Content Posted in 2021
Where The Lazy Daisies Grow, Cliff Friend
Where the Lazy Mississippi Flows, Rollo de Freyne
Where The Lazy Mississippi Flows, Rollo de Freyne
Where the Morning Glories Twine, Etc.
Where The Mountains Meet The Sky, Aston Deacon Williams
Where the Old Folks Watched and Waited Far Away, H. Rowles George
Where the Ragtime Breezes Blow, Roy M. Foley
Where The Rainbow Ends, Nat D. Ayer
Where The Red Red Roses Grow, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Where the Red, Red Roses Grow, Jean Schwartz
Where The Red, Red Roses Grow', Harry Akst
Where The Red, Red, Roses Grow, Jean Schwartz
Where the River Shannon Flows, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Where the River Shannon Flows, Columbia Phonograph Company
Where the River Shannon Flows, James I. Russell
Where the Shandon Bells Are Ringing, Lively Cummings
Where The Shy Little Violets Grow, Gus Kahn and Harry Warren
Where The Shy Little Violets Grow, Gus Kahn and Harry Warren
Where The Shy Little Violets Grow, Gus Kahn and Harry Warren
Where The Shy Little Violets Grow, Gus Kahn and Harry Warren
Where The Shy Little Violets Grow, Gus Kahn and Harry Warren
Where The Silvery Colorado Etc.
Where The Silvery Colorado, Etc.
Where The Silvery Colorado, Etc.
Where the Silv'ry Colorado Wends Its Way, Charles Avril
Where The Silv'ry Colorado Wends Its Way, Charles Avril
Where The Southern Roses Grow, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Where The Sunset Turns Etc., Columbia Phonograph Company
Where The Sunset Turns Etc., Columbia Phonograph Company
Where the Sunset Turns the Ocean from Blue to Gold
Where The Sunset Turns The Oceans Blue, Etc
Where The Sunset Turns The Oceans Blue To Gold
Where The Sweet Forget-Me-Nots Remember, Harry Warren
Where The Sweet Magnolia's Bloom, National Phonograph Company; Orange, New Jersey
Where The Type is Set. Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago, Ill.
Where The Wild Wild Flowers Grow, Harry Woods
Where Things Thrive, Tiffany Love Curtis
Where Were You-Where Was I, George M. Cohan
Which Hazel?, Ned Norworth and Abner Silver
Which Way Did My Mamma Go, Harry J. Lincoln
While A Cigarette Was Burning, Charles Kenny and Nick Kenny
While Miami Dreams, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
While Miami Dreams, Richard A. Whiting
While o'le Mammie Jinnie's cap'rin' on the green, Shepard N. Edmonds
While Others Are Building Castles In The Air, Fred Fisher
While Strolling In The Park One Day, Ed Haley
While The Angelus Was Ringing, Jean Villard
While the Dance Goes On, Chas. K. Harris
While the Leaves Came Drifting Down, Hattie Nevada
While the Legislature is in session no man's liberty or property is safe. A. Lincoln, James J. Dobbins
While the Rivers of Love Flow On, Ernest R. Ball
While the Tom-Tom Plays, W. C. Parker
While The Years Go Drifting By, Joseph A. Burke
While The Years Roll By, Jack Austin
While They Were Dancing Around, James V. Monaco
While We Danced, George A. Walter
While We Danced At The Mardi Gras, Alfred M. Opler
While We Drift Along, Harry D. Squires
While You Love Me, Johann Strauss
While You're Away, Louis Wolfe Gilbert and Anatol Friedland
While You Were Making Believe, Jack Stern
Whippin' The Keys, Sam Goold
Whippoorwill, Lucien Denni
Whipporwill, Cal de Voll
Whirlwind Bridge and Rock of Ages-Cave of the Winds, George Barker
Whirl Wind Rag, J. Russel Robinson
Whirlwind Toccata, Margaret Wigham
Whirly Tub, Buenta Carter
Whisenton at MegaResource Workshop, Mississippi State University Libraries
Whisper, R. M. Stults
Whisper and I Shall Hear!, Marietta Piccolomini
Whispering, John Schonberger
Whispering, John Schonberger
Whispering Bells, F. Lowry and C. E. Quick
Whispering Hope, Septimus Winner
Whispering Rain, Bill Krenz
Whisperings of Love, Charles Kinkel
Whisperings Of Love, Charles Kinkel
Whispering Trees, Wendell Woods Hall
Whispering Zephyrs, Harry Richardson
Whisper My Name in Your Dreams, Anne Caldwell
'Whisper True Heart', Ilma M. Pratt
'Whisper True Heart', Ilma M. Pratt
Whistle, Gerald W. Sullivan and Harry Geise
Whistle and I'll Wait for You, George W. Meyer
Whistle It, Jean Schwartz
Whistling In The Dark, Dana Suesse
Whistling Jim, Theodore F. Morse
Whistling Mountain Boy, A. W. Holt
Whistling Pete, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Whistling Rufus, Kerry Mills
Whistling Solo, Columbia Phonograph Company
Whitaker, Vernon Script, Howard Langfitt
White and Black Dress, Myrna Colley-Lee
White And Black Ivories, Eric Alan Steiner
White Birch, Richard Walker
White Blossom, David Wark Griffith
White Buildings at Camp Headquarters, Camp Shelby, Hattiesburg, Mississippi
White Children on the Deck, Andrew Bowles Holder
White Christmas, Irving Berlin
White Christmas, Irving Berlin
White Clapboard American Red Cross Building, Camp Shelby, Mississippi
White clover production in Mississippi, Vance H. Watson and William E. Knight
White Crest, F. H. Losey
White Floral Dress, Myrna Colley-Lee
Whitehead (Alan) collection, Mississippi State University Libraries
Whitehead, Bernard family television script, Howard Langfitt
Whitehead, Uriah Z. family television script, Howard Langfitt
White House Collection: Abraham Lincoln
White House Collection Abraham Lincoln Porcelain Trinket Box, Woodmere
White House Collection: Ulysses Grant
White House disasters still won't clinch win by Dems, David R. Bowen
White House Historical Association Presidential Bicentennial Edition Ornament, White House Historical Association
White House Hotel, Biloxi, Miss.
White House Hotel, Biloxi, Mississippi, as Seen From the Driveway
White House (South Front) Washington, B.S. Reynolds Company
White House, Washington, D.C., Foster & Reynolds
White Leads Boot Camp Session, Mississippi State University Libraries
White Leads Bott Camp Session 2, Mississippi State University Libraries
White Lies And Red Roses, Allie Wrubel
White Lilacs, Karl Hajos
White Settlers on a Sled in the Snow, Andrew Bowles Holder
White Settlers on the Porch, Andrew Bowles Holder
White Silver Sands, Charles G. Matthews
White Skirt with Red Dots, Myrna Colley-Lee
White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) population dynamics in a multi-predator landscape, Jared Fitzgerald Duquette
White Teachers and Apsaalooke School Children, Andrew Bowles Holder
White Trash Girl, Ciera Marie Higginbotham
White Two Story House Surrounded by Trees
White Two Story House with a Tourett, Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Whitewashing our children's education: Examining segregationist school choice in the rural South, Courtney Heath Windhorn
White, White is the Jasmine Flower, Gustav Saenger
Whitfield Address Announcement, S. J. Wallace
Whitfield (Governor) photograph, Mississippi State University Libraries
Whither Thou Goest, Guy Singer
Whitney E. Smith, Class of 1914
Whitney Smith, John C. Stennis
Whittling Remus, Thomas E. Broady
Whitworth College, Exterior of East Side of Quandrangle
Whizz Bang, The Whizz Bang Orchestra
Who, Anatol Friedland
Whoa ''IDA HO'' Whoa, Harry von Tilzer
Whoa January, Harry von Tilzer
Who Am I, Alfred Newman
Whoa! Nellie!, George Gould
Who Are We To Say, Harry Sosnik
Who are you with to-night?, Egbert van Alstyne
Whoa! You Heiffer, Al Verges
Who Did You Fool After All, Van Schenick and Johnny S. Black
Who Discovered Dixie, Abner Silver
Who does it best? Towards understanding virtual accountability practices in public, nonprofit and private organizations, Asya Besova Cooley
Who Do You Know In Heaven, Peter de Rose
Who Do You Love I Hope, Irving Berlin
Who Knows, Harry Wood
Wholesale Beef Futures Contract, Robert Stanley Thompson
Who Let The Monkey Out, Lamont Smith
Who'll be your sweetheart then?, Paul Pratt
Who'll be your sweetheart when you're sweet sixteen, Richard Howard
Who'll Buy My Dream, Harry A. McDonald Jr.
Who'll Buy My Violets?, José Padilla
Who'll Take My Place, Billy Fazioli
Who'll Take The Place of Mary?, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Who'll Take The Place Of The Song Bird Now Gone, Raymond S. Orton
Wholly Smoke, G. A. Mulliner
Who Loves You, Benny Davis and J. Fred Coots
Who Paid the Rent for Mrs. Rip Van Winkle, Fred Fisher
Who Paid the Rent for Mrs. Rip Van Winkle?, Fred Fisher
Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolfe, poster
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, program
Who's Calling You Sweetheart Tonight, Pete Wendling
Whose Izzy Is He, Bud Green, Lew Buford Brown, and Murray Sturm
Whose Little Girlie Are You?, Boyle Woolfolk
Whose Little Heart Are You Breaking Now?, Irving Berlin
Whose pretty baby are you now?, Egbert van Alstyne
Who's Got A Tent For Rent, Jack Fulton and Cunliffe
Who Speaks for the Enslaved? Authorship and Reclamation in Octavia Butler's Kindred, Antoinette Daineyell Hayden
Who's Sorry Now, Ted Synder
Who's there knocking at my door, Chris Smith
Who's Wonderful-Who's Marvelous, Sidney Clare and Lew Pollock
Who's Your Little Who-Zis, Al Goering and Ben Bernie
Who Takes Care Of The Caretaker's Daughter, Chick Endor
Who Takes Care Of The Caretaker's Daughter
Who Told You That Lie, Bee Walker
Who Wouldn't Be Jealous Of You, George Frommel, Larry Shay, and Haven Gillespie
Who Wouldn't Love You, Joseph A. Burke
W. H. Seward. Engraved by W. Roffe, from the Statue by Randolph Rogers., William John Roffe, Rand olph Rogers, and D. Appleton and Co.
