

Health disparities among racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. are well documented. Among the non-medical issues, including discrimination, language barriers, and low health literacy, the patient-provider relationship has been identified as a factor that drives health disparities. Negative interactions with healthcare providers and the healthcare system produce poor health outcomes, exacerbating health inequalities and reducing the likelihood of patients adhering to recommended treatments and therapies. The purpose of this study was to examine racial differences in perceptions and experiences of adverse treatment by healthcare providers. A cross-sectional analysis of select variables from the All of Us research program basic and social determinants of health survey data. The study sample included 57,107 participants, 60% were females, and 83% were white. There were significant differences in the perceptions of provider treatment between Whites and Blacks. The data revealed that in all categories, Blacks perceived their experience as negative or less favorable compared to White respondents. These findings may spur interest in fostering and strengthening the patient-provider relationship and increasing awareness of and eliminating practices that demoralize and devalue the patient, particularly those of differing backgrounds.



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