

The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes and beliefs of school-based agriculture education (SBAE) students toward international agricultural concepts. This study builds on several previous studies (Conner, Greer, & Stripling, 2017; Elliot & Yanik, 2002; Heinert, Lavery, & Roberts, 2014; Radhakrishna, Leite, & Domer, 2003). To explore new geographic regions of the United States, two states, one from the Midwest and one from the Northwest, were purposively identified. A 46-item instrument that measures attitudes, beliefs, understanding, and instruction in relation to international agriculture developed by Radhakrishna et al. (2003) was administered to students in three schools representing both rural and urban areas. A total of 133 surveys were returned, for a 55.2% response rate. Overall, students held positive attitudes and beliefs toward international agricultural concepts. Students expressed a need to understand basic geography in relation to international agricultural concepts, and students strongly agreed to concepts and information necessary to understand international agricultural concepts. When historical data were synthesized with data from this study, mean scores from all five studies across all four constructs were consistently high. Future research should focus on how students develop their attitudes and beliefs about international agriculture.



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