Volume 29, Number 1 (2007)
From the Editors
A Brief History of the NREA Professional Journal
V. Pauline Hodges
A View from the Past
Mary Lou Gammon and Paula Hodges
School Leadership in the Rural Context
Mary Lou Gammon
Research Articles
Killing Mayberry: The Crisis in Rural American Education
James A. Bryant Jr.
Leadership and Rural School Boards: Utah Data
Curtis Van Alfen and Stan M. Schmidt
The Emergence of the CEO
Gayla Fredrickson
Educational Renewal in Rural South Dakota
Mary Strangohr
Parents' Perceptions of the Rural School Bus Ride
Rob Ramage and Aimee Howley
Technology Empowered Transitions: Curriculum, Teachers' Practices, and . . . Change?
R. Stewart Meyers and Michael F. Desiderio
The Essential Role of Integrating Technology Content and Skills into University Principal Preparation Programs
Kathy Dale, Robert Moody, Mike Slattery, and Regi Wieland
Rural Research Brief: The Four-Day School Week: Information and Recommendations
Andrea D. Beesley and Carmon Anderson
The Coming of Age with Technology in Rural Schools
V. Pauline Hodges