Content Posted in 2024
Letitia Tyler Commemorative Medal
Let’s Have a Family Conversation, Kimberly C. Tarver and Kina White
Letter, Archibald Price to Parents, 1841, Archibald Price
Letter opener, Copyright held by Lincoln Pest Control
Letters to the Editor, An Open Letter To Black Students, February 27, 1970, The Reflector
Letters to the Editor, Black History-A Farce, February 20, 1970, The Reflector
Letters to the Editor, 'Black History' Defended Bartlett Challenged, February 24, 1970, The Reflector
Letters to the Editor, Boycott Questioned, March 17, 1970, The Reflector
Letter to the Editor, April 23, 1968, Thom Fewel
Letter to the Editor, Negro Athletes May Bring Victory, September 24, 1968, Gary Weatherly
Leveraging a Team Approach for Emergency Preparedness in Georgia, Virginia Brown, Maria Bowie, Pamela Turner, and Aaron Golson
Lewis Dalvit with Wife, Patricia and Two Unidentified Women
Libby Prison, published by Webster and Albee (American,1886-1910)
Lieutenant and Mrs. Robert E. Lee, published by Valley News Agency (American) and produced by Mike Roberts (American)
Liles Williams Congressional Campaign Event
Liles Williams Congressional Campaign Event
Limited edition Talking Abraham Lincoln Action Figure, Copyright held by Toy Presidents Inc.
Limited edition Talking Abraham Lincoln Action Figure, Copyright held by Toy Presidents Inc.
Limited edition Talking Abraham Lincoln Action Figure, Copyright held by Toy Presidents Inc.
Lincoln, produced by DC Impressions and copyright held by Jack Hubbert
Lincoln, produced by DC Impressions and copyright held by Jack Hubbert
Lincoln, published by A B-H Publications (American)
Lincoln, produced by Warner Miskey Merrill Philadelphia
Lincoln, produced by Armor Bronze Co. (American)
Lincoln 6 Inch Bust Box, produced by Design Masters
Lincoln and Ann Ruthledge, Artwork by Art Sieving.
Lincoln and Davis Annouce Cabinets, written by John W. Stepp and published by Star Magazine (American)
Lincoln and Douglas Debate in 1858
Lincoln and Douglas in Debate, sculpted by Lily Tolpo (American, ?-2016)
Lincoln and Herdon Building, Southwest Corner Sixth and Adams Streets, Springfield, Illinois, distributed by Springfield News Agency, Inc. (American) and produced by Colourpicture (American)
Lincoln and his family, published by W.M. Grandy (American)
Lincoln and His Family, published by W.M. Grandy (American)
Lincoln and his family, copyright held by Mrs. Harriet Blackstone C. Butler (American, 1864-1939)
Lincoln and Son Reading, sculpted by Lily Tolpo (American, ?-2016) and issued by the Noon Rotary Club Foundation of Freeport, Illinois (American)
Lincoln and Stephen, written by Norman Shavin and published by Atlanta Journal and Constitution (American, 1868-Present)
Lincoln and Tad, issued by the Lincoln Museum
Lincoln and Tad on State Capitol Grounds in Des Moines, Iowa, produced by Dexter Press, Inc. (American, 1920s-1992?) and published by Hurley Supply Company (American)
Lincoln Art Cube, Copyright held by New-York Historical Society (American, 1804-present)
Lincoln at Fort Monroe, Virginia, 1862, featuring drawing by Jack Clifton, photography by William T. Radcliffe and published by Walter H. Miller (American)
Lincoln at Lincoln at Gettysburg, published by Associated Distributors (American)
"Lincoln at Prayer"in the Washington Cathedral, Washington, D.C., featuring sculpture by Herbert Houck (American)
Lincoln at Prayer, Washington Cathedral, Mount Saint Alban, Washington, D.C., produced by Capsco Wholesalers, Inc. (American)
Lincoln at Richmond, April 4, 1865, featuring painting by Dennis Maline Carter (American, born Irish, 1820 - 1881), printed by Arthur Jaffe Heliochrome Company (American, active mid-1900s)
Lincoln at Richmond, April 4th 1865, painting by Dennis Malone Carter (Irish-American, 1820-1881), printed by Arthur Jaffe Heliochrome Company (American)
Lincoln Ball and Cup, Copyright held by Design Master Associates (American, 1983-present)
Lincoln Bedroom, Lincoln-Tallman Museum (Wisconsin), published by Rex Photo Service (American) and produced by Dexter Press, Inc. (American, 1920s-1992?)
Lincoln Bicentennial, 1809-2009
Lincoln Birthplace in Lincoln Memorial, Kentucky, published by Nancy Lincoln Inn (American) and produced by Curteich (American)
Lincoln Borne by Loving Hands-Lincoln Museum, Washington, D.C., published by Government Services, Inc. (American) and produced by Curteich (American)
Lincoln Bust, produced by Goebel (W. Germany); sculpted by Bochmann
Lincoln by Douglas Volk, featuring artwork by Douglas Volk (American, 1855-1935)
Lincoln Cabin, Birthplace of Abraham Lincoln, Kentucky, published by H.N. Shonkwiler (American) and produced by Curteich (American)
Lincoln Cabin, Inside Memorial Hall, on Lincoln Farm, Near Hodgenville, Kentucky, published by Nancy Lincoln Inn (American) and produced by C.T. American Art (American)
Lincoln Cemetery, St. Mem. Pk., Near U.S. 31W, 12 Miles No. of Elizabethtown, Kentucky., distributed by Mrs. Raymond Peake, Lincoln's Boyhood home (American) and produced by Curteich
Lincoln Centennial, 1871-1971, produced by Lincoln, Rhode Island (American, 1871-present)
Lincoln Centennial Souvenir, 1809-1909, copyright held by E. Nash
Lincoln Civil War Centennial Commission Plate, produced by Kettlesprings;
Lincoln College Centennial Anniversary, produced by Metallic Art Company (American)
Lincoln Conference, September 17-18, 1992, artist by Robert Hornak, produced by Button King (American)
Lincoln Conference, September 17-18, 1992, artist by Robert Hornak, produced by Button King (American)
Lincoln Conference, September 17-18, 1992, artwork by Robert Hornak, produced by Button King (American)
Lincoln Conference, September 17-18, 1992, artwork by Robert Hornak, produced by Button King (American)
Lincoln Costume Doll, Copyright held by Peggy Nisbet
Lincoln County Kansas Centennial Medal
Lincoln Court House-Re-Erected in Greenfield Village-Dearborn, Michigan, produced by Artcraft Photo Company (American)
Lincoln Depot Museum, 10th and Monroe Street in Springfield, Illinois, published by Springfield News Agency (American) and produced by Colourpicture (American)
Lincoln Depot Museum: 10th and Monroe Street in Springfield, Illinois, published by Springfield News Agency, Inc. (American) and produced by Colourpicture Publishers, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Desks Commemorative Token
Lincoln-Douglas 2nd Joint Debate Mug, produced by Headwind
Lincoln-Douglas Debate Quincy, October 13 1858
Lincoln-Douglas Debates, produced by Mike Roberts (American) and published for the Civil War Souvenir Center (American)
Lincoln Family Christmas Morning, Tad on Chair Opening Presents, Washington, D.C. 1861, featuring artwork by Lloyd Ostendorf (American,1921-2000 ) and published by Phil Wagner
Lincoln Farm, Near Hodgenville, Kentucky, published by C.T. General (American) and produced by Curteich (American)
Lincoln Finger puppet, Copyright held by Philosophers Guild.
Lincoln Forum Attendees Sitting and Eating Together
Lincoln Forum Attendees Sitting and Eating Together
Lincoln Funeral Car, Illinois Central System
Lincoln Funeral Procession on Broadway N.Y.
Lincoln Gun and Parade Ground, Fort Monroe, Old Point Comfort, Virginia, photography by Walter H. Miller and published by Walter H. Miller & Company (American)
Lincoln Gun and Parade Ground, Fort Monroe, Old Point, Virginia, photography by Walter H. Miller, published by Walter H. Miller & Company, Inc. (American) and caption by Fort Monroe Casemate Museum (American)
Lincoln Head Mug, produced by the Shafford Company
Lincoln Head Mug, produced by Shafford Company
Lincoln Heritage Commemorative Medal, produced by the Lincoln Heritage Trail (American)
Lincoln Heritage Trail, produced by Lincoln Heritage Trail (American, 1915-present)
Lincoln Heritage Trail Commemorative Medal
Lincoln -Herndon Law Office at Abraham Lincoln's House at Abraham Lincoln's Home National Historic Site, photography by Stephen N. Chaffee, published by Coastal Photo Scenics (American) and copyright held by Eastern National Park & Monument Association (American)
Lincoln-Herndon Law Offices, design and photography by Take Note Enterprises (American)
Lincoln Home National Historic Site, photography by Stephen N. Chaffee, copyright held by Eastern National Park & Monument Association (American) and published by Coastal Photo Scenics (American)
Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Lincoln's Tomb State Historic Site, Springfield, Illinois, photography by Stephen N. Chaffee, published by Coastal Photo Scenics (American) and produced by Eastern National Park & Monunment
Lincoln Home National Historic Site Old State, Capitol, Springfield, Illinois, photography by Stephen N. Chaffee, published by Coastal Photo Scenics (American) and produced by Eastern National Park & Monunment
Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Springfield, Illinois, photography by Fred Miller and copyright held by Miller-Bicast Company (American)
Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Springfield, Illinois, Mrs. Lincoln's bedroom at the Lincoln Home, copyright held by Eastern National Park & Monument Association (American) and printed by Consolidated/ Drake Press (American)
Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Springfield, Illinois, The Lincoln Home, photography by Fred Miller and produced by Miller-Bicast Company (American)
Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Springfield, Illinois, The Lincoln Home, copyright held by Eastern National Park & Monument Association (American) and printed by Consolidated/ Drake Press (American)
Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Springfield, Illinois, The Lincoln Home at Dusk, photography by Fred Miller and produced by Miller-Bicast Company (American)
Lincoln Home National National Historic Site, Old State Capital in Springfield, Illinois, photography by Stephen N. Chaffee, published by Coastal Photo Scenics (American) and copyright held by Eastern National Park & Monument Association (American)
Lincoln Home, Springfield, Illinois, published by Charles R. Graham Company, Inc.
Lincoln Home. Springfield, Illinois
Lincoln Homestead State Shrine, photography by Jeff Durham and published by Durham Advertising (American)
Lincoln House. Springfield, Illinois, published by Sahling Company (American)
Lincoln Inaugural Centennial, produced by Kettlesprings Ilns.
Lincoln Inaugural Centennial Combative Plate, produced by Kettlesprings (Ill.); Illustrated by the Collection of Political Americana Smithsonian Institution; copyrighted by Political Heritage, Inc (NY)
Lincoln is Inaugurated 16th President, written by John W. Stepp and published by Star Magazine (American)
Lincoln Issues a Pardon, featuring artwork by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (American, 1863-1930) and produced by Paw Paw Plastics Laminating Service, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Kneeling, Artwork by M. Carollo?
