Journal of Human Sciences and Extension | Vol 10 | No. 2

Extension Engagement with Urban Communities


This introductory article for the special issue of the Journal of Human Sciences and Extension (JHSE) highlights respectful Extension research and engagement with dynamic urban communities. Like the 2017 urban-themed issue of JHSE, the intent is not to diminish the importance of rural and suburban Extension engagement but to better understand unique experiences of Extension in urban communities. The 35 contributing authors represent a range of geographic and programmatic viewpoints. Insights shared demonstrate that diversity in our cities is multidimensional; reinforce the importance of culturally relevant engagement; address issues of access, equity, inclusion, and a sense of belonging; highlight the impact of Extension investment in urban partnerships and communities; underscore the complexity in metropolitan areas; and emphasize the value and potential of our national networks.

Full Issue


Full Issue, Volume 10, Number 2
Julie Fox, Donna J. Peterson, and Scott Cummings

From the Editors


Mary A. Ruemenapp and Katherine Williams

Original Research


Visualizing Diversity: Spatial Data as a Resource Enabling Extension to Better Engage Communities
Justin Krohn, Jacqueline Davis-Manigaulte, Christopher Fulcher, and Jennifer Sarah Tiffany


Cooperative Extension in Urban America: Place-Based Approaches for Improving Health
Dawn Burton, LaToya O'Neal, Erin Yelland, Suzanne Stluka, and Rodger Rennekamp


Accessibility and Inclusion as an Approach to Enhancing Local Extension Programs
S. Dee Jepsen, Laura Akgerman, Karen Funkenbusch, Jessie Calero, and Heather Kelejian