchak
“We Don’t Have to Take Things so Seriously”: Humor, Queer Livability, and Homonormativity for a Rural English Language Arts Teacher
Brandon Haskey-Valerius and Ryan Schey
Review of Research
A Systematic Review of Research on the Experiences of Rural Black Men Attending Four-Year Institutions Within the US Since 2002
Jarvis Marlow-McCowin
Promising Practice Article
The Rural Affinity Advantage: Reimagining Schools as Entrepreneurship Incubators
Gregory R. L. Hadley
Policy Brief
NREA Policy and Advocacy: An Interview With Outgoing Executive Director Dr. Allen Pratt
Devon Brenner
Invited Articles
The 2024 Whippoorwill Award: Gathering Stories of Indigeneity, Connection, and Belonging
Erika L. Bass, Michael J. Young, Alan Hoffman, Jacqueline Yahn, Monica Roe, Devon Brenner, and Chea Parton
Living Act 31: Perspectives From Bayfield, Wisconsin
Brian Boyd, Rebecca Boyd, Beth Dahl, Rick Erickson, Cate Williams, and Doug Adams