Lincoln Log Cabin, Lincoln Log Cabin State Park, Charleston, Illinois, published by Well-Worth 5 & 10 Cent Store (American) and produced by Curteich (American)
Lincoln Marriage Cabin, Pioneer Memorial State Park, Harrodburg, Kentucky, published by H.N. Shonkwiler (American) and produced by Curteich (American)
Lincoln Marriage Cabin, Pioneer Memorial State Park, Kentucky
Lincoln Marriage Temple, Pioneer Memorial State Park, Harrodsburg, "In old Kentucky", produced by E.C. Kropp (American)
Lincoln Meeting Formerly Enslaved Peoples
Lincoln Memorial, produced by Dexter Press (American, 1920s-1980s)
Lincoln Memorial, produced by Dexter Press, Inc. (American, 1920s-1992?)
Lincoln Memorial, produced by Fraser Creation (Scotland); sculpted by Ian M. Fraser
Lincoln Memorial, Aeroplane, Washington, D.C., published by the Washington News Company (American) and produced by the Tichnor Brothers (American, 1908 - 1987)
Lincoln Memorial and Arlington Memorial Bridge, Washington, D.C., published by B.S. Reynolds Company (American) and produced by Curteich (American)
Lincoln Memorial and Arlington Memorial Bridge, Washington, D.C., published by B.S. Reynolds (American) and produced by Curteich (American)
Lincoln Memorial and Cherry Blossoms, Washington, D.C., published by B.S. Reynolds Company (American); produced by Curteich (American)
Lincoln Memorial and Japanese Cherry Blossoms, Washington, D.C., published by B.S. Reynolds Company (American)
Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool in Washington, D.C., produced by Capitol Souvenir Company, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool, Washington, D.C., produced by the Capital Souvenir Company (American)
Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool, Washington, D.C., published by B.S. Reynolds Company (American)
Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool, Washington, D.C., published by B.S. Reynolds (American)
Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument from the Air. Washington, D.C., published by the Washington News Company
Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument from the Air. Washington. D.C., produced by the Washington News Company (American)
Lincoln Memorial Bobble Head, Copyright held by The Bobble head LLC
Lincoln Memorial Bobble Head, Copyright held by The Bobble head LLC
Lincoln Memorial Building: Abraham Lincoln National Historical Park in Hodgenville, Kentucky, produced by the Tichnor Brothers (American, 1910?-1950s?) and photography by Kentucky Postcard Company (American)
Lincoln Memorial Building: Abraham Lincoln National Historical Park in Hodgenville, Kentucky, distributed by Readmore News Company (American) and produced by Curteich (American)
Lincoln Memorial Building: Abraham Lincoln National Historical Park in Hodgenville, Kentucky, produced by Curteich (American)
Lincoln Memorial Commemorative Medal
Lincoln Memorial from Across the Potomac, Washington, D.C., published by Garrison's Toy & Novelty Company (American); copyright held by C.O. Buckingham Art Company (American)
Lincoln Memorial from Across the Potomac, Washington, D.C., published by B.S. Reynolds Company (American); produced by C.T. American Art
Lincoln Memorial Hall near Hodgenville, Ky., published by the Kyle Company (American)
Lincoln Memorial, Hodgenville, "In Old Kentucky", produced by E.C. Kropp (American)
Lincoln Memorial, Hodgenville, Kentucky, published by the Kyle Company (American)
Lincoln Memorial-Lincoln's Birthplace, Kentucky, produced by W.M. Cline Company (American)
Lincoln Memorial, Lincoln State Park, Spencer County, Indiana, produced by Curteich (American)
Lincoln Memorial Miniature Statuette, produced by Hudson Pewter; sculpted by P.W. Baston
Lincoln Memorial, near Hodgenville, Ky., published by Nancy Lincoln Inn (American) and produced by Curteich (American)
Lincoln Memorial Near Potomac River, Washington, D.C., published by B.S. Reynolds Company (American)
Lincoln Memorial, Showing Washington Monument in Distance, produced by the Capital Souvenir Company (American)
Lincoln Memorial Showing Washington Monument in Distance (Washington, D.C.), produced by Capitol Souvenir Company, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Memorial Shrine, Redlands, California, produced by McGrew Color Graphics (American)
Lincoln Memorial Through Cherry Blossoms, Washington, D.C.
Lincoln Memorial Through Cherry Blossoms, Washington, D.C., published by B.S. Reynolds Company (American); produced by Metrocraft Evertt (American)
Lincoln Memorial Through the Cherry Blossoms, Washington, D.C., published by Washington News Company (American)
Lincoln Memorial (Washington, D.C.), produced by Prince Lithograph Company (American) and distributed by L.B. Prince Company (American)
Lincoln Memorial (Washington, D.C.), published by the Washington News Company (American) and produced by Tichnor (American, 1930-1945)
Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., produced by Captial Souvenir Company (American, 1931-present)
Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., published by B.S. Reynolds (American)
Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., published by B.S. Reynolds (American)
Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., published by B.S. Reynolds (American)
Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., published by B.S. Reynolds Company (American)
Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., featuring a sculpture by Daniel Chester French (American, 1850-1931) and produced by Capital Souvenir Company, Inc. (American, 1931-present )
Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., copyright held by Rideout Studio
Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C.
Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C.
Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., produced by the Washington News Company
Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., published by the Washington News Company (American)
Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., produced by Prince Lithograph Company, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., published by the Washington News Company (American) and produced by Curteich (American)
Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., published by the Washington News Company (American)
Lincoln Memorial, Washington. D.C., published by B.S. Reynolds Company (American)
Lincoln Memorial, Washington. D.C., published by B.S. Reynolds Company (American)
Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument and U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C., produced by the Capital Souvenir Company (American)
Lincoln Monument and High School, Manchester, New Hampshire, produced by Leighton & Valentine Company (American)
Lincoln Monument at Night, published by Sanborn Souvenir Company, Inc. (American) and produced by Dexter Press, Inc. (American, 1920s-1992?)
Lincoln Monument at Springfield, IL, produced by Harry G. Golden
Lincoln Monument, Lincoln Park, Chicago, published by the Union News Company and produced by Tichnor Brothers, Inc. (American,1908 - 1987 )
Lincoln Monument (Wyoming), published by Noble Post Cards (American)
Lincoln Monument (Wyoming), published by Sanburn Souvenir Company, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Museum Top Hat Mug, produced by Headwind
Lincoln National Life, 75th Anniversary, produced by The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company (American,1905-present)
Lincoln National Life Donor Mug, issued by the Lincoln National Life
Lincoln National Life Insurance Company Commemorative Medal, produced by the Lincoln National Life Insurance Company (American)
Lincoln National Memorial, Kentucky, published by Nancy Lincoln Inn (American) and produced by Curteich (American)
Lincoln National Memorial, Near Hodgenville, KY., produced by Caufield & Shook (American)
Lincoln National Reinsurance coaster, Copyright held by Lincoln National Reinsurance
Lincoln National Reinsurance Mug
Lincoln National Reinsurance Mug Lid
Lincoln National Reinsurance President's Trophy
Lincoln National Sales Corporation coaster, Copyright held by Lincoln National Sales Corporation
Lincoln “Not One Cent For Slavery” Campaign Token
Lincoln on Democracy Wine Bottle, produced by Woodbury Vineyards; bottled by Woodbury Vineyards
Lincoln on Man's Duty to Mankind, Illinois "Land of Lincoln" Pavilion, New York, New York World's Fair, 1964-1965, produced by Dexter Press, Inc. (American, 1920s-1992?)
Lincoln Park, Greely, Colorado
Lincoln Parlor, produced by Curteich (American)
Lincoln Pez, Copyright held by PEZ (American, 1927-present)
Lincoln Portrait Glass, issued by the Lincoln Museum and featuring artwork by Mathew Wilson
Lincoln Pot Bellys, Copyright held by Harmony Ball
Lincoln Quart Glass Milk Bottle, produced by Dairy Co. (Hartford, Conn.)
Lincoln Room, distributed by Chase A. Fach (American) and produced by Curteich (American)
Lincoln Room, published by Carnahan Advertising Specialities (American)
Lincoln's Address, produced by the Tichnor Brothers, Inc. (American, 1910-1950s)
Lincoln's Address, Delivered at Gettysburg, PA, produced by the Tichnor Brothers, Inc. (American, 1910-1950s)
Lincoln's Address, Delivered at Gettysburg, PA on November 19, 1863, produced by the Tichnor Brothers, Inc. (American, 1910-1950s) and published by George W. Buohl (American)
Lincoln's Address, Delivered at Gettysburg, PA on November 19, 1863, produced by W.M. Gandy
Lincoln's Address, Delivered at Gettysburg, PA on November 19, 1863
Lincoln's Address, Delivered at Gettysburg, PA on November 19, 1863, produced by the Tichnor Brothers, Inc. (American, 1910-1950s) and published by David Blocher (American)
Lincoln's Address, Delivered at Gettysburg, PA on November 19, 1863, published by David Blocher (American)
Lincoln- scholar, produced by Art Sieving
Lincoln's Death Chair, Greenfield Village, published by the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village (publisher) and produced by Curteich (American)
Lincoln Sesquicentennial, published by W.M. Grandy (American)
Lincoln Sesquicentennial: 1809-1959, produced by W.M. Gandy (American)
Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commemorative Plate, produced by Kettlesprings; copyrighted by A.H. Zychick
Lincoln's First School on Knob Creek, From an old painting, produced by Dexter Press, Inc. (American, 1920s-1992?)
Lincoln's First School on Knob Creek, Kentucky, from an Old Painting, artwork by Mrs. Chester Howard, published by Lincoln's Boyhood Home (American) and produced by Curteich (American)
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, published by C.A. Blocher (American)
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, produced by Marken & Bielfeld Inc. (American)
Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech, produced by Joseph M. Kratina (1872-1950)
Lincoln's Hall tree at Abraham Lincoln's House at Abraham Lincoln's Home National Historic Site, published by Coastal Photo Scenics (American) and copyright held by Eastern National Park & Monument Association (American)
Lincoln's Happy Moments, with Little Tad and His Pony
Lincoln's Happy Moments, With Little Tad and His Pony
Lincoln's Home, produced by the Danbury Mint
Lincoln's Home, Springfield, Illinois
Lincoln's Home, Springfield, Illinois, produced by Brown's Pictures
Lincoln's Home, Springfield, Illinois, produced by Moore and Gibson Company (American, 1903-?)