Why (ahem) yes, he just cam on the market... How many yen are we talking, here?, Pat Oliphant
Why Can't a Woman Fly?: Nasa and the Cult of Masculinity, 1958-1972, Erinn Catherine McComb
Why Can't This Go On Forever, Fred E. Ahlert
Why Cant We Be Sweethearts, Doris White and Norman Costello
Why Can't You, Al Jolson, Buddy Gard De Sylva, Lew Buford Brown, and Roy Henderson
Why Couldn't Be Poor Little Me, Isham Jones
Why Dance, Fred E. Ahlert
Why Dear?, Henry R. Cohen
Why Did I Kiss That Girl, Robert King and Roy Henderson
Why Didn't you Hang Your Clothes on a Hickory Limb?, Pan American Publishing Company
Why Did You Call Me Wonderful One, Ray Vincent and Leo Herbert
Why Did You Come into My Life?, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Why did you do it to me, Babe?, Harry von Tilzer
Why did you make me care?, Alfred Solman
Why did you make me love you?, Raymond A. Browne
Why do alumni continue to give back: The influencers of civic engagement of fraternity and sorority members, Jacqueline Carson Mullen
Why Does It Get So Late So Early, Allie Wrubel
Why Does It Have To Rain On Sunday, Vi Ott and Bob Merrill
Why Don't My Dreams Come True, George E. Patten and Arthur R. Grant
Why don't the band play Dixie, S. J. Raber
Why Don't They Put A Saddle On This Doggone Jeep, Marsh Crosley
Why Don't They Put A Saddle On This Doggone Jeep?, Marsh Crosley
Why Don't We Do This More Often, Allie Wrubel
Why Don't You, Harry Tierney
Why Don't You Believe Me, Lew Douglas, King Laney, and Roy Rodde
Why Don't You Come Back Home Again, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Why Don't You Do Right, Joe McCoy
Why Don't You Drive My Blues Away?, Frank Papa
Why Don't You Fall In Love With Me, Mabel Wayne
Why Don't You Practice What You Preach, Maurice Sigler, Al Hoffman, and Al Goodhart
Why Don't You Say So?, Harry Tierney
Why Don't You Smile, Jean Schwartz
Why don't you smile?, Lem Trombley
Why don't you try, Egbert van Alstyne
Why Do They Always Say No, Billy Glason and Ed G. Nelson
Why Do They Call Mama Poor Butterfly, W. C. Polla
Why Do They Call Them Babies, Jack Egan
Why Do You Always Tease Me, Myra V. Shaker
Why Do You Suppose?, Richard Rodgers
Why Dream, Leo Robin, Richard A. Whiting, and Ralph Rainger
Why'd Ya Make Me Fall In Love, Walter Donaldson
Why Hello Bill Who's Your Friend, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Why I Love Him, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Why Is Love?, J. Fred Coots
Why Is The Moon Pale, Richard Nicosia
Why Live A Lie, Ted Koehler
Why Not Be The Same To Mother Dear, Eugene R. Kenney
Why Say Good Bye, John M. Anthony and Louis Herscher
Why Should I Believe In You, Joe Verges, Henri L. Therrien, and Irwin Percy LeClere
Why Should I Cry Over You, Ned Miller and Chester Cohn
Why Should I Say That I'm Sorry, Larry Conley
Why Shouldn't I, Arthur Freed
Why Should Our Hearts be Sorrowful?, Hattie Carmichael Williams
Why should there not be a patient confidence in the ultimate justice of the people?, Herbert Lawrence Block
Why Take Chances With Somebody Else, Al Sherman and George Gray
Why Test Seed?, Duane Isely and E. P. Sylwester
Why there is unrest in the Black community
Why Treat Seed and Seed Treating Materials, T. C. Ryker
Why was I ever born lazy, Dawson Wood
Why Worry, Seymour Simons
Wicker, W. A. (William Andrew) Script, Howard Langfitt
Wicki Wacki Woo, Walter Donaldson
Widow Mary Todd Lincoln in Mourning Attire
Width and Thickness Sizing, J. Rogers
Width and Thickness Sizing with The Carter Precision Grader, T. E. Hartman
Width and Thickness Sizing With the Carter Precision Grader, T. E. Hartman
Wier (Frank Lampkin) collection, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wier's Drug Store Sign - Night
Wiggins, Walter F. Script, Howard Langfitt
Wiggle-Wag : Rag-Time Waltz, George W. Meyer
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wigley, W. E. (Will Ernest), Howard Langfitt
Wig-Wag-Rag, Harry C. Thompson
Wild Cherries : Characteristic Rag, Ted Snyder
Wild Cherries : Characteristique Rag, Ted Snyder
Wilder and Cash at Montgomery Awards, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wilder at Montgomery Awards, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wilder at Montgomery Awards, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wilder at Montgomery Awards, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wilder, Cash, and Collins at Montgomery Awards, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wilder Introduces Awardee, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wildfire, Walter Rolfe
Wildflower, Edward Ray Goetz
Wild flower, George Martens
Wild Flower Rag, Clarence Williams
Wild flowers of Mississippi, F. S. Batson and George W. Johnston
Wild honey, Lee David
Wild Honey, George Hamilton, Harry Tobias, and Neil Moret
Wild Horses, K. C. Rogan
Wildlife habitat quality in southern Mississippi 8 years after intensive pine plantation establishment, Tamara Nicole Campbell
Wildlife Value Orientations: Understanding Mississippians for More Effective and Inclusive Wildlife Conservation, Adam T. Rohnke
Wild West, Percy Wenrich
Wiley and the Hairy Man (2013), poster
Wiley and the Hairy Man (2013), program
Wiley and the Hairy Man, poster
Wiley and the Hairy Man, program
Wilhelmina waltzes, John T. Hall
Wilili Wai, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Wilkerson, Jeff P. Script, Howard Langfitt
Wilkins (Thomas J.) diary, Mississippi State University Libraries
Willard and Winthrop McKinstry To Jenton, Willard McKinstry and Winthrop McKinstry
Willard and Winthrop McKinstry to Mother of Arthur McKinstry, Willard McKinstry and Winthrop McKinstry
Willard McKinstry to Mother of Arthur McKinstry, Willard McKinstry
Willard Saulsbury Sr. CdV (from House Representatives, 38th Congress Album), Mathew B. Brady
Will Carpenter, Vance Watson, & Mark Keenum
William A. Hall CdV (from House Representatives, 38th Congress Album), Mathew B. Brady
William A. Jayne CdV (from House Representatives, 38th Congress Album), Mathew B. Brady
William A. Lowe on airfield, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
William A. Richardson CdV (from House Representatives, 38th Congress Album), Mathew B. Brady
William B. Allison CdV (from House Representatives, 38th Congress Album), Mathew B. Brady
William (Bill) De Roye, Audrey Murphey
William Bowden Cut, United States. Entomology Research Division. Delta Research Laboratory (Tallulah, La.)
William Bowden Cut, United States. Entomology Research Division. Delta Research Laboratory (Tallulah, La.)
William Crawford Gorgas Commemorative Medal (from Hall of Fame for Great Americans at New York University Medal Series), Abram Belskie, Medallic Art Company, and Hall of Fame for Great Americans
William Cullen Bryant CdV, Napoleon Sarony
William Cullen Bryant Commemorative Medal (from Hall of Fame for Great Americans at New York University Medal Series), Agop Agopff, Medallic Art Company, and Hall of Fame for Great Americans
William Dennis, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
William Dennis, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
William D. Kelley CdV (from House Representatives, 38th Congress Album), Mathew B. Brady
William D. McCain, Everard G. Baker
William D. McCain, Jr., H. P. Neal
William D. Nicholson, Jr., Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
William Dorsey Pender, Frank Garo
William "Duff" Armstrong Is Cleared of a Murder Charge by Abraham Lincoln, Lloyd Ostendorf
William Ellery Channing Commemorative Medal (from Hall of Fame for Great Americans at New York University Medal Series), Albert W. Weinman, Medallic Art Company, and Hall of Fame for Great Americans
William Faulkner's "Lizards in Jamshyd's Courtyard": a critical and textual study, Seth William Dawson
William Fuller and Orlando Saltmarsh : January 19, 1848 / Mr. Lincoln ... made the following report., United States. Congress. House. Committee on Post Office and Post Roads.
