Journal of Human Sciences and Extension | Vol 3 | No. 2

Special Issue: The Cooperative Extension Program Development Model

Editor’s Introduction to This Special Issue

This issue of the Journal of Human Sciences and Extension focuses on the Extension Program Development Model first presented by Seevers, Graham, Gamon, and Conklin in 1997. Nancy Franz, Barry A. Garst, and Ryan J. Gagnon served as Co-Editors for this special issue. The articles in this issue discuss components of this model and present recommendations for adapting the model to ensure the continued success of Extension programs.

Full Issue


Full Issue, Volume 3, Number 2
Nancy Franz, Barry A. Guest, and Donna J. Peterson

From the Editors

Original Research


Factors Impacting Program Delivery: The Importance of Implementation Research in Extension
Ryan J. Gagnon, Nancy Franz, Barry A. Garst, and Matthew F. Bumpus