Lincoln Shrine, Metamora, Illinois
Lincoln's Long Nine Museum, copyright held by Ostendorf-Temple-Wagner (American)
Lincoln's New Salem. Ill. Plate
Lincoln Socks, Copyright held by SockSmith
Lincoln Speech Memorial, produced by C.T. Photochrom
Lincoln Speech Memorial and Gettysburg Address, published by L.E. Smith (American) and produced by H.S. Crocker Company, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Speech Memorial and Gettysburg Address, published by Dutchcraft Company (American)
Lincoln Speech Memorial, Gettysburg, PA, published by David Kaufmann and produced by David Kaufmann (American)
Lincoln Speech Memorial in Gettysburg, PA, published by Blocher's (American)
Lincoln Split, from painting by Chuck Levitan (American, 1942-present) and produced by Chuck Levitan, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Spoon, Copyright held by Pewter
Lincoln's Speech at Gettysburg
Lincoln's Speech at Gettysburg
Lincoln's Speech Memorial, published by L.E. Smith (American) and photography by Mike Roberts (American)
Lincoln Standing Proud, Copyright held by MPI
Lincoln Statue, produced by Dexter Press, Inc. (American, 1920s-1992?) and distributed by L.B. Prince Company (American)
Lincoln Statue, produced and distributed by Prince Lithograph Company, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Statue, published by Washington Novelty, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Statue, featuring sculpture by Daniel Chester French (American, 1850-1931), produced by Prince Lithograph Company, Inc. (American) and distributed by L.B. Prince Company (American)
Lincoln Statue, featuring a sculpture by Daniel Chester French (American, 1850-1931), produced by Dexter Press (American, 1920s-1980s) and distributed by L.B. Prince Company (American)
Lincoln Statue, produced by Dexter Press, Inc. (American, 1920s-1992?) and distributed by L.B. Prince Company (American)
Lincoln Statue, published for Washington Novelty Inc. (American) and produced by Mike Roberts (American)
Lincoln Statue, published for Washington Novelty Inc. (American)
Lincoln Statue, produced by Washington Novelty Inc. (American)
Lincoln Statue, published by L.B. Prince Company (American)
Lincoln Statue, distributed by L.B. Prince Company (American)
Lincoln Statue, published by Prince Lithograph (American)
Lincoln Statue, distributed by L.B. Prince Company (American)
Lincoln Statue, produced by Prince Lithograph (American)
Lincoln Statue & Gettysburg Address, published by Silberne Souvenir Sales Inc. (American) and produced H.S. Crocker Company, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Statue & Gettysburg Address, produced by H.S. Crocker Company, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Statue (Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C.)
Lincoln Statue, Lincoln Memorial (Washington, D.C.), published by District News Company (American) and produced by Colourpicture Publishers, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Statue, Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., published by District News Company, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Statue, Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., published by Capsco Wholesalers, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Statue, Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., produced by the Capital Souvenir Company (American)
Lincoln Statue-Lincoln Museum, published by the Washington Novelty, Inc. (American) and produced by Colourpicture Publishers, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Statue, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Illinois, published by Alfred Holzman (American)
Lincoln Statue, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Illinois, produced by Detroit Publishing Company (American)
Lincoln Statue, Wabash, Indiana, featuring photography by Doyne Sargent and printed by Henry McGrew (American)
Lincoln Statue (Washington, D.C.), photography by Captain M.W. Arps (American) and produced by H.S. Crocker Company, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Statue, Washington, D.C., featuring sculpture by Daniel Chester French (American, 1850-1931), published by Silberne Souvenir Sales, Inc. (American) and produced by H.S. Crocker Company, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Statue, Washington, D.C., photography Captain M.W. Arps, U.S.N. Retired, published by Washington Novelty Company, Inc. (American) and produced by H.S. Crooker Company, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Statue, Washington, D.C., published by Silberne Souvenir Sales Inc. (American) and produced H.S. Crocker Company, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Statue, Washington, D.C., produced by H.S. Crocker Company, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Statue, Washington, D.C., photography by M.W. Arps (American) and produced by H.S. Crocker Company, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Statue, Washington, D.C., published by Silberne Souvenir Sales Inc. (American) and produced H.S. Crocker Company, Inc. (American)
Lincoln Statue, Washington, D.C., published by Silberne Souvenir Sales, Inc. (American) and produced by H.S. Crocker (American)
Lincoln Statue, Washington, D.C., produced by Prince Lithograph Inc. (American)
Lincoln's Toast at the Long Nine Banquet, artwork by Llyod Ostendorf (American, 1921-2000) and copyright held by Ostendorf-Temple-Wagner (American)
Lincoln's Tomb in Oak Ridge Cemetery
Lincoln's Tomb in Oak Ridge Cemetery
Lincoln's Tomb in Oak Ridge Cemetery, published by H.N. Shonkwiler (American)
Lincoln's Tomb in Oak Ridge Cemetery, photography by Herbert Georg and produced by the Springfield News Agency (American)
Lincoln's Tomb in Oak Ridge Cemetery, photography by Herbert Georg and produced by the Springfield News Agency (American)
Lincoln's Tomb in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, Illinois, photography by Charles A. Martin, produced by Colourpicture Publishers, Inc. (American), published by Springfield News Agency (American)
Lincoln the Circuit Lawyer, artwork by Llyod Ostendorf (American, 1921-2000) and copyright held by Ostendorf-Temple-Wagner (American)
Lincoln the Rail Splitter Campaign Token
Lincoln the Surveyor, artwork by Llyod Ostendorf (American, 1921-2000) and copyright held by Ostendorf-Temple-Wagner (American)
Lincoln Top Hat, Copyright held by Rubie's
Lincoln Top Hat Statuette, produced by the Lincoln Museum and by Lincoln National Corporation
Lincoln Tree ornament, Copyright held by Lincoln National Life Insurance Company
Lincoln, Willie and Tad Coming Down the Stairway in the Lincoln Home, Christmas, Springfield, Illinois 1860, featuring artwork by Lloyd Ostendorf (American, 1921-2000) and published by Phil Wagner
Lincoln With Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln Without Borders, October 22-24, 2009, produced by Button King (American)
Lincoln Youth, sculpted by Rolf
Living with mamaw and pawpaw: Examining the impact of context when raising one’s grandchildren, Rachel K. Scott
Lloyd Jones, Simpson County, Mississippi Sheriff
Lloyd Jones, Simpson County, Mississippi Sheriff
Localize Treatment of Chronic Diseases, Luke Tucker
Local Treatment of Chronic Bone Infections, Luke Tucker
Log Barn, Lincoln City, Indiana, photography by Walter H. Miller and published by Walter H. Miller & Company, Inc. (American)
Log Cabin in Which Abraham Lincoln was Born
Log Cabin in Which Abraham Lincoln was Born, produced by Rotograph Company (American, 1904 to 1911)
Log Cabin Playset, Copyright held by Roy Toy
Log Cabin Similar To Lincoln's Birthplace, produced by Artvue Post Card Company (American, 1936-1950s?)
Long Abraham a Little Longer, produced by Authentic Distributors, Inc. (American)
Long Abraham Lincoln, sculpted by Jake
Longitudinal influences of parental relationships on positive adolescent functioning, Rebekah Buckley Sparks
Longleaf Pine Forest Restoration Throughout the Southeast, Gabriel Nyen
Looking For a Friend, produced by Glenn L. Hindale and published by Walter H. Miller & Company, Inc. (American)
Loss, Reckless Behavior, and Jane Austen’s Realism in Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion, Lindsey Downs
Louisa Adams Commemorative Medal
Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, U.S.A., I/R Miniatures, Inc.
Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, U.S.A., produced by I/R Miniatures, Inc.
Luce Hall U.S. Naval War College
Lunette Symbolic of the Freeing of the Slaves, artwork by Dean Cornwell (American, 1892-1960)
Lunette symbolic of the Preservation of the Union, Lincoln Memorial Shrine, Redlands, California, artwork by Dean Cornwell (American, 1892-1960)
Lying in Wait, published by the Boston Post (American, 1831-1956) with artwork from Norman
Mabel Tainter Memorial Building-1899, produced by John M. Russell (American)
Mabry Hill, published by Valley News Agency (American) and produced by Tichnor (American, 1908 - 1987)
Magnetite-laden Douglas fir biochar for arsenic and perfluoroalkyl substances contaminated water remediation and struvite/struvite-K rich Douglas fir biochar for soil remediation, Paththinihannadige W. K. P. M. Rodrigo
Main Body, Monogram Merite (American, 1968?-?)
Main Body, produced by Monogram Merite (American, 1968?-?)
Main House, Carl Sandburg's Bedroom-Connemara Farms, photography by Jack Bowers and produced by Eastern National Park & Monument Association
Main House, Downstairs Study-Connemara Farms, photography by Jack Bowers and produced by Eastern National Park & Monument Association
Main House, Farm Office-Connemara Farms, photography by Jack Bowers and produced by Eastern National Park & Monument Association
Main House, Living Room-Connemara Farms, photography by Jack Bowers and produced by Eastern National Park & Monument Association
Main House, Mrs. Sandburg's Bedroom-Connemara Farms, photography by Jack Bowers and produced by Eastern National Park & Monument Association
Main Sallyport, Fort Monroe, Virginia, photography by Walter H. Miller, published by Walter H. Miller & Company, Inc. (American) and caption by Fort Monroe Casemate Museum (American)
Majestic Rag, Ben Rawls and Royal Neel
Major General David Hunter Military Commission Pass
Major General George B. McClellan, published by E. Anthony
Major General George Gordon Meade, photography by Lane Studio (American) and published by L.E. Smith (American) and produced by Mike Roberts (American)
Major General Julius W. Beckton, Jr.
Major Gordon's North Carolina Cavalry
Major Robert Anderson, produced by Anthony (American)
Man at a Ramada Inn Coliseum Podium, Jackson, Mississippi
Man Entering 522 North State Street, July 7, 1972
Manifold design for a high-enthalpy, long-duration high speed wind tunnel, Gradon Parker Bailey
Man Leaving 522 North State Street, June 7, 1972
Man Overboard, published by the Boston Post (American, 1831-1956)
Man Playing a Xylophone, undated
Man Playing Guitar on Stage, undated.
Man Playing the Guitar, undated
Man Seated on Top of a Grand Piano, undated
Man Singing into a Microphone on Stage, undated.
Man Singing into a Microphone on Stage, undated.
