Journal of Public Health in the Deep South | Vol 3 | No. 2

COVID-19 Response and Recovery in Mississippi and the All of Us Research Program


The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Calls to the Mississippi Poison Control Center
Jenna Davis, Laura Lee Beneke, Michael B. Marlin, and David Vearrier


Factors Influencing Mental Health Outcomes of University Personnel During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Rebecca C. Holland, Melissa K. Kossman, Leslie W. Oglesby, Morgan R. Eckenrod, Abigail S. Willis, and Anna K. Porter


American Indians and COVID-19: Morbidity and Mortality Disparities among Indigenous Populations in the Rural South
Leslie Musshafen, Thomas E. Dobbs, Aaron Robinson, Thomas Wyatt, Michael Puskarich, Richard Summers, Seth Lirette, and Caroline Compretta


Designing a Community Engaged Training Program for African American and Latinx Communities on COVID-19 in South Mississippi: Results from Qualitative Focus Groups Exploring Community Member Perceptions
Susan Mayfield-Johnson PhD, MCHES; Tanya Funchess; Charkarra Anderson-Lewis; Erica Thompson; Sandra Melvin; Mireya Alexander; Kierra Melvin; and Samaria Lowe


Dining Patterns at Campus Food Venues: University Employees’ Perspectives
Kritika Gupta, Jangwoo Jo, Laurel Lambert, Georgianna Mann, and Selby Rebecca Entrekin