William G. Brown Sr. CdV (from House Representatives, 38th Congress Album), Mathew B. Brady
William Hall Smith Memorial Highway Sign
William Henry Mitchell and calf
William Higby CdV (from House Representatives, 38th Congress Album), Mathew B. Brady
William H. McMahan, Faculty Awards
William H. Miller CdV (from House Representatives, 38th Congress Album), Mathew B. Brady
William H. Randall CdV (from House Representatives, 38th Congress Album), Mathew B. Brady
William H. Seward CdV (from House Representatives, 38th Congress Album), Mathew B. Brady
William H. Seward [recto], Jefferson Davis [verso]
William Hughes, Chin-Kong Chu, P. S. Young, Frank L. Chu, Ching-Shan Lai
William Irby Examines Double-Effect Evaporator
William J. Allen CdV (from House Representatives, 38th Congress Album), Mathew B. Brady
William J. Mullican, Anna Mullican, Edwin J. Mullican
William Johnston CdV (from House Representatives, 38th Congress Album), Mathew B. Brady
William Joseph Hardee, Frank Garo
William Keller, Eula Betts, George Lewis
William Keller, Kathy Martinolich
'William L. Giles, Allen Morgan, Con T. Welch'
William L. Giles, Captain R. B. Tucker
William L. Giles, Charles Lindley
'William L. Giles, Charles R. Cadenhead'
William L. Giles, Charles Shira, George Perry
William L. Giles, Charles Whittington, George Perry, Harry Carpenter, J. C. Redd
William L. Giles, Commencement
William L. Giles, Cully A. Cobb, Mrs. Cobb
William L. Giles, Douglas Allen
William L. Giles, E. B. ''Butch'' McCool
William L. Giles, E. B. "Butch" McCool
William L. Giles, E. B. McCool, Gaines M. Rogers
'William L. Giles, Elmer E. Mabus Memorial Nature Area'
'William L. Giles, Gaines M. Rogers'
William L. Giles, George Perry, C. W. Whittington
'William L. Giles, Harry C. Simrall, W. B. Wither, John L. Weeks, William P. Howard'
William L. Giles, Henry W. Nash
William L. Giles, Jerry Clower
William L. Giles, John A. Crawford, J. E. "Red" Ruffin
William L. Giles, John C. Stennis, J. P. Coleman
William L. Giles, John C. Stennis, J. P. Coleman
'William L. Giles, John K. Bettersworth'
William L. Giles, John K. Bettersworth, E. E. Mitchell, Francis Rhodes, Donations
William L. Giles, John K. Bettersworth, Louis Wise, Charles Lindley, C. C. Singletary
William L. Giles, Johnnie Sartor
'William L. Giles, Margaret Fairley, Charles Sullivan'
'William L. Giles, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. McCool, Gaines M. Rogers'
William L. Giles, Newcomen Meeting
William L. Giles, Patrons of Excellence, Mrs. C. W. Whittington, William R. Eaton
'William L. Giles, Plant Pathology'
'William L. Giles, Ray Johnson, Lloyd Kerr'
'William L. Giles, Robert T. Clapp'
'William L. Giles, Roger Clapp'
'William L. Giles, Tommy Howard'
William L. Giles, W. M. Savelle, C. B. Cliett, Harry Simrall, John K. Bettersworth
William L. Giles, W. M. Savelle, C. B. Cliett, Harry Simrall, John K. Bettersworth, Donations
William McCain, Austin Smith, John Frye, Library Expansion
William McKinley, the Nation's President, in the Cabinet Room of the White House, Washington, U.S.A, Underwood and Underwood and Strohmeyer and Wyman
William Monroe Essary, Telephone and Radio Operator
William O'Reilly, Garner Carley
William Penn Commemorative Medal (from Hall of Fame for Great Americans at New York University Medal Series), Edward R. Grove, Medallic Art Company, and Hall of Fame for Great Americans
William Pitt Fessenden CdV (from House Representatives, 38th Congress Album), Mathew B. Brady
William Radford CdV (from House Representatives, 38th Congress Album), Mathew B. Brady
William R. Fox, Robert H. Brown, Tom Garner, W. M. Bruce
William R. Morrison CdV (from House Representatives, 38th Congress Album), Mathew B. Brady
William R. Nettles, James E. Wall
Williams and Cunetto at Williams Lecture Series, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams and Davis at Williams Lecture Series, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams and Holder at Williams Lecture Series, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams and Holder at Williams Lecture Series, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams and Holder at Williams Lecture Series, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams and Holzer at Book Signing, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams and Holzer at Book Signing, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams and Marszalek at MSU Library, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams and Marszalek at Symposium on Lincoln, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams and Salter at Collins Speaker Series
Williams, and the Ritter's at Lincoln Exhibit Presentation, Mississippi State University Libraries
WIlliams and Williams at Collins Speaker Series
Williams and Williams at Symposium on Lincoln, Mississippi State University Libraries
William Sartain's Lincoln and Family, Louis A. Warren Lincoln Library and Museum, William Sartain, and Samuel B. Waugh
Williams at Book Signing, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams at Collins Speaker Series
Williams at Collins Speaker Series
Williams at Collins Speaker Series
Williams at Dinner Honoring Frank and Virginia Williams, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams at Evening Honoring Frank and Virginia Williams, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams at Lincoln Exhibit Presentation, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams at MegaResource, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams at MegaResource Workshop, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams at Opening Ceremony, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams at Opening Ceremony, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams at Symposium on Lincoln, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams at the 2014 Christmas Gala, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams at The Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams (at the podium) at Symposium on Lincoln, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams at Williams Lecture Series, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams at Williams Lecture Series, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams, Coleman and Semmes at The Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams (Daniel) family papers, Mississippi State University Libraries
William S. Demby, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
William S. Demby, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
William Shakespeare Engraved by Hollis from the Chandos Portrait, T. Hollis, John Taylor, and John Tallis and Company
William S. Holman CdV (from House Representatives, 38th Congress Album), Mathew B. Brady
Williams, John Harvey Script, Howard Langfitt
Williams (John Sharp) letters, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams Jubilee Singers, Touring Europe
Williams, Keenum, Williams, and Salter at Evening Honoring Frank and Virginia Williams, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams, L. A. Script, Howard Langfitt
Williams, Marszalek, and Semmes at The Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams, Marszalek, Semmes, and Williams at Opening Ceremony, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williamson School House Distric Short Course
William Sprague CdV (from House Representatives, 38th Congress Album), Mathew B. Brady
William Starke Rosecrans, Frank Garo
Williams (Tennessee) collection, Mississippi State University Libraries
Williams, Williams, Coleman, and Cunetto at The Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana, Mississippi State University Libraries
William Tecumseh Sherman, Frank Garo
William Tecumseh Sherman Commemorative Medal (from Hall of Fame for Great Americans at New York University Medal Series), Michael Lantz, Medallic Art Company, and Hall of Fame for Great Americans
William Tell, Gioacchino Rossini
William T. Harpole and William Burgin on State Senate Floor.
William Thomas Green Morton Commemorative Medal (from Hall of Fame for Great Americans at New York University Medal Series), Abram Belskie, Medallic Art Company, and Hall of Fame for Great Americans
William Wallace Lincoln, Mathew Brady
William Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Cully A. Cobb, William L. Giles, Jack Cook
William Winter, Bill Howard, and Bob Novak at Tau Beta Pi program.
Willie E. Wilemon, Arthur Davis, J. C. Whitehead, John W. Rial
Willie Heidelberg, Randy Bell
Willie Lenoir, Marlin, Texas, to Mary Lenoir
Willie Lenoir, Marlin, Texas, to Mary Lenoir
Willie Lenoir, Marlin, Texas, to Mary Lenoir
Willie Lincoln, Mathew Brady
Willie My Brave., Stephen Collins Foster
Willie We Have Missed You, Stephen Collins Foster
Will I go to heaven when I die?, Quirk
Willingness of Mississippi's Nonindustrial Private Forest Landowners to Manage Forests for Ecosystem Services, Edward Mutandwa
Will Iraq and terrorism decide the election?, David R. Bowen
Will Martin, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Will my dreams come true, Fred Heltman
Will o' the wisp, Will B. Morrison
Will-O-The-Wisp Rag, Richard Haasz
Willow Bank Waltz, L. Thayer Chadwick
Willow Weep For Me, Ann Ronell
Will South accept integration?
Will The Angels Guard My Daddy Over There?, Frank Henri Klickmann
Will There Be Any Stars in My Crown, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Will The Roses Bloom In Heaven, Columbia Phonograph Company
Will the Roses Bloom in Heaven
Will The Roses Bloom In Heaven
Will The Roses Bloom In Heaven?
Will T. McKie, William Peebles, Johnny Chennault, Joseph C. Fuller
Will Ya Huh, Roy Turk, Jack Smith, and Maceo Pinkard
Will You, Fred Mayo
Will You Be My Teddy Bear, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Will You Be There, Charles Kassell Harris
Will You Buy A Little Violet, José Padilla
Will you forgive if I forget?, Gabriel Selig
Will You Love Me in December as You Do in May, Ernest R. Ball
Will You Remember Me, Henry W. Santly and Harry Richman
Will You Remember Me?, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Will You Remember (Sweetheart)
Will You Say To My Dear Mammy, M. C. Thornton
Will you take this rose?, Frank Webb
Will You Wait In The Valley For Me, Johnny Burke
Willyum Wilson, George A. Spink
Willy Wednesday Johnson and Mule
Wilmer Thomas, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Wilson and Pettigo at Collins Speaker Series
Wilson at Collins Speaker Series
Wilson Furniture Company Hardware, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Wilson, Gilbert, Wiseman, and Pettigo at Collins Speaker Series
Wilson, James, to Dr. Rufus Wyman, Asylum for the Insane, Charlestown, Mass.
Wilson (John H.) Civil War Experience, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wilson Memorial Bridge, Miss-10
Wilsons and Turner, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wilson, Wiseman, Gilbert, and Arnold at Collins Speaker Series
Wilson, W. J. Script, Howard Langfitt
Wilt and blossom-end rot of the tomato, H. H. Wedgworth, David C. Neal, and J. M. Wallace
Winchester Cathedral, Geoff Stephhens
Windham, Edward Script, Howard Langfitt
Wind In The Pines, Inez Howell
Window 2 [Slide Farm-20], Howard Langfitt
Window [Slide Farm-20], Howard Langfitt
Windshield Wiper, Dorothy G. Knowlton
Windsor Ruins, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Windsor Ruins, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Windsor Ruins, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Winfield and Berry at African American Treasures from the Kinsey Collection, Mississippi State University Libraries
Winfield Scott Hancock, Frank Garo
Winfield Scott Hancock Illustration and Biography, John Chester Buttre and Mathew Brady
Winners in District Clothing Review
Winning Fight, Abe Holzmann
Winston County (Mississippi) records, Mississippi State University Libraries
Winter, Albert Gumble
Winter and Buffington at the former Gov. William Winter Presentation, Mississippi State University Libraries
Winter and Graham in the Templeton Museum, Mississippi State University Libraries
Winter and Mulllins during Collins Series
Winter and Salter at the former Gov. William Winter Presentation, Mississippi State University Libraries
Winter and summer pasture in Mississippi, E. R. Lloyd
Winter and Ward during Collins Series
Winter at the former Gov. William Winter Presentation, Mississippi State University Libraries
Winter Camp of Chas, Willis Ward on Wolf River, Near Pass Christian, Mississippi
Winter Cover Crops, Fall Applied Poultry Litter, and N Fertilization Effects on Soil Quality and Health Indicators, Apisit Boupai
Winter Dairying vs. Summer Dairying, Cheese Milk Producers, North Mississippi, D.W. Parvin and T.E. Tramel
Winter Dairying vs. Summer Dairying, Grade A Milk Producers, Memphis Milkshed, D.W. Parvin, A.C. Davis, and T.E. Tramel
Winter Dairying vs. Summer Dairying, Grade A Producers, South Mississippi, Thomas E. Tramel and David W. Parvin
Winter Ecology of Radiomarked Female Mallards In Mississippi's Alluvial Valley, Joseph David Lancaster
Winter Fairyland, Edna Taylor
Winter food and waterfowl dynamics in managed moist-soil wetlands in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, Heath Michael Hagy
Winter Garden Girl, Bobby Jones
Winter Grazing In South Mississippi, John B. Gill
Winter grazing results, South Mississippi, 1951-57, Clyde L. Blount
Wintering beef cows in south Mississippi, William A. Brock, W. W. Kilby, and Clyde L. Blount
Wintering population estimates and microplastics prevalence for tidal marsh birds of Mississippi, Spencer Weitzel
Wintering Waterfowl Use of Delta National Forest, Mississippi, Thomas Gilbert Peterson
Winter, Morse, Morse, Coats, Cunetto, and Peyton at former Gov. William Winter Luncheon, Mississippi State University Libraries
Winter Nights, Jean Schwartz
Winter pasture, E. R. Lloyd
Winter Quarters, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Winter Quarters, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Winter Quarters, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Winter Quarters, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Winter Quarters, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Winter Signs Book during Collins Series
Winter Speaks for Collins Series
Winter Speaks for Collins Series
Winter View, Episcopal Church, Greenville, Mississippi
Winter Views of Niagara: Under Table Rock, Heywood and Frank Rowell
Winter Waterbird Use and Food Resources of Aquaculture Lands in Mississippi, James Stephen Feaga
Winter Weather Hazards: Injuries and Fatalities Associated with Snow Removal, Christa Robyn Haney
Winter Wonderland, Félix Bernard
Wireless Rag, Adaline Shepherd
Wirt Bond on Tree Farm, Bobbie Jean Dickinson
Wirt Bond on Tree Farm, Bobbie Jean Dickinson
Wirt Bond on Tree Farm, Bobbie Jean Dickinson
Wirt Bond on Tree Farm With Iris, Bobbie Jean Dickinson
Wirt Bond With Tree Farm Sign, Bobbie Jean Dickinson
Wirt L. Bond, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Wirt L. Bond, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Wirt L. Bond's Forest, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Wirt L. Bond's Forest, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Wirt L. Bond's Forest, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Wisconsin Infantry at Allatoona Pass 1864, Clive R. Wooster
Wisconsin Memorial, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Wisconsin Memorial, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Wisconsin Memorial Day annual.