Man Smiling Behind Microphones
Man Standing on Front Steps to a White Building
Man With a Guitar Singing, undated
Mappa Aestivarvm Infularum Alias Bermudas
Margaret Taylor Commemorative Medal
Margaret Walker Alexander Receiving and Award
Marker at Old Boat Landing in Rockport, produced by Basye Drug Store (American)
Marker at Old Boat Landing in Rockport, produced by Basye Drug Store (American)
Mark Willis Operating a Television Camera
Marquette/ Joliet Historic Marker on the Great River Road, photography by Kieth Wedoe and produced by New Image Studios (American)
Marshaling a Triumph: The Park Chung Hee Era, Developmental State Theory, and the Meaning of Success in South Korea, Kevin Hockmuth
Martin Luther King, Jr., published by Parks & History Association (American) and distributed by Richard W. Coffman (American)
Mary Ann Mobley's Miss America Trophy
Mary Lincoln's Bedroom, Abraham Lincoln's Home, Springfield, Illinois, produced by The Abraham Lincoln Museum (American, 1899-present) and produced by Dexter Press (American, 1920s-1980s)
Mary Surratt, 1823-1865, produced by the Surratt Society Project (American, 1975-present)
Mary Surratt's Bedroom, The Mary Surratt House (1852), photography and distribution by Gerry Peck (American)
Mary Surratt's Home, The Mary Surratt House (1852), photography and distribution by Gerry Peck (American)
Mary Todd Lincoln, photography by Mathew Brady (American, 1822-1896)
Mary Todd Lincoln, produced and copyright held by Parks & History Association (American), published by Dukane Press (American)
Mary Todd Lincoln, featuring photography by Mathew Brady (American, 1822-1896), published by Parks & History Association (American) and distributed by Richard W. Coffman (American)
Mary Todd Lincoln Commemorative Medal
Mary Todd Lincoln Impersonator
Mary Todd Lincoln Impersonator with an Unidentified Woman
Mary Todd Lincoln's at Abraham Lincoln's Home National Historic Site, photography by Terry Farmer, printed by Consolidated/ Drake Press (American) and copyright by Eastern National Park & Monument Association
Mary-Todd Pot Bellys, Copyright held by Harmony Ball
Mary-Todd Pot Bellys, Copyright held by Harmony Ball
Masked Up and Feeling Down: The Association Between Mental Health and Preventative Regulation During the Covid Pandemic, Mary Margaret Mitchell
Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island 1860
Master Model of "Council of War", featuring sculpture by John Rogers (American, 1829-1904)
Maternal and paternal appearance-related pressure and body esteem in emerging adults: Moderation by self compassion and gender, AlliGrace Story
Matton Centennial Commemorative Coin
MaxEnt ecological niche models for Alternanthera philoxeroides, Amynothrips andersoni, and Agasicles hygrophila, Samuel A. Schmid, Andrés F. Sánchez-Restrepo, Alejandro J. Sosa, Gray Turnage, and Gary N. Ervin
Measuring Immigrant Integration in the United States South, Ashton Porter
Memorial Marking Spot Where Lincoln Family Entered Illinois from Indiana 1830, Located Illinois Side of Lincoln Memorial Bridge, Vicennes, Indiana, published by A.A. Arnold (American) and produced by C.T. Art-Colortone (American)
Memorial to Lincoln's Father and Mother at Shiloh Cemetery, published by Matton News Agency (American) and produced by Curteich (American)
Memorial to the Reporter of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address in Hanover, Pennsylvania, produced by J.P. Walmer (American)
Men of Progress, featuring artwork by Christian Schussele (American,1824 -1879) printed by Clarke & Way, Inc. (American)
Men on Stage at Gil Carmichael's Campaign Speech
Merrimack (Virginia), photography by Walter H. Miller and published by Walter H. Miller & Company, Inc. (American)
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah
Merry Christmas from A.Lincoln and Kieran McAuliffe, produced by Earl Grey & Orange Pekoe Greeting Card Company (American)
Meta-analysis of consumer’s willingness to pay for broadband in the United States, Sabina Regmi
Metal Bookend Bust of President Lincoln, produced by Philadelphia Manufacturing Company (American)
Metal Bookend Bust of President Lincoln
Metal Bust of A. Lincoln, produced by Genesis Productions Inc. (American); sculpted by Dick Wiken (American, 1913-1985)
Metal Bust of President Abraham Lincoln
Metal Bust of President Lincoln
Metal Bust of President Lincoln
Metal Bust of President Lincoln
Metal bust of President Lincoln
Metal Bust of President Lincoln, produced by Daniel Gray (American)
Metal Bust of President Lincoln
Metal Bust of President Lincoln
Metal Bust of President Lincoln w/ American Flag base, produced by Rawcliffe Pewter (American, 1982-present)
Metal Pencil Sharpener of President Lincoln
Metal Plaque of Abraham Lincoln
Metal Plaque of President Abraham Lincoln
Metal Plaque of President Abraham Lincoln
Metal Plaque of President Lincoln, produced by American Oxide Bronze Co. (American)
Metal plaque of President Lincoln, produced by Collectible Profiles, Inc. (American)
Metal Plaque of President Lincoln
Metal Plaque of President Lincoln and Quote, produced by Scholarama
Metal Profile of President Lincoln
Metal Profile Plaque of President Lincoln
metal side-portrait of President Lincoln
Metal side profile of A Lincoln
Metal Statuette of President Abraham Lincoln Holding an Axe, produced by Cadwell
Metal Statuette of President Lincoln
Metropolis Promotional Portrait, undated
Michael Talley of the Mississippi Opera, undated
Microgreen production: Impact of sanitization methods on germination percentage, mold suppression, microbial load, and survival of Salmonella spp. on Allium porrum Leek Seeds., Zonia Elizabeth Caro-Carvajal
Mike Malouf Carrying a Child on His Shoulders
Millsaps Students, Morgan Yeates, Sherry Pearson, and Edwin Walker
Miniature Blue Abraham Lincoln Plate, produced by Royal Copenhagen (Denmark)
Miniature Blue Glass Abraham Lincoln Bottle, produced by Wheaton N.J.
Miniature Bust of President Lincoln
Miniature Metal Bust of President Lincoln, produced by Hudson Pewter (American)
Miniature Metal Wishing Well with Lincoln Penny
Miniature of the Mills Life Mask of A. Lincoln, produced by Daniel P. Gray (American, 1953-present)
Miniature Reproduction of Abraham Lincoln Life Mask, sculpted by Gaus, from sculpture by Clark Mills (American, 1810-1883)
Miniature Reproduction of Abraham Lincoln Life Mask (left hand), sculpted by Gaus, from sculpture by Augustus Saint-Gaudens (American, 1848-1907)
Miniature Reproduction of Abraham Lincoln Life Mask [right hand], sculpted by Gaus, from sculpture by Augustus Saint-Gaudens (American, 1848-1907)
Miniature White Bust of President Lincoln
Mis'sippi Promotional Photograph, undated
Mississippians in the Philippine Civil Service, 1901-1946, Bradley Brazzeal
Mississippi Governor, Cliff Finch, Speaking on Stage, June 1978
Mississippi Mud: Race, agriculture, and disharmony in the era of civil rights, Kymara D. Sneed
Mississippi Power and Light Company Building Partially Buried
Mississippi State Capitol Building From Driveway
Mississippi State Highway Commissioner, Herschel G. Jumber, 1975
Mississippi State Highway Commissioner, W. H. "Shag" Pyron, 1975
Mississippi State Highway Department Truck and Dragline Loading Scrap and Waste, April 11, 1969
Mississippi State Senator, Douglas Anderson
Mississippi State Treasurer, Brad Dye
Mississippi State Treasurer, Brad Dye
Mississippi State Treasurer, Brad Dye, 1975
Mississippi State University Libraries Archives & Special Collections Collection Development Policy, Mississippi State University Libraries
Mississippi State University Libraries Audiovisual Resources Collection Development Policy, Mississippi State University Libraries
Mississippi State University Libraries Branches – Collection Development Policy, Mississippi State University Libraries
Mississippi State University Libraries Collection Development Policy - Electronic Resources, Mississippi State University Libraries
Mississippi State University Libraries Government Documents Collection Development Policy, Mississippi State University Libraries
Mississippi State University Libraries Records Management Policies and Procedures, Mississippi State University Libraries
Mississippi State University Libraries Strategic Plan 2024-2028: Full Version, Stephen H. Cunetto, Lauren Geiger, Pattye R. Archer, Simon C. Marcy, Emily D. Harrison, Amanda Carlock, Blair Booker, Danny Davis, Kate Gregory, Julie D. Shedd, and Rhiannon Seal
Mississippi State University Libraries Strategic Plan 2024-2028: Public Version, Stephen H. Cunetto, Lauren Geiger, Pattye R. Archer, Simon C. Marcy, Emily D. Harrison, Amanda Carlock, Blair Booker, Danny Davis, Kate Gregory, Julie D. Shedd, and Rhiannon Seal
Mississippi State University Libraries Weeding Policy, Mississippi State University Libraries
Mississippi State Vs. Florida Lineups, September 27, 1974, The Reflector
Mississippi Supreme Court Clerk, Julia Kendrick, 1975
Mississippi Treasurer, Edwin Lloyd Pittman, 1975
Mitigating delay and coupling effects in a high-speed PMSM drive using an optimal multivariable control approach, Kazi Nishat Tasnim
MITRE Attack framework adaptation in UAV usage during surveillance and reconnaissance missions, Jeffrey Greer IV
Model Die Cast Train Cart, Copyright held by Model Die Casting INC.
Modeling compound effects of earthquakes and flooding on the failure probability of earthen levees, Mohammad Reza Mahdavizadeh
Model of Chimborazo Hospital, produced by Custom Studios (American); Model by Plumstead
Monitor, photography by Walter H. Miller and published by Walter H. Miller & Company, Inc. (American)
Montgomery Sesquicentennial, 1819-1969
Monument to Women of the Confederacy, Jackson, Mississippi
Most Reverend Richard O. Gerow, November 12, 1959
Motivations for habitat management of private lands in the southeastern United States: Implications for at-risk species, Caleb Michael Blake
Mount Rushmore, distributed by Black Hills Post Card Company (American)
Mount Rushmore, Copyright held by RPG
Mount Rushmore in Black Hills, South Dakota, produced by Kodak (American, 1892-present)
Mount Rushmore Memorial, Black Hills, South Dakota, produced by Rushmore Photo Inc., (American)
Mount Rushmore, Reflected in the Viewing Patio of the Visitor Center, Mount Rushmore National Memorial, distributed by Sunset Supply Company (American) and produced by Mike Roberts (American)
Movement data of wild pigs at Sam D. Hamilton Noxubee Wildlife Refuge in Mississippi, Tyler S. Evans, Natasha Ellison, Melanie R. Boudreau, Bronson K. Strickland, Garrett M. Street, and Raymond B. Iglay
Movement ecology and nest-site selection of rock iguanas across a gradient of anthropogenic disturbance, James Walter Wehsener
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Lincoln Invited To Governors Mansion Christmas Party, Springfield, Illinois 1859, featuring artwork by Lloyd Ostendorf (American, 1921-2000) and published by Phil Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Are Returning Home From Church, Sunday, Dec.9, 1860. Willie and Tad Run on Ahead, featuring artwork by Lloyd Ostendorf (American, 1921-2000) and published by Phil Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Caroling Outside the Lincoln Home with Willie and Tad, Springfield, Illinois, 1860, featuring artwork by Lloyd Ostendorf (American,1921-2000 ) and published by Phil Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Hanging Their Christmas Wreath on their Front Door, Springfield, Illinois, 1860, featuring artwork by Lloyd Ostendorf (American, 1921-2000) and published by Phil Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Taking Tad and Willie For Family Sliegh Ride, Springfield, Illinois, 1860., featuring artwork by Lloyd Ostendorf (American, 1921-2000) and published by Phil Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Watching Willie and Tad with Toys, Springfield, Illinois 1860, featuring artwork by Lloyd Ostendorf (American, 1921-2000) and published by Phil Wagner
Mr. Lincoln, Sculpted by Richard Masloski
Mr. Lincoln Giving A Gift to Mrs. Lincoln With Willie and Tad Looking on, Springfield, Illinois 1860, featuring artwork by Lloyd Ostendorf (American,1921-2000 ) and published by Phil Wagner
Mr. Lincoln Reading To Tad and Willie, Christmas, Springfield, Illinois, 1860, featuring artwork by Lloyd Ostendorf (American,1921-2000 ) and published by Phil Wagner
Mr. Lincoln Reading To Willie In Front of The Home Window While Tad Plays With Toys, Springfield, Illinois 1860, featuring artwork by Lloyd Ostendorf (American, 1921-2000) and published by Phil Wagner
Mr. Lincoln's Hometown coaster
Mr. Lincoln, Willie and Tad Hanging Stockings on the Fireplace, Springfield, Illinois, 1860, featuring artwork by Lloyd Ostendorf (American,1921-2000 ) and published by Phil Wagner
Mr. Lincoln With Willie and Tad at the Family Christmas Tree, Springfield, Illinois 1860, featuring artwork by Lloyd Ostendorf (American, 1921-2000) and published by Phil Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Abraham Lincoln's Home in Springfield, Illinois, artwork by Llyod Ostendorf (American, 1921-2000) and copyright held by Ostendorf-Temple-Wagner (American)
Mrs. Abraham Lincoln's Piano, produced by Curteich (American)
Mrs. Fanny Appleton Longfellow, published by Silsbee, Case & Company (American, 1850s–70s)
Mt. Rushmore National Monument, Black Hills, South Dakota, published by Dakota News, Inc. (American) and produced by Mike Roberts (American)
Multi-Cloud architecture attacks through Application Programming Interfaces, Theodore Edward Lander Jr.
