
Ethics Statement

Guiding Principles

The Rural Educator is committed to the highest standards of critical scholarly review and professional publishing. TRE is is managed by a team of editors with the advice of the editorial advisory board. The editors make independent publication decisions, and ensure the accuracy, completeness, and originality of every published article. The Rural Educator makes every effort to manage the journal ethically and transparently, while adhering to the established editorial principles and practices in educational research.


Authors are required to confirm that their submitted work does not infringe the copyright of any other party and that it is their own, original work.

Errors, Corrections, and Misconduct

When the editors becomes aware that a significant error has been published in The Rural Educator, or in cases of plagiarism, fabrication of research, conflicts of interest, duplication of publication, and so on, the editor will review and resolve the matter in consultation with the editorial team and advisory board. In in all instances, The Rural Educator is committed to preserving the integrity of the journal, and the scholarly version of record. The Rural Educator adheres to and has modeled these statements off of the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines for professional publishing standards.