

County Extension Directors (CEDs) are Extension agents who serve their local clientele through educational programming, while also serving as liaisons between their state Extension system and their local government and elected officials. Responsibilities within this administrative role include handling and managing personnel issues, fiscal management and oversight, and communicating and maintaining relationships with elected officials. Researchers asked CEDs in Florida and Georgia with less than five years of experience the most important information for a new CED to know within the first month on the job. The constant comparative method of analysis was used to identify recurring themes from the open-ended question of an online-administered survey. Six primary themes emerged: (a) policies, procedures, and MOUs; (b) deadlines and reporting; (c) human resources, personnel management, and fiduciary responsibilities; (d) roles and responsibilities; (e) relationships with elected officials and administrators; and (f) identifying resources. Extension professional development staff should either create or modify existing training programs to include the most important information CEDs need to know within the first month on the job.



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