Multilevel Stone and Cedar Shakes Building
Multilingual Educators in Superdiverse Rural Schools: Placing Administrators and Teachers’ Cultural and Linguistic Wealth at the Center of Rural Education, Carla Paciotto and Gloria A. Delany-Barmann
Museum of Science and Industry A. Lincoln
Musicians on Stage During a Concert, undated.
Musicians on Stage During a Concert, undated.
Musicians on Stage During a Concert, undated.
Musicians on Stage Playing String Instruments, undated
National Archives; What is Past is Prologue- 1934-1984, published by the United States Postal Service (American, 1971-present)
National Pony Express Centennial Association Commemorative Medal
Nebreska Silver Anniversary Commemorative Medal
Neoliberalism, Neofeudalism, and Precarity: A Response to Albena Azmanova and Jodi Dean, Panos Tsoukalis
Nerissa Shaub's "Holly and Anna" at Mississippi Museum of Art
Nest box use by Common Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) in the Chena River System, Interior Alaska, Riley D. Porter
Nesting Doll, Copyright held by Authentic Models
Neurodiversity and Online Communities: Why They Matter, Laura Ingouf
New Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., produced by Capitol Souvenir Company, Inc. (American)
New Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., published by the Washington News Company (American)
New Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., published by B.S. Reynolds Company (American)
New Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., published by B.S. Reynolds (American)
New Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., published by B.S. Reynolds Company (American)
New Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., published by the Washington News Company (American) and produced by the Tichnor Brothers (American, 1908 - 1987)
Newport House, County Mayo, Ireland
Newspaper advertisement, AA Plus, December 12, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, AA Plus, December 5, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, AA Plus, January 30, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Advertisement, A A Plus, March 13, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Advertisement, A A Plus, May 5, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, AA Plus, November 1, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, AA Plus, November 4, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, AA Plus, November 6, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Advertisement, A A Plus, October 17, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, AA Plus, October 21, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, AA Plus, October 2, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, AA Plus, October 23, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, AA Plus, October 31, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, AA Plus, October 9, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Advertisement, A A Plus, September 16, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, AA Plus, September 16, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, AA Plus, September 19, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, AA Plus, September 25, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, After the Game: Football Dance, October 31, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Advertisement, Big Man, March 10, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Advertisement, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Rush Invitation, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, Dogs Meet 9th Ranked LSU in Tiger Stadium, November 13, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Advertisement, Dr. Douglas Conner, October 8, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, Dynamic! Thrilling! Breathtaking! The Tams Revue, December 16, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, Fashion From Katz, October 24, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, Fashions From Katz, October 24, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, Homecoming 1969, October 14, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, In Concert, April 17, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, In Concert, April 21, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Advertisement, In lasting tribute to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Peace Medallion, May 3, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, Loyalist Charges May Unseat Stennis, Others, November 10, 1970, Hob Bryan
Newspaper advertisement, MSU ROCK Revival, March 17, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, Reflector staff, Bessie Minor, September 16, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, Requested Aid, December 15, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Advertisement, Smooth Soul Sound, Cornelius Bros. and Sister Rose, November 14, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, Stand Up, March 24, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Advertisement, The 5th Dimension and The American Breed, May 7, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper Advertisement, The Buddy Miles Band in Concert, April 10, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Advertisement, The Buddy Miles Band in Concert, April 13, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, The Student Association Presents: Getting It All Together, April 23, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Advertisement, The Student Association Presents The 5th Dimension, the American Breed, April 19, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, The Temptations, October 7, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Advertisement, Tonight Buddy Miles in Concert, April 17, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper advertisement, "Y" Cabinet, April 27, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcement, AA Plus, September 28, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcement, AA Plus To Meet, October 26, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcement, Afro-American Plus Dance, October 25, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcement, Afro-American Plus Special Election, October 25, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcement, Afro-American Plus Sponsors Dances, November 8, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcement, A Salute to the Black Woman, November 19, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcement, Blues Singer Big Joe Williams to Perform Concert, March 26, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcement, Happenings, December 3, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcement, Happenings on Campus, November 8, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcements, Briefs, April 6, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcements, Briefs, December 1, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcements, Briefs, February 25, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcements, Briefs, January 21, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcements, Briefs, March 18, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcements, Briefs, March 4, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcements, Briefs, March 7, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcements, Briefs, October 31, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcements, Briefs, October 8, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcements, Briefs, September 1, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcements, Briefs, September 28, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcements, Happenings, April 15, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcements, Happenings, April 18, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcements, Happenings, February 14, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcements, Happenings, February 18, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcements, Happenings, February 25, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcements, Happenings, February 7, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcements, Happenings, January 21, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcements, Happenings, March 11, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcements, Happenings, March 18, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcements, Happenings, October 8, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcement, Showcase of Bands, October 1, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Announcement, Student Association Appropriations Requests, February 15, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, 118-80 Verdict: Kentucky Shares SEC Title, March 11, 1975, Kyle Steward
Newspaper Article, 14 Freshmen on 'Dog Varsity, September 11, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper article, 17 Mississippians Start For Bullpups, October 3, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, 880-Yard Relay Team Finishes Fourth in Texas Relays, April 11, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, AA+, Law Club, India Association Cause Budget Veto, November 5, 1971, Mike Penprase
Newspaper article, AA Plus, October 17, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, AA Plus Plans Welcome, September 6, 1974, Bobby Sacus
Newspaper article, AA Plus, September 30, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, A-A Plus To Hold Elections, April 4, 1975, Bobby Sacus
Newspaper Article, Aaron Henry to Speak, March 29, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Aberneith: Administration Made Academic Progress, May 9, 1972, George Luter
Newspaper Article, A Campus Christmas, December 14, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, A Fable for Our Times--Bigotry, October 15, 1971, Steve Tonkin
Newspaper Article, Affirmative Action Plan Applies to All, August 31, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Afro-American Plus Dialogue To Concern Impressions of MSU, April 11, 1969, C Jackson
Newspaper Article, Afro-American Plus Hosts MFDP Leader, December 17, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Afro-American Plus Promotes Social Life by Bessie Elaine Minor, October 8, 1968, Bessie E. Minor
Newspaper article, Afro-American Studies Promoto Better Racial Understanding, October 8, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper article, A Long Time, October 10, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Alpha Phi Alpha Receives Charter in Ceremonies Here Today, April 4, 1975, Carol Douell
Newspaper Article, Alpha Phi Alpha Will Host Display, September 10, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Alumni Officers to Meet This Weekend in Dorman, January 24, 1975, Pam Aldridge
Newspaper Article, Amazing "Ron Art" Exhibited in Union, October 15, 1974, Bobby Riley
Newspaper article, Anarchy?, March 26, 1971, Mary C. Brumfield
Newspaper article and photograph, Blacks Revolt Against Desegregation Plans, December 16, 1969, Mary Stowers Abbott
Newspaper Article and Photograph, IRHC Officers Elected, April 29, 1974, Ralph Blakeney
Newspaper Article and Photograph, Jenkins Leads Bulldogs to Upset Win Over Vols, February 26, 1974, Scoop Bass and Stan Kozlowitz
Newspaper Article and Photographs, Diane Bounds Wins MSU Title, April 19, 1974, Rex Buffington
Newspaper article and photographs, The MSU Pageant, April 27, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper article and photograph, What a Great Game--SIMSOC, December 5, 1969, Sissy Lambreth
Newspaper article and photo, Hamer Depicts Integration As A One-Way Street, Mary Stowers Abbott, November 25, 1969, Mary Stowers Abbott
Newspaper article, Apology, October 7, 1969, Jimmy Hall
Newspaper Article, Appointment Stirs Controversy, February 8, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, A Question of Constitutionality, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Article On Negroes In Harvard Magazine Prompts Psychology Association Response, May 13, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, At Kelly's: Barbeque Pork "Right Off the Pit", December 14, 1971, Crumpton and Otis
Newspaper Article, "A Very Regrettable Situation", February 9, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Backers Plan for Pageant to Pay Its Way, February 22, 1974, Tim James
Newspaper Article, Barkum, Felker, Grubbs Shine in Spring Game, March 28, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Barns Beats Case in Y Election, April 23, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Basketball, Baseball, and Football, March 22, 1974, Scoop Bass
Newspaper Article, Basketball Comes Easy for Jenkins, January 24, 1975, Barry Fox
Newspaper Article, Basketballers Head Into Second Week of Practice, October 25, 1974, Steve Roberts
Newspaper Article, Basketball Magicians Trot to State, December 17, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Basketball Star Bill Russell Comes To MSU Tuesday, March 6, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Bell Named to Baseball Hall of Fame, March 29, 1974, Greg Ray
Newspaper Article, Bell to Hurl First Pitch, April 26, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Be Young, Be Foolish, But Be Happy Tonight With Tams, March 7, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Big Joe Entertains Crowd With 'Grassroots' Music,April 16, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Big Joe Williams: Blues Player to Perform Thursday Night, March 26, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Big Joe Williams: He Brings His Blues and His-9-String Guitar Here, February 27, 1973, Bill Goudelock
Newspaper Article, Bill Russell Speaks On His Celtics Career, March 10, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Bill Russel, March 3, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Black Art on Display, October 5, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Black Boycott Cripples West Point Merchants, February 6, 1970, John Pickering