Wisconsin Mountain Battery 1864, Clive R. Wooster
Wisconsin Presidential primary platform against Civil Rights bill.
Wisconsin Presidential primary--significance platform--against Civil Rights bill.
Wiseman at Montgomery Awards, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wiseman at Templeton Festival, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wiseman, Aycock, and Gilbert at Collins Series
Wiseman, Coleman, Thorne, Aycock and Gilbert at Collins Series
Wiseman, Flaggs and Gilbert at Collins Series
Wiseman, Lowe, and Salter at Collins Series
Wiseman, Lowe, and Salter at Collins Series
Wiseman, Maske, and Walsh at Montgomery awards, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wiseman, Morrison, French, Winter, Ruby at former Gov. William Winter Luncheon, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wisemans at Festival, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wiseman Speaks at Blackburn Ceremony, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wiseman, Thorne, Aycock and Gilbert at Collins Series
Wishes, Gertrude Sans-Souci
Wishing, Buddy Gard De Sylva
Wishing, Isham Jones
Wishing, Buddy Gard De Sylva
Wishing A very Merry Christmas
Wishing For You, Mildred White Wallace
Wishing Moon, Frank Henri Klickmann
Wishing that dreams would come true, Frederic Knight Logan
Wishing You The True Joy of Christmas
Wish Me A Rainbow, Ray Evans and Jerry Livingston
Wish Me Good Luck On My Journey, W. R. Williams
Wish You Were Here, Harold Rome
Wish You Were Waiting For Me, David Saxon
Witch Doctor, Ross Bagdasarian
Witches' dance, J. DeLancey
With a Banjo on My Knee, Jimmy McHugh
With A Hey And A Hi And A Ho Ho Ho, Vic Mizzy
With All My Heart, Frank Henri Klickmann
With All My Heart, Earl Lawrence and Jack Mason
With All My Heart, Pete de Angelis
With a love like mine, Ted S. Barron
With a Smile and a Song, Frank Churchill
With A Song In My Heart, Richard Rodgers
With a Song in My Heart, Richard Rodgers
“With Charity to All and Malice toward none”, Juluis Bien
With Charity to All and Malice Toward None, Julius Bien & Company
Withered Roses, Charlie Garland, Larry Shay, and Haven Gillespie
With Every Breath I Take, Ralph Rainger and Leo Robin
With Johnny Doughboy, Marie Seuel Holst
With Louise On Lake Louise, Larry Stock
With love In My Heart, Sam Prager and Marty Quinto
“With Malice Toward None, With Charity for All...”, Rotography Company
“With Malice Toward None, With Charity for All...”, Rotography Company
“With Malice Toward None; With Charity for All”, C. Chapman and International Art Publishing Company
With Mother ' Smilin' On Me, Egbert van Alstyne
With My Eyes Wide Open I'm Dreaming, Mack Gordon and Harry Revel
With My Guitar and You, Ted Snyder
With My Guitar And You, Mort Harry and Edward Heyman
With My Head In The Clouds, Irving Berlin
With My Love, Paul Beaumont
With My Love, Paul Beaumont
Without A Song, Vincent Youmans
Without a wedding ring, Charles Kassell Harris
Without a Word of Warning, Mack Gordon and Harry Revel
Without That Certain Thing, Max Nesbitt and Harry Nesbitt
Without Thee, Otto M. Heinzman
Without You, Osvaldo Farrés
Without You, Peter Ham and Tom Evans
Without You, Vittorio Mascheroni
Without Your Love, Ah! Let Me Die!"", Charles K. Harris
Without You Sweetheart, Lew Buford Brown, Buddy Gard De Sylva, and Ray Henderson
With Plenty of Money and You, Harry Warren
With These Hands, Abner Silver
With The Wind And The Rain In Your Hair, Jack Lawrence and Clara Edward
With This Ring, John Sacco
With You, Irving Berlin
With You, Irving Berlin
With You Beside Me, Theodore F. Morse
With You on My Mind, I Find I Can't Write the Words, Buddy Fields
Witty and Tohill boat, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
W. J. Jennings Letter, E. P. Clayton
WLBT archives, Mississippi State University Libraries
W.L. Jones, Natches, to Mrs. Dr. W.L. Jones, Baltimore, Maryland
WLOX Banquet, Bill Dennis
"W"- Men: Male Nurses' Negotiation of Masculinity in a Predominantly Female Profession, Deborah Yoder (Deborah Jane Yoder) Miranda
W. N. Puckett Reminiscences, Willis Newbell Puckett
W. N. Snider, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Wolverton Family at the Old Main Academic Center Grand Opening, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wolvertons at Showcase, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wolverton, Sr. and Keenum at the Old Main Academic Center Grand Opening, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wolver ton, Sr. at the Old Main Academic Center Grand Opening, Mississippi State University Libraries
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T., Howard Langfitt
Womack, R. T. family television script, Howard Langfitt
Woman, Dick Gleason
Woman, Howard Langfitt
Woman, Howard Langfitt
Woman, Howard Langfitt
Woman 2, Howard Langfitt
Woman and baby 2 [Slide Farm-24], Howard Langfitt
Woman and boy, Howard Langfitt
Woman and bull, Howard Langfitt
Woman and bull [Slide Farm-7], Howard Langfitt
Woman and cages 2 [Slide Farm-5], Howard Langfitt
Woman and cages [Slide Farm-5], Howard Langfitt
Woman and chickens [Slide Farm-17], Howard Langfitt
Woman and child, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Woman and child, Howard Langfitt
Woman and Child on the Front Porch of a House
Woman and children, Howard Langfitt
Woman and children [Slide Farm-20], Howard Langfitt
Woman and children [Slide Farm-22], Howard Langfitt
Woman and cow [Slide Farm-12], Howard Langfitt
Woman and creation [Slide Farm-27], Howard Langfitt
Woman and curtain [Slide Farm-24], Howard Langfitt
Woman and eggs [Slide Farm-16], Howard Langfitt
Woman and eggs [Slide Farm-21], Howard Langfitt
Woman and flowers [Slide Farm-20], Howard Langfitt
Woman and freezer, Howard Langfitt
Woman and freezer [Slide Farm-19], Howard Langfitt
Woman and girl, Howard Langfitt
Woman and girl, Howard Langfitt
Woman and girl, Howard Langfitt
Woman and girl, Howard Langfitt
Woman and girl, Howard Langfitt
Woman and girl, Howard Langfitt
Woman and girl at freezer, Howard Langfitt
Woman and girl at freezer 2, Howard Langfitt
Woman and girl at piano [Slide Farm-23], Howard Langfitt
Woman and girl in kitchen, Howard Langfitt
Woman and girl in kitchen, Howard Langfitt
Woman and girl outside, Howard Langfitt
Woman and girls 2 [Slide Farm-24], Howard Langfitt
Woman and girls 3 [Slide Farm-24], Howard Langfitt
Woman and girls at table, Howard Langfitt
Woman and girls in kitchen, Howard Langfitt
Woman and girl [Slide Farm-20], Howard Langfitt
Woman and girl [Slide Farm-22], Howard Langfitt
Woman and girl [Slide Farm-22], Howard Langfitt
Woman and girls [Slide Farm-24], Howard Langfitt
Woman and jar [Slide Farm-21], Howard Langfitt
Woman and man and African American man with peaches, Howard Langfitt
Woman and plants, Howard Langfitt
Woman and quilt, Howard Langfitt
Woman and rug [Slide Farm-23], Howard Langfitt
Woman and sewing [Slide Farm-23], Howard Langfitt
Woman and shrubs 2 [Slide Farm-14], Howard Langfitt
Woman and shrubs [Slide Farm-14], Howard Langfitt
Woman and turkeys 2 [Slide Farm-19], Howard Langfitt
Woman and turkeys [Slide Farm-19], Howard Langfitt
Woman and two girls in yard, Howard Langfitt
Woman at chicken house, Howard Langfitt
Woman At Desk, Howard Langfitt
Woman at desk [Slide Farm-23], Howard Langfitt
Woman at door, Howard Langfitt
Woman at freezer, Howard Langfitt
Woman at freezer 2 [Slide Farm-18], Howard Langfitt
Woman at freezer [Slide Farm-16], Howard Langfitt
Woman at freezer [Slide Farm-17], Howard Langfitt
Woman at freezer [Slide Farm-18], Howard Langfitt
Woman at freezer [Slide Farm-18], Howard Langfitt
Woman at freezer [Slide Farm-19], Howard Langfitt
Woman at freezer [Slide Farm-20], Howard Langfitt
Woman at freezer [Slide Farm-21], Howard Langfitt
Woman at freezer [Slide Farm-21], Howard Langfitt
Woman at freezer [Slide Farm-21], Howard Langfitt
Woman at kitchen sink, Howard Langfitt
Woman at laundry [Slide Farm-24], Howard Langfitt
Woman at machine [Slide Farm-23], Howard Langfitt
