
Volume 36, Number 2 (2016)

From the Editors


From the Editors
Anastasia D. Elder and Dana Pomykal Franz

Research Articles


“It Just Works Better”: Introducing the 2:1 Model of Co-Teaching in Teacher Preparation
Christina M. Tschida, Judith J. Smith, and Elizabeth A. Fogarty


Principals' Perceptions about Alternate Route Programs in Rural Areas
Devon Brenner, Anastasia Elder, Sarah Wimbish, and Sara Walker


Supervision Experiences of Rural School Counselors
Tara A. Wilson, Susan Schaeffer, and Mary Alice Bruce


Youth Development Program in Northern Manitoba
Christopher D. Brown and Brandee Albert

Front Matter

Cover photo: Silverton, CO's preserved historic 1911 schoolhouse. Submitted by Kim White, superintendent. Photo courtesy of Scott Smith.