Newspaper Article, Black Coed Wins Miss MSCU Title, January 29, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Black Faculty Scarce, January 18, 1974, Mike Nance
Newspaper Article, Black History Week Approaches, February 2, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Black History Week Brings Noted Speakers, February 4, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Black History Week, February 9, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Black Perspective: A Black Man Looks At Integration In Mississippi, February 24, 1970, Micheal Shields
Newspaper Article, Black Perspective: Oktibbeha County NAACP Foresees 'Black Easter', March 13, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Black Pride: Wrung From A Forgotten Heritage, February 13, 1970, Merrill Merkle
Newspaper Article, Black Prisoner's Trial Opens Amid Tight Security, December 5, 1972, Robert Barber
Newspaper Article, Black Rage: Whites Do Not Feel the Lash Upon Their Backs, October 22, 1971, Cory Ross
Newspaper article, Blacks Demand Explanation, May 13, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Blacks Revolt Against Desegregation Plans, December 16, 1969, Mary Stowers Abbott and Mary Stowers Abbott
Newspaper article, Blacks Suffer Mass Paranoia, April 29, 1969, M. Mears
Newspaper article, Blacks: The Hidden Face, September 24, 1968, Jim Meli
Newspaper article, Black Student Housing Incidents Raise Discrimination Question, April 25, 1969, L. Hine
Newspaper article, Black Students Air Grievances In AAUP Sponsored Discussion, April 18, 1969, M. S. Abbott
Newspaper Article, Black Students Submit Requests, March 10, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Black Studies to Balance Curriculum, Mary Stowers Abbott, September 12, 1969, M S. Abbott
Newspaper Article, Black Studies to Balance Curriculum, September 12, 1969, Mary Stowers Abbott
Newspaper Article, Black Viewpoint: A Game Called Discrimination, October 5, 1971, Butch Malone
Newspaper Article, Black Viewpoint: "Are You Living in the Past?", October 26, 1971, Louise Wright
Newspaper Article, Black Viewpoint: Black Students Lose Confidence in Student Association Senate, November 19, 1971, Butch Malone
Newspaper Article, Black Viewpoint, 'Conditions for blacks have reached an unignorable height', April 7, 1972, Theortris Ervin
Newspaper Article, Black Viewpoint: Cowbell, Cowbarn or Statue?, September 17, 1971, Butch Malone
Newspaper Article, Black Viewpoint: Forgetting Isn't Easy for Blacks, April 28, 1972, Rae Dillon
Newspaper Article, Black Viewpoint: Hatred Killed by Innocent Few, November 30, 1971, Leon Adams
Newspaper Article, Black Viewpoint: He Smiles While I'm Watching, October 19, 1971, Leon Adams
Newspaper Article, Black Viewpoint, 'I believe--but that's my business', April 25, 1972, Rae Dillon
Newspaper Article, Black Viewpoint: One Category Should be Used for All: Human, Rae Dillon
Newspaper Article, Black Viewpoint: Senate Represents Racist Body, April 11, 1972, Rae Dillon
Newspaper Article, Black Viewpoint: 'Your Shallow Thinking is Typical of You Southerners', April 14, 1972, Rae Dillon
Newspaper Article, Black Voices Concert: Inspiring, Enjoyable, Unforgettable, December 5, 1972, Elaine Graves
Newspaper Article, Black Voices Concert Slated Sunday Night in Lee Hall, November 22, 1974, Bobby Sacus
Newspaper Article, Black Voices Give Versatile, Mary Love
Newspaper Article, Black Voices Plan Spring Concert, March 23, 1973, Elaine Graves
Newspaper Article, Black Voices to Perform Sunday Evening Concert, November 30, 1971, George Luter
Newspaper Article, Board President Assails Giles On Speaker Issue, March 20, 1970, W. F. Minor
Newspaper Article, Board Rejects Gile's Decision To Let Charles Evers Speak Here, March 3, 1970, Lowell Hine and Merrill Merkle
Newspaper article, Bond Arrives Tomorrow As Lectern's First Speaker, October 2, 1070, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Bond Arrives Tomorrow, October 2, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Bond Charges Government Allowing 'Policy of Hate' Bill Boggess, October 9, 1970, Bill Boggess
Newspaper article, Briefs, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Briefs, February 27, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Buddy Miles Pleases Cow Barn Audience, April 27, 1973, Michael Spragins and Jaci Fentriss
Newspaper Article, Buddy Miles Tickets Sell Swiftly, April 13, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Budget Blasted, October 29, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Bulldogs Come From Behind to Score Tie, September 18, 1973, Scoop Bass
Newspaper Article, Bulldogs Looking for Third Win, September 29, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Bulldogs Open Cage Season With 71-66 Drubbing of South Alabama, December 3, 1971, Jim Nicholson
Newspaper article, Bulldogs Take 1970 Opener From O.S.U Cowboys, 14-13, September 18, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Bulldogs Unleash Offense to Romp Over Vanderbilt 52-21, September 25, 1973, Scoop Bass
Newspaper Article, Bulldog Thinclads to Skip Indoor National Saturday, February 14, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Bullpups Confident of Win Over Baby Rebs Saturday, November 21, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Bullpups Meet LSU In Baton Rouge, October 17, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Bullpups Stop Baby Bengals For Second Win of Season, October 21, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Busy Week Hits Student Association Senate, December 7, 1971, David Pickering
Newspaper article, Call for a Vietnam Moratorium From Faculty Members of Mississippi State University, November 14, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Candidates Speak Out, April 7, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Charles Evers, March 3, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Choir Creates Baptist Conflict, September 17, 1968, Macy Shipp
Newspaper Article, Choir, Minister, Musician Highlight YMCA Activities, March 22, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Cinderman Meet Northeast Louisiana Saturday, May 2, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Civil Rights Act Held Responsible in Black Teacher Job Loss, October 31, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Civil Rights Fighters Check Campuses for Bias, September 13, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Civil Rights Group Will Review MSU Practices, October 25, 1974, Carol Douell
Newspaper Article, Clearview: Can Students Really Vote?, September 21, 1971, Evelyn Dillon
Newspaper article, Closed Minds, Rae Evelyn Dillon, March 26, 1971, Rae E. Dillon
Newspaper Article, Coaches' Fault…No!, December 10, 1971, Bill Ross
Newspaper Article, College Board Target of Justice Department, January 24, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, College Board Weighs New Mixing Proposal, February 1, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Community Project Interferes With Residents' Social Lives, May 14, 1968, Bessie E. Minor
Newspaper article, Constructive Criticism-Conservatively, March 17, 1970, Don Abston
Newspaper Article, Controversial Speakers Still Present Problems To Colleges, April 26, 1968, Walter Grant
Newspaper Article, Courtmen Open Practice Soon, October 12, 1971, Nook Nickolson
Newspaper Article, Cry For Equality is Two-Faced, September 17, 1968, Mike Mears
Newspaper article, Dale Gibson Leads Cinderman In Relays, April 21, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Dale Gibson Leads Thinclads to Houston for United States Track and Field Federation Meet, February 11, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, 'Dame a Pleasant Surprise, October 23, 1973, Virginia A. Lewis
Newspaper Article, 'Dawgs Win, 89-75, Scoop Bass
Newspaper Article, Dead May Listen as 'Spoon River' is Performed, February 16, 1973, Marilynn Winbush
Newspaper article, Dedicated Volunteers, September 23, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Delayed Election for SA Senate Set for Thursday, October 19, 1973, Kit Gorman
Newspaper article, Destruction and Construction May start soon, November 8, 1868, Carroll Jackson
Newspaper Article, 'Dogs Fall to 'Hogs, December 12, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, 'Dogs Hit Century Mark in Big Win Over Ole Miss, January 28, 1975, Kyle Steward
Newspaper Article, Dormitory Radio Stations Begin Nightly Broadcasts, October 15, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Dormitory Students Unfavorable to Change in Janitorial Service, September 19, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper article, 'Double Dynamic' Duo Set for Soul Sound, October 15, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Dr. Giles Issues Warning Concerning Fees Predicament, February 5, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Dynamic: YMCA Claims New Spirit, Jamie Windham
Newspaper Article, Editorial Comment, May 14, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Ed. Service Center Assists Desegregation, March 3, 1970, Carroll Jackson
Newspaper article, Election Comments, April 10, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Election Returns Name New Officials, April 10, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, "Equality" Spells Segregation, June 20, 1972, Larry Kerr
Newspaper Article, Evers Accepts Invite to Luau, September 21, 1971, Hob Bryan
Newspaper Article, Evers Advocates Understanding, October 22, 1971, Rush Netterville
Newspaper Article, Evers Announces Plans, October 12, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Evers Charges Discrimination In Suit Against Open Primary Law, February 2, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Evers is Only Candidate to Accept Invitation to Speak at MSU Forum, October 22, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Evers Says No Tuition, October 5, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Evers Speakers Ban Heads List of Semester's Traumatic Tribulation, January 7, 1969, L. R. Mitlin
Newspaper Article, Evers Stumps at Gubernatorial Candidates' Forum, October 29, 1971, Mike Penprase
Newspaper article, Everyone Dug 'Em, October 10, 1969, Sean Burguet
Newspaper article, Exposure, December 5, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Eyes on Mississippi: 'Mindless defiance' of Ole Miss Leads to Racial Harmony, October 6, 1972, William F. Minor
Newspaper article, Factory, YMCA, September 19, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, FCA, AA Plus Made Life Easier for Robert Bell, January 26, 1973, Bill Goudelock
Newspaper article, Federal Court Summons Senate, March 16, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Felker, Booty to QB Maroon, White, March 29, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Felker, Packer Stun Georgia, September 24, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Field Work Shows Success in Social Improvement Class, September 23, 1969, Lowell Hine
Newspaper article, Film Series, September 19, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Florida Gators Next Bulldog Foe, September 28, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Former State Student Wounded in Vietnam, March 11, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Four Win Communication Awards, April 26, 1974, Helen Hancken
Newspaper Article, Frank Dowsing Elected Mr. MSU; Sydney Tucker Reigns as Queen, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Frank Dowsing Receives Award, November 17, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Fraternities Sponsor Project For Deaf And Dumb Black Child, November 13, 1970, Bill Boggess
Newspaper article, Free University: Participating in the Learning Process, Carroll Jackson, September 19, 1969, Carroll Jackson
Newspaper article, From The Editor: Equal Opportunity Employer, February 2, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Funkadelic Appears in Concert, February 15, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Globe Trotters Amaze Capacity Crowd With Display of Basketball Antics, January 10, 1969, G Weatherly
Newspaper Article, Globetrotters Put on Show in State Gym, November 14, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Good Times Roll in Rock Documentary, September 11, 1973, Jan Boggs
Newspaper article, Group Slams Roberts' Actions, April 24, 1970, Carroll Brumfield
Newspaper article, Hamer Calls for Mississippi Change, January 10, 1969, M S. Abbott
Newspaper Article, Health Officers Close Tamale Stand, February 23, 1973, Gay Chow
Newspaper article, HEW Says Board Must Outline University Desegregation Plan, March 14, 1969, J. Pepper
Newspaper Article, In Mississippi: '…A mild, timid, non-violent man', December 5, 1972, A. B. Albritton
Newspaper Article, Inside Looking Out: Phares and Dowsing's: Super Athletes, Super Guys, November 12, 1971, David Voss
Newspaper article, 'Insulted' Subscriber Cancels, May 4, 1971, Bill Ginn
Newspaper article, Integration, February 13, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Ionians Give Play--"To Be Young…", October 6, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Jenkins on Coaches All-SEC Team, March 22, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Jerry Jenkins Picked for Four Star Classic, April 25, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Joe Williams Brings The Blues To State, April 6, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Johnny Shines: Blues Shine at Student Revival, November 9, 1971, Cathy Coggin
Newspaper Article, Johnson Rates Player of the Week, October 25, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Jones Chosen to Head AA Plus, April 22, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Judge Issues Restraining Order Against Trustees, March 20, 1970, Lowell Hine