Woman at piano, Howard Langfitt
Woman at piano, Howard Langfitt
Woman At Piano 2, Howard Langfitt
Woman at piano [Slide Farm-22], Howard Langfitt
Woman at sewing [Slide Farm-23], Howard Langfitt
Woman at stove, Howard Langfitt
Woman at stove, Howard Langfitt
Woman at stove [Slide Farm-13], Howard Langfitt
Woman at stove [Slide Farm-18], Howard Langfitt
Woman at stove [Slide Farm-20], Howard Langfitt
Woman at stove [Slide Farm-21], Howard Langfitt
Woman at stove [Slide Farm-22], Howard Langfitt
Woman at table, Howard Langfitt
Woman by mirror, Howard Langfitt
Woman cooking, Howard Langfitt
Woman cooking, Howard Langfitt
Woman cooking, Howard Langfitt
Woman girl and baby in kitchen, Howard Langfitt
Woman grading peaches 2 [Slide Farm-13], Howard Langfitt
Woman grading peaches [Slide Farm-13], Howard Langfitt
Woman in a Dark Swim Suit on the Beach
Woman in a Light Colored Bathing Suit on the Beach
Woman in a Striped Dress, Playing the Guitar
Woman in barn [Slide Farm-10], Howard Langfitt
Woman in cooler [Slide Farm-14], Howard Langfitt
Woman in dining room, Howard Langfitt
Woman in dining room, Howard Langfitt
Woman in Evening Gown, Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Station. Delta Branch, Stoneville
Woman in Hole, Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Station. Delta Branch, Stoneville
Woman in house 2 [Slide Farm-20], Howard Langfitt
Woman in house [Slide Farm-20], Howard Langfitt
Woman in kitchen, Howard Langfitt
Woman in kitchen, Howard Langfitt
Woman in kitchen, Howard Langfitt
Woman in kitchen, Howard Langfitt
Woman in kitchen 2, Howard Langfitt
Woman in kitchen 2, Howard Langfitt
Woman in kitchen 2 [Slide Farm-18], Howard Langfitt
Woman in kitchen 2 [Slide Farm-21], Howard Langfitt
Woman in kitchen [Slide Farm-18], Howard Langfitt
Woman in kitchen [Slide Farm-19], Howard Langfitt
Woman in kitchen [Slide Farm-21], Howard Langfitt
Woman in store 2 [Slide Farm-29], Howard Langfitt
Woman in store [Slide Farm-29], Howard Langfitt
Woman In Yard, Howard Langfitt
Woman in yard 2 [Slide Farm-22], Howard Langfitt
Woman milking cow, Howard Langfitt
Woman milking cows, Howard Langfitt
Woman next to flowers, Howard Langfitt
Woman of power, 1925 address, Lois D. Cobb
Woman on Steps, Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Station. Delta Branch, Stoneville
Woman outside of house, Howard Langfitt
Woman playing the piano, Howard Langfitt
Woman playing the piano, Howard Langfitt
Woman sewing, Howard Langfitt
Woman sewing, Howard Langfitt
Woman sewing 2, Howard Langfitt
Woman sewing 2 [Slide Farm-22], Howard Langfitt
Woman Sewing Farm [Slide Farm-21], Howard Langfitt
Woman sewing [Slide Farm-20], Howard Langfitt
Woman sewing [Slide Farm-20], Howard Langfitt
Woman sewing [Slide Farm-21], Howard Langfitt
Woman sewing [Slide Farm-21], Howard Langfitt
Woman sewing [Slide Farm-21], Howard Langfitt
Woman sewing [Slide Farm-23], Howard Langfitt
Woman sewing [Slide Farm-25], Howard Langfitt
Woman sewing [Slide Farm-25], Howard Langfitt
Woman Sitting beneath a Tree, Albert J. Fisher
Woman [Slide Farm-17], Howard Langfitt
Woman [Slide Farm-19], Howard Langfitt
Woman [Slide Farm-19], Howard Langfitt
Woman [Slide Farm-22], Howard Langfitt
Woman [Slide Farm-23], Howard Langfitt
Woman [Slide Farm-23], Howard Langfitt
Woman Standing in a Field with Two Bicycles
Woman talking on telephone, Howard Langfitt
Woman under tree, Howard Langfitt
Woman Walking on a Covered Walkway With an Aircraft Carrier Behind It
Woman washing clothes, Howard Langfitt
Woman with canned food, Howard Langfitt
Woman with chickens and pig, Howard Langfitt
Woman with Child on Lap, Marguerite Stix
Woman with Hands above Head, Marguerite Stix
Woman with pictures, Howard Langfitt
Woman with quilt, Howard Langfitt
Woman With Table in Front of House
Women and crafts [Slide Farm-21], Howard Langfitt
Women around table, Howard Langfitt
Women at Lee County mobile library
Women at Lee County mobile library
Women at table, Howard Langfitt
Women at table 2, Howard Langfitt
Women at War (from the History of the Civil War Medal Collection), Lincoln Mint
Women canning in club house kitchen [Slide Farm-21], Howard Langfitt
Women In Dining Room, Howard Langfitt
Women in Front of the Colosseum, Rome, Italy
Women in kitchen, Howard Langfitt
Women in the Citizen's Council.
Women in yard, Howard Langfitt
Women in yard 2, Howard Langfitt
Women in yard 3, Howard Langfitt
Women in yard 4, Howard Langfitt
Women in yard [Slide Farm-23], Howard Langfitt
Women looking at club yearbook
Women looking at club yearbook
Women outside 2, Howard Langfitt
Women representing Mississippi counties
Women's Auxiliary to Mississippi State Medical Association1
Women's Auxiliary to Mississippi State Medical Association2
Women's Golf Tournament, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Women showing crocheted bedspread, Howard Langfitt
Women [Slide Farm-20], Howard Langfitt
Women [Slide Farm-22], Howard Langfitt
Women [Slide Farm-24], Howard Langfitt
Women's Volleyball, Kathy Moffett
Women Walking the Sidewalk, Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Women with dress, Howard Langfitt
Women With Potted Plants [Slide Farm-22], Howard Langfitt
Women With Shrubbery, Howard Langfitt
Wondeful World Of Romance, Haydn Wood
Wonderful, Hans Flower
Wonderful Eyes, Allen Spurr
Wonderful garden of dreams, Dorothy Forster
Wonderful Girl, Wonderful Boy, Ivan Caryll
Wonderful One, Paul Whiteman and Ferde Grofé
Wonderful Pal Of My Dreams, Ami- Bas
Wonderful Winter, Al Kaufman
Wonderful You, Werner Janssen
Wonder if Ol' Bill could use a few good excuses?, David R. Bowen
Wondering Why, Tommy Malie, Jimmy Steiger, and Paul Ash
Wonderland By Night, Klauss-Gunter Neuman
Wonder When My Baby's Coming Home, Kermit Goell and Arthur Kent
Wonder Why, Nicholas Brodszky
Wonder Why I Love You Like I Do, Daniel Yates and Earl Bray
Wond'ring, Lee David
Won't You Be My Playmate?, Victor Herbert
Wont You Come Back To Me, Anson C. Jacobs
Won't You Come Over To My House
Won't you come over to my house, Egbert van Alstyne
Won't you fondle me?, James Kendis
Won't You Let Me Put My Arms Around You, Bob Adams
Won't you love me as of old?, R. M. Stults
Won't you waltz Home Sweet Home'' with me, for old times sake?, Herbert Ingraham
Wood (Annie Kay) paper, Mississippi State University Libraries
Woodbury March, Charles Krauss
Wood Carver's Shaver (Spoke Shaver)
Woodchopper's ball, Woody Herman
Wooden floor boards., Doy Payne Longest
Wooden floor boards and rugs, Doy Payne Longest
Wooden Spoke Shaver (Spoke Shave)
Woodfin-Norwood family collection, Mississippi State University Libraries
Woodland echoes, Addison P. Wyman
Woodland echoes, Addison P. Wyman
Woodland Settlement Pattern Changes in the North Central Hills of Mississippi, Joseph Smith
Woodland Whispers Waltzes, Gerald Stanley,
Woodman, Woodman, Spare That Tree!, Irving Berlin
Wood-Nymph, D. H. Hawthorne
Woodrow Wilson Commemorative Medal (from Hall of Fame for Great Americans at New York University Medal Series), C. Paul Jennewein, Medallic Art Company, and Hall of Fame for Great Americans
Woodrow Wilson's Lasting Impact on the Development of Federal Budget Practice and Theory, Tyson Michael Elbert
Wood Shop, Greenhouse, Laundry, Dairy
Woods Scene, Lamb-Fish Lumber Company, Charleston, Mississippi
Woodstock, Joni Mitchell
Woodworking tools, Outlaw-Page House, Doy Payne Longest
Woodyear Plantation, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Woody Woodpecker, Ramez Idriss and George Tibbles
Woody Woodpecker, Ramez Idriss and George Tibbles
Woody Woodpecker, Ramez Idriss and George Tibbles
Wool Carding Machine, Hill’s Carding and Wool House at New Salem State Park, Lincoln’s New Salem Enterprises, Inc.; Dexter Press Inc.; and Penrod Studio
Woolsey family letters, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wool [Slide Farm-12], Howard Langfitt
Woozy : Rag-Time March & Two-Step, A. E. Groves
Wops! My Dear., Al Piantadosi
Worcester Corset Company, Worcester Corset Company.
