Review Process | Journal of Human Sciences and Extension | Mississippi State University

Review Process

Submissions are accepted continually and undergo a double-blind, peer-reviewed process. An initial screening is conducted to ensure the manuscript fits the journal’s aims and scope; meets formatting requirements; and presents analyses, results, and conclusions appropriately. If these criteria are not met, the manuscript is returned to the corresponding author with next steps (e.g., revise or reject). However, if all criteria are met, the manuscript is assigned to an Associate Editor in the appropriate content area to shepherd through the review process. The Associate Editor sends the manuscript to at least two reviewers with relevant expertise. Reviewers who agree to provide feedback are asked to complete their review in one month.

Please refer to the Reviewer Feedback Form to see the criteria used to review submissions.

After the initial peer review process is completed (approximately 3 months, on average), one of the following decisions regarding publication is made and communicated to the authors:

  • Accept in present form
  • Minor revisions required for acceptance
  • Major revisions required for acceptance
  • Reject

Authors receive the reviewers’ feedback and have a maximum of 3 months to return a revised version of the manuscript that is responsive to reviewers’ concerns. The revised manuscript is then re-reviewed (by the original reviewers and/or the editorial team), and a final publication decision is made. Final publication decisions reside solely with the editorial team.

Editors reserve the right to edit all material submitted for publication. When a manuscript is accepted and fully prepared for publication, authors will have two business days to review the final version prior to online posting.

Invitation to Review

Reviewers serve an essential role in ensuring the quality and message of the Journal of Human Sciences and Extension. If you are interested in volunteering to review for the Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, please email the Editor and request the link to the application.