Newspaper article, Julian Bond To Lead Off This Season's Lecturn Slate, September 22, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Junior-Varsity Anxious to Open Season on Monday, September 28, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Kentucky 'Cats Invade Bulldog Pit for Last Time, March 7, 1975, Kyle Steward
Newspaper Article, Kinsey is Chosen Top Faculty Member, April 17, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, KKK Starts Teenage Recruit Drive, September 12, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Latest Developments, April 10, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Leaders Discuss MSU Problems, November 5, 1971, George Luter
Newspaper Article, Lest We Forget, February 15, 1972, Mike Gentry
Newspaper Article, Letters: Change Takes Time, October 15, 1971, Mike Mullins and Susan Wolcott
Newspaper Article, Letter Winners Announced, February 5, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Let Us Remember King Legacy, April 6, 1973, Mercury Morris
Newspaper Article, Lindsay Campaigns For Evers, October 26, 1971, Rush Netterville
Newspaper article, Little Unrest Seen at Mississippi State, Februarya 17, 1970, Carroll Jackson
Newspaper Article, Looking Back, April 25, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Looking Back, February 25, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Looking Back, March 11, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Looking Back, March 14, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Looking Back, March 18, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Looking Back, March 7, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Mary Holmes Becomes a 'Special' College, October 7, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Mayor Evers Visits 'State', March 3 , 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, McCain Says "No", October 22, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, McCarthy, Peace Top Choice '68 , May 7, 1968, Phil Semas
Newspaper Article, McKissick Wants Economic Equality, Feburary 9, 1973, Cheryl Stroud
Newspaper Article, Melvin Barkum vs. Rocky Felker, March 24, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Memorial Service, April 3, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Meredith Backs Economic Power, October 8, 1971, Rush Netterville
Newspaper Article, Meredith Begins Campaign, March 28, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Metamorphosis, February 9, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Minorities Want 'Piece of Action', October 6, 1972, Rae E. Dillon
Newspaper Article, Mississippi Loses as Kindergartens Killed, February 8, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Mississippi State Inititates HEW Compliance, April 1, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Mississippi State Introduces Negro History and Literature, April 11, 1969, L. R. Mitlin
Newspaper Article, Mississippi Voters Granted Extended Voter Registration, September 25, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Miss MSU Pageant Draws 28 Entries, April 15, 1975, Holly Henrichs
Newspaper Article, Mort Sahl Cancels Performance for Second Time Due to Illness, November 15, 1974, Valerie Balser
Newspaper article, Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer Appears at MSU Nov. 24, November 21, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, MSU Reacts to King's Death, April 9, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, MSU Team Places Second in Five-way Meet at LSU, January 28, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper article, MSU To Participate in Moratorium Giles Responds to Request, October 14, 1969, Lowell Hine
Newspaper Article, MSU Track Squad Heads for Jackson, February 21, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, MSU Wants Black, Women Professors, January 26, 1973, Elaine Graves
Newspaper Article, National Black History Week Will Be Observed Next Week, January 28, 1975, Tina Fortenberry
Newspaper Article, Negro Athletes Known For Performances Only, March 26, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Negros Experience Hostility, Boosts Progress at Ole Miss, March 26, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, New Black Fraternity Chartered on Campus, January 21, 1974, Vickie Briscoe
Newspaper article, Newcomers, January 30, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, New Human Relations Committee Studies 'Sensitive Area" Problems, October 26, 1973, Kit Gorman
Newspaper Article, New Motions Ask Immediate Mixing, November 18, 1969, Merrill Merkle
Newspaper Article, Nigerian Track Star, Seigha Porbini, Feels 'Right at Home', March 16, 1973, Mercury Morris
Newspaper Article, No Black Requests Have Been Granted in Full Yet, May 7, 1972, Fred Crumpton
Newspaper Article, Nominations Being Taken, September 27, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper article, No Segregated Services Services Here, May 7, 1971, George Miller
Newspaper article, 'Not Afraid of My Job,' Shira Reveals, September 12, 1969, T. Carroll
Newspaper Article, October Career Days to Focus on Minorities, September 25, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Ole Miss Bans Evers; by injunction, October 4, 1968, Merrill Merkle
Newspaper article, Opportunity Is Equal, September 16, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Orungbemi looks to Olympics, February 25, 1975, Kyle Steward
Newspaper Article, Outlook: Blacks Plan a Political Change, November 12, 1971, Paul Pittman
Newspaper Article, Outlook: Waller Win Upsets Status Quo, September 17, 1971, Paul Pittman
Newspaper Article, Packer Named Outstanding on Offense, September 27, 1974, Barry Fox
Newspaper Article, Pair of MSU Security Officers Complete Academy Courses, December 3, 1974, Carol Douell
Newspaper article, Panel Hears Speaker Ban Controversy, January 10, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Petition Signers Recommend Rapid Integration Of MSU Staffe, February 13, 1970, Lowell Hine
Newspaper Article, Phares, Dowsing Participate in Post Season Bowl Game, January 16, 1973, Mercury Morris
Newspaper Article, Phares, Dowsing Receive Post Season Bowl Invites, December 1, 1972, Mike Gentry
Newspaper article, Phares, Dowsing Selected in Professional Draft, February 2, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Plans Completed For SA Forum '68, April 19, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Primitive Fears, September 26, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Priscilla Plans to Study Law in Spite of Phenomenal Voice, September 1, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Quality of Education Results From Amount of Money Spent, March 11, 1969, C. Guenther
Newspaper Article, Racial Situation Topic of FDP Leader's Speech, December 17, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Racial Tension Prompts Early Ole Miss Dismissal, April 9, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Ralph Bender Named to Head Intramurals, April 25, 1975, Patti Drapala
Newspaper article, Ray Charles in Concert Thursday, November 19, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Recruiting Teams Represent MSU For Both Black and White, April 29, 1969, M S. Abbott
Newspaper article, Red Necks, March 6, 1970, George Dan and Zorn Dardin
Newspaper Article, Reflector Poll, Are the Cheerleaders Effective, January 23, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Reflector Poll: Do you like the proposed location of the archaeology building?, October 24, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Reflector Shutdown: Two Years Later, February 16, 1973, Hob Bryan
Newspaper article, Reflector Sports: 94-87 Dogs Win, February 20, 1973, Scoop Bass and Mike Gentry
Newspaper article, Reflector Staff, October 17, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Reporter Beats System of Student Registration, September 13, 1968, Glen Koury
Newspaper article, Resource Center Assists Miss. School Desegregation, February 3, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Reveille Changes Its Tune, April 30, 1971, Lowell Hine
Newspaper Article, Rock Hill Blacks Oppose Landfill Site, February 22, 1974, Tim James
Newspaper article, Rock Throwing, Insults Cause Short-lived Racial Flareup, September 23, 1969, Carroll Jackson
Newspaper article, Rock Throwing, Insults Cause Short Lived Racial Flare Up, September 26, 1969, Carroll Jackson
Newspaper Article, Roundballers Finish First Week, October 26, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Roy Wilkins to Address MSU Students, April 10, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Russell Has Views On Everything, March 13, 1970, James Wedgeworth
Newspaper article, Rut, September 19, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper article, SA Presents '69 Soul Spectacular, March 14, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper article, SA Series Features Ray Charles, November 12, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, SAT Comes Under Fire, Foes Say It's Culturally Biased, October 20, 1972, Annalyn Swan
Newspaper article, School Funds Stripped, May 10, 1968, Laurance R. Mitlin
Newspaper Article, Scott Free, April 19, 1968, Scott Wendelsdorf
Newspaper Article, Scott Free, April 26, 1968, Scott Wendelsdorf
Newspaper Article, Segregationist Brady Becomes Gubernatorial Candidate, September 24, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Senate Asks for Rights for Students, Staff in Local Elections, April 21, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Senate Blasts Methods of Black Campus Leaders, April 7, 1972, Mike Penprase
Newspaper Article, Senate Considers Blacks' Representation, April 11, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Senate Elections: Council Rules Statutes Unconstitutional, Leaves Them in Effect for Thursday Vote, October 19, 1973, Virginia A. Lewis
Newspaper Article, Senate Elections Delayed, October 5, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Senate Elections Planned, September 20, 1974, Marty Hall and Bobby Sacus
Newspaper Article, Senate Members Elected, October 23, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Senate Passes Swift Rulings To Facilitate Today's Elections, April 10, 1970, Bill Bogges
Newspaper Article, Senate Passes Vetoed Budget, November 12, 1971, Mike Penprase
Newspaper Article, Senate Rejects Black Beauties, September 22, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Service Aids Deprived, Handicapped Students, February 2, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Sheriff's Deputies Arrest Student Tamale Salesman, March 30, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Sidewalk Survey: MSU Students Give Marijuana Law Yes Vote, April 18, 1975, Tina Fortenberry
Newspaper Article, Sidewalk Survey: Students Agree…No Military Aid for Vietnam, April 11, 1975, Tina Fortenberry
Newspaper Article, Sidewalk Survey: Students Disagree on President's Assassin, April 4, 1975, Tina Fortenberry
Newspaper Articles, Jenkins and Singletary Lead in SEC Stats and Roundballers Get Win No. 9, 86-82, January 10, 1974, The Reflector and Scoop Bass
Newspaper Article, Some Compliments Are Fine, Says Jones, February 22, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Soul Sound Set for Student Concert, October 8, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Souls Sponsor Discotheque, March 14, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, 'Sounder': Of Sharecroppers and the depression, August 31, 1973, Tim James
Newspaper Article, Southpaws Charge Discrimination, October 8, 1971, Steve Tonkin
Newspaper article, Speaker Conflict has Active Recent History, October 15, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Special Olympics: 'Every participant was a winner'--Jan Ikerd, April 13, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Special Precincts Set Up, May 5, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Special Services Program Set For Some Students, September 1, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Sports Coverage Proves Unfair, September 28, 1973, Scoop Bass
Newspaper Article, Staff Column: A Better Understanding is Needed to Eliminated Prejudices, April 21, 1972, Roger Culbertson
Newspaper Article, Staff Column: Old Attitudes Persist Despite Change, October 17, 1972, Rae Dillon
Newspaper article, Starkville PTA Surveys Desegregation Attitudes, October 21, 1969, Craig Swicegood
Newspaper Article, State Bulldogs Prepare for SEC Indoor Track Meet, February 8, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, State Bulldogs Sink Vanderbilt Commodore's Ship, September 26, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, State's Bullies Eagerly Await Season Opener, August 31, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper article, State Signs Second Negro Athlete, December 17, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper article, State Students Seek Action Against Trustees on Evers, October 18, 1968, Merrill Merkle
Newspaper article, State Takes on Vols Next, February 9, 1973, The Reflector and Gentry
Newspaper article, 'Stereotyped Role'Describes Black Students, May 6, 1969, J. Taylor
Newspaper Article, Strikes Dorms, Union, and YMCA, December 14, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Student Association Neglects Blacks, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Student Finds Tamales are Hot Items, February 16, 1973, Gay Chow
Newspaper article, Student Gripes May Lead to Actual Reforms, October 3, 1969, Lowell Hine