Word Frequency and the Recall-Recognition Paradox, Willie Brown
Words, Otis Spencer
Words of Abraham Lincoln, C. W. French editor
Workers at Newton Naval Stores
Workers of the oil well., Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Workers of the oil well., Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Workers of the oil well., Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Workforce gap analysis of a rural community college's training and local business & industry needs, Delfina Acosta Wilson
Working at Computer in Mitchell Memorial Library
Working memory capacity and fluid intelligence: A potential role of analogical transfer, Megan Raden
Work Motivation Before and After Using Assistive Technology by Disabled Agricultural Workers, Nesma Osama Abdelrahman Osman
Work Replication: A Communication Optimization For Loci, Krunal Navinchandra Soni
Workshop attendee's in the Virtual Reality Lab of the Digital Media Center, Mississippi State University Libraries
Workshop attendee's in the Virtual Reality Lab of the Digital Media Center, Mississippi State University Libraries
Workshop Catalog - Fall 2018, Mississippi State University
Workshop [Slide Farm-26], Howard Langfitt
Workshops @ Your Library - Fall 2019, Mississippi State University
Workshops @ Your Library - Fall 2020, Mississippi State University
Workshops @ Your Library - Fall 2021, Mississippi State University Libraries
Workshops @ Your Library - Spring 2020, Mississippi State University
Workshops @ Your Library - Spring 2021, Thomas La Foe
Workshops @ Your Library - Summer 2021, Mississippi State University Libraries
Works Progress Administration, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Workstock vs. tractors in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta, J. P. Gaines and Grady B. Crowe
Workstock vs. Tractors in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta, James P. Gaines and Grady B. Crowe
Work to Live or Live to Work?: The Impact of Gender, Personal Resources, and National Policy on the Importance of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Work Rewards in Post-Industrial Nations, Christy Haines Flatt
World Is Hungry For A Little Bit Of Love, Carolyn Ayres Turner
World's Columbian Exposition Chicago Admission Ticket, American Banknote Company
World Series, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
World's Fair 1893 Chicago Dudes' March, Adam Geibel
World's Fair march, Lawrence Dubuclet
World War II, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
World War II, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Worried, Vincent Rose
Worry Worry Worry, Ramez Idriss and George Tibbles
Worship of the North (from Confederate War Etchings), Adalbert John Volck
Worthington, G. R. family television script, Howard Langfitt
W. O. Stone, William L. Waller, M. M. Hawkins, Dennis Kelly
Would I Love You, Harold Spina
Wouldn't It Be Wonderful, Harry Akst
Wouldn't You Like to Have Me as a Sweetheart
Wouldn't You Like to Have Me for a Sweetheart, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Would You, Nacio Herb Brown
Would You, George Burnham McConnell
Would you?, Evans Lloyd
Would You Be So Kindly?, Burton Lane
Would you care?, Charles Kassell Harris
Would You Care if We Were Parted?, Will Rossiter
Would You Rather Be A Colonel With An Eagle On Your Shoulder, Or A Private With A Chicken On Your Knee?, Archie Gottler
Would you take me back again?, Alfred Solman
Wounded to the Rear: One More Shot, John Rogers
Wow!, Ted Baxter
W. P. Gullander, Larry Allen, Newton Collinson, Anthony Thomas
Wrap me in a bundle, Egbert van Alstyne
Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams, Harry Barris
Wrecked vehicle in a creek, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Wren Community Planning Committee
Wright at Census Workshop, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wright at Census Workshop, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wright at Census Workshop, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wright at Census Workshop, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wright at Census Workshop, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wright at Census Workshop, Mississippi State University Libraries
Wright at Census Workshop, Mississippi State University Libraries
Writing Individualized Education Plans for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities: Compliance After The No Child Left Behind Act, Robin Richards Ballard
Writing Letters to Customers. Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago, Ill.
Writings of Levi Woodbury, LL. D.: Political, judicial and literary, Levi Woodbury
Writing the Emancipation Proclamation (from Confederate War Etchings), Adalbert John Volck
Writing the Emancipation Proclamation (from Confederate War Etchings), Lincoln National Life Foundation and Adalbert John Volck
W. R. Lominick, county agent, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Wrong, Wrong, Wrong', Ralph Care and Sol Marcus
W.R. Sullivan and Dewitt C. Lundy
W. S. Rosecrans, STE Prints Ltd.
'W. Thomas (Tom) West, Dianne Ball'
W.T. Lenoir to Blanchard Lenoir, Hot Springs, Arkansas
W.T. Lenoir to Blanchard Lenoir, Hot Springs, Arkansas
W.T. Lenoir to W.A. Blanchard, Columbus, Mississippi
W. T. McKinney of Anguilla, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
W. T. Sherman, STE Prints Ltd.
WWII bowling alley-Mussolini, Hitler, Hirohito caricatures., Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
W. W. Littlejohn, Dora Herring, Joe Curry, R. S. Wofford
W.W. Little John -- Pike Christmas Open House
'W. W. Littlejohn, W. C. Flewellen'
Wynken, Blynken And Nod', Ethelbert Woodbridge Nevin
Wynne, George D. family television script, Howard Langfitt
Wyoming, Gene Williams
Wyoming, Gene Williams
Wyoming, Shoshone Distribution Company
X-Pilot Cummins, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Xylo-Oligosaccharides Production from Corn Fiber and In-Vitro Evaluation for Prebiotic Effect, Aditya Samala
Yaaka hula hickey dula, Edward Ray Goetz
Yacht Club, Biloxi, Mississippi
Yacht Club Seen from the Pier of Gulfport and New Yacht Harbor
Yachts Docked in Pascagoula, Mississippi
Ya Gonna Be Home Tonight (Oh Yeh? Then I'll Be Over), Al Dubin, Harold Bailey Dixon, and Samuel H. Stept
Yah-de-dah, Mel B. Kaufman
Yama Yama Blues., Spencer Williams and Clarence Williams
Yankee Doodle never Went to Town, Bernard Hanighen
Yankee dude, Jens Bodewalt Lampe
Yankee Girl, J. B. Lampe
Yankee grit, Abe Holzmann
Yankee Land : March & Two Step, Max Hoffmann
Yankee Rose, Abe Frankl
Yankee tango, Lester W. Keith
Yankee tar, Joseph M. Daly
Yard, Howard Langfitt
Yard, Howard Langfitt
Yard, Howard Langfitt
Yard, Howard Langfitt
Yard 2 [Slide Farm-22], Howard Langfitt
Yard 2 [Slide Farm-9], Howard Langfitt
Yard 3 [Slide Farm-10], Howard Langfitt
Yard 3 [Slide Farm-22], Howard Langfitt
Yard 4 [Slide Farm-22], Howard Langfitt
Yard and house [Slide Farm-23], Howard Langfitt
Yard [Slide Farm-17], Howard Langfitt
Yard [Slide Farm-18], Howard Langfitt
Yard [Slide Farm-21], Howard Langfitt
Yard [Slide Farm-22], Howard Langfitt
Yard [Slide Farm-23], Howard Langfitt
Yard [Slide Farm-24], Howard Langfitt
Yard [Slide Farm-3], Howard Langfitt
Yard [Slide Farm-9], Howard Langfitt
Yatch Club and Small Craft Harbor 102
Yawn, Willard J. Script, Howard Langfitt
Yazoo County Agricultural High School, 1916-1917
Yazoo River [Slide Farm-9], Howard Langfitt
Year book for girls' home demonstration clubs, Mississippi 1924, Ellaine Massey
Year book for girls' home demonstration clubs, Mississippi 1924, Ellaine Massey
Yearning, Neil Moret
Yearning Just For You, Benny Davis and Joseph A. Burke
Year Round Garden Club Display
Years, years ago, Leo Friedman
Ye barn dance, J. R. Shannon
Ye Book of Copperheads., Charles Godfrey Leland
Ye Happy Bells of Easter Day, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Yellow and Brown Jacket, Myrna Colley-Lee
Yellow and Lace Chiffon Dress, Myrna Colley-Lee
Yellow Bird, Norman Luboff
Yellow Bird, Norman Luboff
Yellow Bird, Norman Luboff
Yellow Bird, Norman Luboff
Yellow Coat, Myrna Colley-Lee
Yellow Dress, Myrna Colley-Lee
Yellow Dress, Myrna Colley-Lee
Yellowed Chemise, Myrna Colley-Lee
Yellow Fever in Grenada, 1878, Mississippi State University Libraries
Yellow Fever in Natchez, 1823, a History, Mississippi State University Libraries
Yellow Fever Journal, John Calvin Williams
Yellow Jack's Wrath: The 1878 Yellow Fever Epidemic and Public Health in Mississippi, Kyle Winston
Yellow Kids On Parade, C. E. Vandersloot
Yellow, Red, and Blue Floral Dress, Myrna Colley-Lee
Yeoman School, Newport, Rhode Island
Yesilbas at Symposium, Mississippi State University Libraries
Yesilbas at Symposium, Mississippi State University Libraries
Yes Sir! That's My Baby, Walter Donaldson
Yesterday, Al H. Wilson
Yesterday, Frayser Hinton
Yesterday, Monte Wilhite
Yesterthoughts, Victor Herbert
Yes! We Have No Bananas, Frank Silver and Irving Cohn
'Y' Family Party, YMCA Building
Yiddle On Your Fiddle Play Some Rag Time, Irving Berlin
Yield Aggregation Impacts on Area-Based Insurance and Commodity Program, Yang Wang
Yip-I-Addy-I-Ay, John H. Flynn
Yip-I-Addy-I-Ay, John H. Flynn
YMCA Building, Annual College Revival
Y.M.CA. Building On Main Street
Y. M. C. A. Building on Main Street, A Four Story Brick Colonial Building
Y. M. C. A. Building on Main Street, A Four Story Brick Colonial Building
Y. M. C. A. Building on Main Street, Hattiesburg, Mississippi
YMCA Building, Registration Desk
YMCA Building, Shoe Shine Stand
YMCA Building, Shoe Shine Stand
YMCA Camp Mondamin, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
YMCA, """"Can Fraternities Be Democratic?"""" Discussion Group
Y. M. C. A., Hattiesburg, Mississippi
YMCA, Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity
Yock-A-Hilo Town, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Yokohama, W. C. DeBaugh
Yoo-Hoo, Al Jolson
Yoo-Hoo O' Skinnay, Marie Annette
Yosemite (God's Wonderland), Phil Patterson
Yosemite Sam and Bugs Bunny, Tedd Pierce and Warren Foster
Yo Te Amo, Joseph Mueller
You, Ernest R. Heck and F. E. Whitmore
You, Walter Donaldson
You Always Hurt The One You Love, Allan Roberts and Doris Fisher
You Always Love the Same Girl, Richard Rodgers
You and I, Linda Bloodgood
You and I, Meredith Willson
You and I, Lew Tobin
You and the Moon and a Ragtime Tune, Harry von Tilzer
You and the Moon and Me, Abel Baer
You are Everything, Thomas Bell and Linda Creed
You Are Free, Victor Jacobi
You are Just A Little Pansy (But You Are Sweeter Than A Rose), Abner Silver
You Are Mine, J. K. Murray
You Are Mine Evermore, Emmerich Kalman
You Are MY Sunshine, Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell
You Are Surely Welcome to Atlanta, Arthur C. Wilson
You Are the One, Paul Jules Durand
You are the rose of my heart, James Kendis
You Belong to Me, Pee Wee King, Redd Stewart, and Chilton Price
You Better Leave My Man Alone, Fred Rose
You better leave my man alone, Fred Rose
You better quit your meanness, Edwin Othello Excell
You broke my heart, to pass the time away, Joe Goodwin
You Brought A New Kind Of Love To Me, Sammy Fain
You brought Ireland right over to me, Ernest R. Ball
You brought old Ireland back to me, J. Russel Robinson
You brute! You shall not smoke here!, H. C. White Company
You Call Everybody Darling, Sam Martin, Ben Trace, and Clem Watts
You Call It Madness But I Call It Love, Gladys Du Bois, Con Conrad, Paul Gregory, and Russ Columbo
You Came Along, Phil Charig
You Came Along (From Out Of Nowhere), Johnny Green
You Can Fool Some of the People Some of the Time Dick Locher Cartoon, Dick Locher and Chicago Tribune
You can have it, I don't want it, May Hill
You Cannot Shake That Shimmie Here, Joe Schenck and Gus Van
You Can Say That Again, Russell Faith and Clearence Way Kehner
You Can Stay But That Doggone Fiddle Must Go, Billy Baskette
You Can't Afford To Marry, If You Can't Afford A Ford, Jack Frost
You Can Take Me Away From Dixie, Fred Rose
You Can't Be a Good Little Fellow and Still Be a Good Little Girl, Alfred Solman
You Can't Beat Us If It Takes Ten Millions More, Ernest R. Ball
You Can't Be Mine (And Someone Else's Too), J. C. Johnson
You Can't Be True Dear, Hans Otten and Ken Griffin
You Can't Blame The Girlies At All, Abner Silver
You Can't Blame The Girlies At All (They All Want To Marry A Soldier), Abner Silver
You Can't Break My Heart, Spade Cooley and Smokey Rogers
You Can't Drive My Dreams Away, Gitz Rice
You can't expect kisses from me, Rubey Cowan
You Can't Get along With 'Em Etc.
