"Editors’ Introduction: Urban Extension" by Julie Fox and Donna J. Peterson


This special issue continues JHSE’s commitment to promoting the practical implications of research – the goal of this issue is to add to the national conversation on urban Extension through a diverse collection of articles for decision makers to efficiently draw upon as they consider urban dynamics and Extension investments. The intent is not to diminish the importance of rural and suburban Extension work but is to better understand unique characteristics of Extension in urban communities. Ultimately, Extension innovation along the entire rural–urban continuum creates connections and impacts that align with Extension’s mission.Authors address the distinct aspects of Extension in urban settings through meaningful examples of research, practice, and theory related to Extension positioning, programs, personnel, and partnerships. Contributing authors review historical foundations, current applications, and future influences of urban Extension. This special issue highlights the work of invited authors who have specializations in urban Extension and who represent a range of geographic perspectives. These authors’ distinct circumstances and varied experiences collectively benefit Extension. Common themes include engaging diverse stakeholders, valuing partnerships, mobilizing limited resources, and implementing Extension’s relevant approach to technical and human dimensions of innovation in metropolitan communities.



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