Volume 28, Number 3 (2007)
From the Editors
The Development of a Journal Relating to Rural Schools
Richard L. Fisher
Research Articles
Rural Revitalization in New Mexico
Gerald R. Pitzel, Alicia C. Benavidez, Barbara C. Bianchi, Linda L. Croom, Brandy R. de la Riva, Donna L. Grein, James E. Holloway, and Andrew T. Rendón
Examining the Academic and Personal-Social Experiences of Latina/o Children in Southeastern U.S. Rural, Burgeoning Latino Communities
José A. Villalba, Maria Brunelli, Lucy Lewis, and Carrie Wachter
The Professional Development Needs of Rural High School Principals: A Seven-state Study
Pamela S. Salazar
Edward W. Chance Dissertation Award: A case study: Leadership and its Effect on Achievement of Children from Poverty in a Rural Setting
Marilyn Dishman Horst and Barbara N. Martin