You can't get away from it, Jean Schwartz
You Can't get to Heaven That Way, Seymour Simons
You Can't Keep The Union Man Down, Eddie McCarthy and Lillian Stenard
You Can't Make a Fool Out of Me, Egbert van Alstyne
You Can't Park Here, Haven Gillespie and Jack Little
You can't play in our yard any more, Henry W. Petrie
You Can't Play In Our Yard Anymore., H. W. Petrie
You Can't Pull the Wool Over My Eyes, Murray Mencher and Milton Ager
You Can't See the Sun When You're Crying, Allan Roberts, Doris Fisher, and Charles Newman
You Can't Stop Me Dreaming of You, Ed Morton
You Can't Stop Me From Dreaming, Dave Franklin and Cliff Friend
You Can't Stop Me From Lovin' You, Alberta Nichols
You Can't Take It With You, program
You Could Hear a Pin Drop, Norman Luboff
You'd Be Surprised, Irving Berlin
You'd Be Surprised, Irving Berlin
You'd Better Be Nice To Them Now, William Tracey and Jack Stern
You Dear (Nobody Else But You), Leo Feiner
You Didn't Know the Music (I Don't Know The Words), Sam Coslow
You Didn't Want Me When I Wanted You (I'm Somebody Else Now), Jack Stern
You Didn't Want Me When You Had Me (So Why Do You Want Me Now), George John Bennett
You'd Never Know That Old Home-Town Of Mine, Walter Donaldson
You Do Have Money, Don't You?, Johnny Guarnieri, Eddie Harris, and Fred Waugh
You Don't Care, Cecil Odom and Emery Gabel
You Don't Know Me, Cindy Walker and Eddy Arnold
You Don't Know What You're Missing
You Don't Like It- Not Much, Ned Miller, Art Kahn, and Chester Conn
You Gave Me A White Carnation, Gitz Rice
You Go To My Head, J. Fred Coots
You Gotta Be a Football Hero (To Get Along With The Beautiful Girls), Al Sherman, Al Lewis, and Buddy Fields
You Gotta Know How, Walter Donaldson
You great big handsome Marine, Harold Bailey Dixon
You Have a Wonderful Way (Of Doing What You Do), Earl K. Smith
You Have Lots-A-Time to Read on Sunday, Delos Owen
You Hit the Spot, Mack Gordon and Harry Revel
You-Hoo, Sweet Lady, Thomas Ball and Delos Owen
You Just Can't Plan These Things, Robert Allen
You Keep Coming Back Like A Song, Irving Berlin
You Know You Belong To Somebody Else (So Why Don't You Leave Me Alone), James V. Monaco
You know you do!, Eduard Holst
You Left Me Out in the Rain, William Raskin and Violinsky
Youlianna, Russell Webb
You'll Always Be the One I Love, Ticker Freeman
You'll Always Be The Same Sweet Girl
You'll always find a lot of sunshine in my old Kentucky home, Rubey Cowan
You'll Be Mine in Apple Blossom Time, Peter de Rose
You'll Be Sorry (But You'll Be Sorry Too Late), Maceo Pinkard
You'll be sorry just too late, Billy Gaston
You'll Do The Same Thing Over Again, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
You'll Find Old Dixieland In France, George W. Meyer
You'll Find Old Dixieland in France, George W. Meyer
You'll Have To Put Him To Sleep With The Marseillaise, Harry von Tilzer
You'll Have To Wait Till My Ship Comes In, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
You'll never find another love like mine, Alfred Solman
You'll Never Know., Chas K. Harris
You'll Want Me After All, William M. Schmitt
You'll Want Me Back Someday, Seger Ellis
You'll wish me back some day, Jas. Alvin Fairfield
You look better goin then you do a comin, Walter E. Davison
You made me love you, James V. Monaco
You Made Me Love You (I Don't Want To Do It), James V. Monaco
You May Be Lonesome (But You'll Be Lonesome Alone), Art Gillham
You may belong to some one else but your heart belongs to me, Will R. Garton
You Must Believe Me, Joseph A. Burke
You Must Come Over Tonight, Art Conrad
You Need Someone, Someone Needs You, Lewis E. Gensler
You never can be too sure about the girls, Rubey Cowan
You Never Can Tell, Albert von Tilzer
You Never Say Yes (You Never Say No), Rafael Duchesne and Art Kassel
Young Abe Lincoln Makes His Second Trip to New Orleans by Flatboat and Stays for a Month, May and June 1831, Lloyd Ostendorf
Young Abraham Lincoln, Richard Fayerweather Babcock
Young Abraham Lincoln on a Boat, Richard Fayerweather Babcock
Young Abraham Lincoln Reading a Book, Richard Fayerweather Babcock
Young Abraham Lincoln Rescues his Dog, Works Progress Administration, Chicago Historical Society, and Wilcox and Follet co.
Young Abraham Lincoln Splitting Logs, Richard Fayerweather Babcock
Young Abraham Lincoln Studying, Richard Fayerweather Babcock
Young Abraham Lincoln Travels with Family, Richard Fayerweather Babcock
Young America march, Morris Weston
Young Apsaalooke Man, Andrew Bowles Holder
Young at Heart, Johnny Richards
Young Attorney Abraham Lincoln at the Circuit Court, Lloyd Ostendorf
Youngblood, C. L. family television script, Howard Langfitt
Young bull 2 [Slide Farm-7], Howard Langfitt
Young bull 3 [Slide Farm-7], Howard Langfitt
Young bulls 3 [Slide Farm-10], Howard Langfitt
Young bull [Slide Farm-6], Howard Langfitt
Young bull [Slide Farm-7], Howard Langfitt
Young Churchill: The Development of Greatness, Kennedy Moehrs
Young Donkey, Marguerite Stix
Younger days, Louis Bloch
Younger Girl On Horse, Howard Langfitt
Young Girl, Marguerite Stix
Young Girl Leaning Against a Car
Young Hunters March, Ellis Woodward
Youngkin at MSU LEETS, Mississippi State University Libraries
Young Lincoln Figurine, Norman Rockwell
Young Lincoln, Fort Wayne, Ind. 1947
Young Lincoln Helps Build a New Home, Lloyd Ostendorf
Young Lincoln in His 21st Year, Lloyd Ostendorf
Young Love, Carole Joyner and Ric Cartey
Young Man Leading A United States Navy Band
Young Mens Christian Association
Young Mens Christian Association Plaque, 1914
Young Omahaw, War Eagle, Little Missouri, and Pawnees, Charles Bird King and Smithsonian Institution
Young Peewee Just Out of Nest, Keystone View Company
Young people plus prize cows, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Young people plus prize cows, Charles Johnson Faulk Jr.
Young (Thomas) papers, Mississippi State University Libraries
Young timber [Slide Farm-17], Howard Langfitt
Young trees, Howard Langfitt
Young (William Humphreys) letters, Mississippi State University Libraries
You Only Want Me When Your Lonesome (And Nobody Else Wants You), Edwin H. Tillman
You, Only You', M. Hazel Browning
You Ought To Know, Harold Weeks and James W. Casey
You ought to know, Noble Sissle
You Ought To See Her Now, Harry Pease and Ed G. Nelson
You Ought to See My Baby, Fred E. Ahlert
You Rascal You (I'll Be Glad When You're Dead), Sam Theard
Your Birthdays Come- Your Birthdays Go, But Honestly.. Greeting Card, American Greetings Corporation
Your Boy Is On The Coal Pile Now, Sam Ward
Your Country Needs You Now, J. Rennie Cormack and George Burnham McConnell
Your Country Needs You Now, George Burnham McConnell and J. Rennie Cormack
You're a Builder Upper, Harold Arlen
You're a Dangerous Girl, James V. Monaco
You're a Devil of an Angel, Mike King
You're a Good Man Charlie Brown, program
You're A Good Old Car, Harry von Tilzer
You're a Grand Old Flag, George M. Cohan
You're A Great Big Blue Eyed Baby
You're a Heavenly Thing, Joe Young and Jack Little
You're a Little Naughty Baby, Nat Vincent
You're All I Want For Christmas, Glen Moore and Seger Ellis
You're Always a Baby to Mother, William Tracey
(You're Always Sure Of) My Love For You, Gus Kahn and Grace Le Boy
You're a Million Miles From Nowhere (When You're One Little Mile From Home), Walter Donaldson
You're a Real Sweetheart, Cliff Friend
You're a Regular Girl, James Kendis and Frank Stilwell
You're as Dear to Me as 'Dixie' Was to Lee, The Misses Campbell
You're As Welcome As The Flowers In May
You're as Welcome as the Flowers in May, Dan Sullivan
You're Breaking My Heart, Pat Genaro and Sunny Skylar
You're Breaking My Heart with 'Good-bye', Abe Olman
You're Breaking My Heart With ""Good-bye"", Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
You're Driving Me Crazy (What Did I Do?), Walter Donaldson
You're Going to Lose Your Honey Boy, Arthur Carlton and Chas. A. Speidel
You're Gonna Lose Your Gal, James V. Monaco
You're gwine to get somethin' what you don't expect, Bert Williams
You're Here and I'm Here, Jerome Kern
You're In Kentucky Sure As You're Born, Larry Shay
You're in Love and I'm in Love, Walter Donaldson
You're in Love with Everyone (But The One Whose In Love With You), Ray Henderson
You're Irish and You're Beautiful, Charles Tobias and Al Lewis
You're Just a Flower From an Old Bouquet, Lucien Denni
You're Just A Flower From An Old Bouquet
You're Just In Love, Irving Berlin
You're Just Like A Rose, Raymond Hubbell
You're Like the Young Apple Blossom is to the Old Apple Tree, Earl K. Smith
You're Making a Miser of Me, Ernest R. Ball
You Remind Me of the Girl that Used to Go to School with Me, Charles Miller
You're More Like Your Mommy Ev'ry Day, Ervin Drake and Jimmy Shirl
You're My Baby, Nat D. Ayer
You're Never Too Old to Love, Albert Gumble
You're Not My First Little Girl, Ed G. Nelson
You're Not the Only Pebble on the Beach, Stanley Carter
You're O.K., Mickey Bloom
You're Part Of Me, Betty Laidlaw
You're So Dangerous, Meillin Robert
You're So Darn Charming, Harold Spina
You're So Different, Blue Steele
You're Some Pretty Doll, Clarence Williams
You're Still An Old Sweetheart Of Mine, Richard A. Whiting
You're Still In My Heart, Dan Dougherty
You're Telling Me, Walter Donaldson
You're The Best Little Mother Of All, Leo Friedman
You're the Dawn of a Perfect Day, Will Rossiter
You're the Girl that I've Been Longing For, Chas. L. Johnson
You're The One, Buddy Fields and Gerald Marks
You're The One I Care For, Bert Lown
You're The Only Girl That Made Me Cry, Fred Fisher
You're The Only Star, Gene Autry
You're There, Little Girl, You're There', Gus Edwards
You're The Surest Cure For The Blues, Dana Suesse and Chauncey Gray
You're the Sweetest Flower that Grows in Tennessee, George Evans
You're the Sweetest Girl in Ireland, Frank Black
You're The Sweetest Girl This Side Of Heaven, Carmen Lombardo and Harry Archer
You're Too Dangerous, Cherie', Louiguy
You're Trying To Throw Me Down, Roy Turk and J. Russel Robinson
You're Welcome, Yes, Welcome', Henry S. Sawyer
You're Wonderful, Buddy Fields, Jack Gardner, and Paul Ash
Your Eyes Have Told Me So, Walter Blaufuss
Your Eyes Shine in My Own, Johann Strauss
Your Eyes Will Light My Way, Bergen W. Plummer
Your Eyes, Your Smile, and You, Phil M. Welker
Your Flag And Mine, Larry Spier, Harry Akst, and Benny Davis
Your Flag and My Flag, Fred L. Ryder
Your Flag And My Flag, Fred L. Ryder
Your Friend, Forever A. Lincoln Engraving
Your Friend Forever A. Lincoln Portrait, H.B. Halls and Sons
Your Friend Henry Clay Engraving, Charles Fenderich and Frederick W. Halpin
Your Great Big Baby Smile, James White
Your heritage will still remain:southern identity formation in Mississippi from the sectional conflict through the lost cause, Michael J. Goleman
Your husband Willie, to "Dearest one"
You Rhyme With Everything That's Beautiful, Bert Reisfeld
Your King and Country Need You, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Your Lips Are Like Champagne, Gene Autry
Your Lips Are No Man's Land But Mine, Charles R. McCarron and Carey Morgan
Your Making a Miser of Me, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Your Obedient Servant, A. Lincoln Promotional Poster, Great American People Show
Yours, Henry S. Sawyer
Yours, Gonzalo Roig
Yours and Mines, Johnny Burke
Yours Is My Heart Alone, Franz Lehár
Your Smiles, Your Tears, Sigmund Romberg
Your Song, Carrie Jacobs-Bond
Your Song Form Paradise, Sydney Barlow Brown
Yours Truly A. Lincoln, Daniel Gray
Yours Truly Is Truly Yours, Ted Fiorito, Benny Davis, and J. Fred Coots
Your W, Monroe County, Mississippi, to "My Dear Mary"
You Said It!, Henry W. Santly
You Said Something, Jerome Kern
You Say You Care, Jule Styne
You Send Me, L. C. Cook
You Showed Me, Gene Clark and Jim McGuinn
You Showed Me The Way, Bud Green, Ella Fitzgerald, Teddy McCrae, and Chick Webb
You Started Me Dreaming, Benny Davis and J. Fred Coots
You Taught Me How To Love You, Louis Seifert and Edwin H. Tillman
You Taught Me How to Love You, Now Teach Me to Forget, George W. Meyer
You Taught Me To Care, Dale Sparkfair
You Tell 'Em Ivories, Zez Confrey
You Tell Her I S-t-u-t-t-e-r, Cliff Friend
You Tell It Jitney-Bus Joy, Frank Hendon
You Tell Me Your Dream, Gus Kahn and Charles Neil Daniels
You Tell Me Your Dream, I'll Tell You Mine', Charles Neil Daniels
You Told A Lie, Teepee Mitchell and Lew Porter
You Took Advantage of Me, Richard Rodgers
You Try Somebody Else, Lew Buford Brown, Buddy Gard De Sylva, and Ray Henderson
You Turned The Tables On Me, Louis Alter
You Used To, E. Forrest Young
You Used To Love Me Don't You Love Me No More, Murry Voelk
You've Got Me In The Palm Of Your Hand!, James V. Monaco
You've Got Me Pickin' Petal Off O'Daisies, Ray Henderson
You've Got that Thing, Cole Porter
You've Got The Wrong Number But You've Got The Right Girl, Kerry Mills
You've Got To See Mamma Ev'ry Night, Billy Rose and Con Conrad
You've got to see mamma ev'ry night (or you cant see mamma at all)., Billy Rose and Con Conrad
You've Got Your Mother's Big Blue Eyes, Irving Berlin
You've Stolen the Key to My Heart, Art Gillham
You've Stolen The Key To My Heart, Art Gillham
You Walk By, Bernie Wayne
You Wanted Someone To Play With I Wanted Someone To Love, George Burnham McConnell, Nat Osborne, Margie Morris, and Frank Capano
You Was!, Sonny Burke
You Were Meant For Me, Nacio Herb Brown
You were never introduced to me, Nathan Bivins
You Were Only Fooling, Larry Fotine
You Will Always Be The Same Sweet Girl To Me., J. Arthur Nelson
You Will Have to Sing an Irish Song, Albert von Tilzer
You Will Miss the Colored Soldiers, W. P. Dabney
You Won't Be Satisfied, Freddy James and Larry Stock
You You You, Lotar Olias
You, You, You, E. H. Pendleton
Yo-Yo Tricks, William L. Gillock
Ypsilanti, Egbert van Alstyne
Yump! Little Froggy, Dewey Bergman
Yum-Yum Party flyer, June 24, 1899, John Mason
Zacatecas, Gerardo Codina
Zachariah Chandler CdV (from House Representatives, 38th Congress Album), Mathew B. Brady
Zacharias and Coombs, Mississippi State University Libraries
Zacharias at Memorial for Dr. Donald Zacharias, Mississippi State University Libraries
Zacharias at Memorial for Dr. Donald Zacharias, Mississippi State University Libraries
Zack Bragg Interview and Questionaire, Howard Hanlon
Zebrafish kidney phagocytes utilize macropinocytosis and Ca+-dependent endocytic mechanisms., Claudia Hohn, Sang-Ryul Lee, Lesya M. Pinchuk, and Lora Petrie-Hanson
Zenas Preston Diary, Zenas Preston
Zenobie, Robert A. King
Zep Greens Air Ship, National Phonograph Company; Orange, New Jersey
Zephyrs of the Torrid Zone, Daniel La Grove
Zero-Sided Communication Challenges in Implementing Time-Based Channels using the MPI/RT Specification, Jothi P. Neelamegam
Zeta Tau Alpha Big Brothers, 1978
Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority, Dana Bonney
Zez Confrey's Novelty Piano Solos, Zez Confrey
Zhang, Downey, Clay-Powers, and Houghton-Jan at Summit, Mississippi State University Libraries
Zigeuner, Noel Coward
Zigzag, Anthony Louis Scarmolin
Zingareska, Marus I. Epstein
Zinkote Products "Plaques of Distinction", Zinkote Sales Co.
Zita, Zettie Kelly
Ziz, Alfred Feltman
Z. M. Rogers field of Hairy Vetch and Oats
Zola, Eldon Spofford
Zollie O. Bourne, Mississippi Forestry Association
Zollie O. Bourne, Mississippi Forestry Association
Zoma, Edward Sands Litchfield
Zonophone, Berliner (Record company)
Zonophone, Berliner (Record company)
Zoology Department, Entomology Department, R. W. Harned
Zoonotic risk of emerging influenza viruses from domestic animals, Sherry Blackmon