Newspaper article, Student Involvement Yields Confrontation: Old VS. New, October 3, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper article, 'Student Participation' Is Slogan For YMCA Election, April 20, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Students Assail Board, April 3, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Students Awakened By Reveille, April 27, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Students, Citizens, and Alderman, February 22, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Students Express Displeasure With Reveille, April 23, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Students Honor Dr. King With Silent Vigil, Service, April 9, 1968, Sam Love
Newspaper article, Students, Police Clash At Mississippi Valley, February 3, 1970, John Pickering
Newspaper article, Supreme Court Integration Decision Seen As Education Disaster, October 31, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Supreme Court Issues Mandate, November 4, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Symbol Black, November 14, 1969, Philip E. Criswell
Newspaper Article, Tamale Salesman Found Innocent, April 4, 1973, Elaine Graves
Newspaper Article, Teaching Program Bridge Gap, October 6, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Temptations Appear in SA Concert, September 19, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Tension Peaks As Tempers Flare, May 5, 1970, Janna Pepper
Newspaper Article, Thanks to the Administration, November 5, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, "The People" Deliver Message Sunday Night", November 14, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper article, The Temptations Appear In Concert, October 7, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Thinclads Have Date with 'Bama Tide, April 25, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Thinclads, May 11, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Three Blacks Told to Leave Triangle Club, December 7, 1973, Roger Culbertson
Newspaper Article, Tonight in Lee Hall "Truth to Perform Here, December 6, 1974, Holli Hinrichs
Newspaper article, To Our President, April 24, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Track: Eight Recruited for Team, September 10, 1974, Mike Anderson
Newspaper Article, Tracksters Compete in National Meet, February 1, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Track Team Enters First Outdoor Meet, March 22, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Tragic Departure, May 5, 1950, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Try To Remember!, May 4, 1971, Boyd Faust
Newspaper Article, Twenty Co-Eds Entered in Miss MSU Pageant, March 18, 1975, Rex Buffington
Newspaper article, Two Black Sororities Get Approval at MSU, March 11, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Unrest Hovers Over Campus Sunday Night, April 9, 1968, Merill Merkle
Newspaper article, US Government Removes Deadline On Desegregation, October 28, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Vandy Paper Comments on MSU, Reflector, Reveille, October 12, 1971, Rich White and The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Vinie Burrows to Perform "Walk Together Children", February 4, 1975, Warren Furlow
Newspaper article, Voting Discrimination Suit to be Filed in Behalf of Mississippi College Students, September 17, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Waller Appears on Nation-wide Television, February 4, 1972, George Luter and Gentry
Newspaper Article, Waller Appointees to College Board Will Serve, May 9, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Waller Demonstrates Desire to Join "New Breed", May 5, 1972, Times-Picayune
Newspaper Article, Waller, Feds, Board Discuss Desegregation, February 12, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Waller Holds Axe Over Hederman Control of State, February 22, 1972, A. B. Albritton and Memphis Commercial Appeal
Newspaper Article, Walter Packer: College Football Means Sacrifices, September 20, 1974, Denise Fant
Newspaper article, Want Ads…, April 1, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Washington Elected Y Prexy, May 5, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper article, We Did It!, March 12, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Week to Honor Black Achievements, February 1, 1974, MSU Public Information Office
Newspaper article, Well, That's The Way I Saw It, May 7, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, White Power Strengthens, Black Power in the South, May 7, 1968, Walter Grant
Newspaper article, White Squad Claims 26-0 Mud Bowl Win, March 24, 1970, James Wedgeworth
Newspaper article, Whoops! The Sky Is Falling, September 23, 1969, Barry McCrory
Newspaper article, Why All The Hell-Raising? September 16, 1969, Jim Duell
Newspaper Article, Why are You at College? February 7, 1975, Terri Pennartz and Pam Ellington
Newspaper Article, Winbush, Bailey Win Honors as 500 Watch Pageant Opener, April 10, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Article with Classifieds, Judicial Council Upholds Ruling, January 31, 1975, Carol Douell
Newspaper article, Women In Hull Sound Off, September 18, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Women's Basketball, MSU Falls to Belhaven, January 21, 1975, Charles Nettles
Newspaper Article, Women's Basketball: Road Trip Proves Costly, January 28, 1975, Charles Nettles
Newspaper Article, Women's Role Discussed: 'The American Dame' Set This Week, October 16, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Women's Roundball Team Formed Here, January 15, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Wooden Rooms, September 16, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, Y Coffeehouse, March 22, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Y Elections, April 2, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper article, Y Elections, April 6, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper article, YMCA Cabinet Calls Its Continued Existence Into Question, November 7, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper article, YMCA, November 21, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Article, YMCA Officers Deny Charges "Out of Touch with Whites", February 4, 1972, Fred Crumpton
Newspaper Article, Your Turn: Survey Reports Students' Racial Prejudices, February 22, 1972, Rae Dillon
Newspaper cartoon, Captain Magnolia,December 9, 1969
Newspaper cartoon, Captain Magnolia, November 4, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper cartoon, Urban Renewal, November 21, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper cartoon, Urban Renewal Parody, W.E. November 21, 1969, W. E.
Newspaper Clipping, 1973 Mississippi State Basketball Statistics, December 7, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Clipping, 1975 Football Signees, February 4, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Clipping, Afro-American Plus Sponsoring A Movie Showing, February 22, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Clipping, Column I, Content Teasers, January 24, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Clipping, Column I, Content Teasers, March 11, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper Clipping, Intramural Standings, October 12, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Clipping, Intramural Standings, October 19, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Clipping, Intramural Standings, October 5, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Clipping, Lineups for Homecoming 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Clipping, Lineups for Tomorrow's Spring Game, March 29, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper clipping, Reflector staff, Dwight Presley, September 16, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Clipping, Reflector Staff Roster, September 7, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper clipping, Reflector staff, September 12, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper clipping, Richard Brisco, Tamale Salesman Arrested, Roger Culbertson
Newspaper Column, Quicksilver: Hatred and Recruits, September 8, 1972, Mercury Morris
Newspaper Column, Sports Briefs, September 19, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Column, Sports Briefs, September 8, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Editorial, From the People: Blacks Deserve Senators, Michael Booker
Newspaper Editorial, From the People: Council Unfair; Reflector Biased, October 19, 1973, Jon Naugher
Newspaper Editorial, Opinion: Black Senators Supported, October 26, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Editorial, Opinion: Minority Representation New Query, October 19, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Editorial, This is Next Year! February 18, 1975, Kyle Steward
Newspaper Editorial, This is Next Year!, January 21, 1975, Kyle Steward
Newspaper Feature, Looking Back, November 19, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper letter, Bartlett's Reply, March 39, 1970, Bill Bartlett
Newspaper Letter, Bartlett Supported, March 3, 1970, Burless Oyler
Newspaper Letters to the Editor, Black Voices Praised, December 7, 1971, Frank Campbell
Newspaper Letters to the Editor, Student Association Neglects Blacks?, November 30, 1971, John Hughes and Harry Dreyfus
Newspaper Letters to the Editor, Students Question Validity of Black Requests, March 14, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Letters to the Editor, Those Without the Holy Spirit Can't Understand It, March 28, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Letter to the Editor, Associated Women Studies Mistake, December 10, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Letter to the Editor, From Elizabeth C. Loftin, April 19, 1968, Elizabeth Loftin
Newspaper Opinion Poll on the Judicial Council's Ruling on Black and Foreign Student Representation, October 23, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Page, The Reflector, October 5, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Page, The Reflector, September 7, 1973, The Reflector and Patti Drapala
Newspaper Paper Page, Announcements, Article, and Advertisements, January 31, 1975, Bob Moncrief
Newspaper photograph, AA Plus, October 07, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Photograph, Alabama's Charles Cleveland and Mississippi State's Jerry Jenkins On the Court, January 17, 1974, Stan Kozlowitz
Newspaper photograph and advertisement, No Man Is Free Until All Men Are Free, February 9, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Photograph and Article, "Man of La Mancha" opens Tuesday Night in Lee Hall, February 21, 1975, Carol Douell
Newspaper photograph, Black History, 2/12/1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Photograph, Black History Week Was Celebrated at MSU This Week, February 8, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Photograph, Buddy Miles, April 27, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Photograph, Bulldog Quarterback, Melvin Barkum, Being Tackled at a Game, September 12, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Photograph, Bulldogs Celebrate Larry Buie's TD Run, October 2, 1973, Barry Fox
Newspaper Photograph, Bulldogs Fall, February 4, 1975, The Reflector
Newspaper photograph, Captain Magnolia, November 3, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Photograph, Carl Jones and Taping Machine, February 12, 1974, Kit Gorman
Newspaper Photograph, Count Basie, November 22, 1974, Barry Fox
Newspaper Photograph, Dilday Speaks, February 8, 1974, Jaci Blaine
Newspaper photograph, Dowsing At The Ready, October 6, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper photograph, Dwight Presley, September 23, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper photograph,Give 'Em Hell Robert Bell, October 27, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Photograph, Guitarist, September 28, 1973, Barry Fox
Newspaper Photograph, Ho-ho-ho and All that Jaz, December 1, 1972, Jaci Fentriss
Newspaper Photograph, Jerry Jenkins Goes Up for Two of His Game High 23 Points, January 15, 1974, Jaci Blain and Stan Kozlowitz
Newspaper Photograph, Jerry Jenkins Pulls Up for a Jumper, December 7, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper photograph, Jim Landrum, YMCA Director, September 19, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Photograph, Joyce Sharp, Miss AA Plus, February 11, 1972, Jaci Fentress
Newspaper Photograph, Larry Buie, February 13, 1973, Jaci Fentriss
Newspaper Photograph, Larry Fry Shows Effort, December 7, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Photograph, Mary Holmes Choir, March 26, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper Photograph, Melvin Barkum and Glenn Ellis On the Field, September 22, 1972, Mike Gentry
Newspaper photograph, Mississippi State Football Players, November 21, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper photograph, Mississippi State Football Players Sprint, December 12, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper photograph, Mississippi State Half-Back, September 18, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Photograph, MSU Cafeteria, October 15, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper photograph, MSU OCT. 15, 1969: People Around Campus, October 17, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Photograph, MSU's Black Voices Rehearse, October 20, 1972, Jaci Fentriss
Newspaper Photograph, Mullins Attends to Barkum, March 16, 1973, Mike Gentry
Newspaper Photograph, Out of Business, February 23, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Photograph, Perry Shoots, December 6, 1974, Barry Fox
Newspaper Photograph, "Poppa Rock", may 7, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper Photograph, Poverty…The Specter of Christmas Past, Present, The Reflector
Newspaper photograph, Problems: YMCA Free University Course, September 23, 1969, The Reflector
Newspaper Photograph, Retiring, April 18, 1975, Stan Kazlowitz
Newspaper photograph, Richard Briscoe, March 30, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper Photograph, Roy Wilkins, April 10, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper photograph, SAM'S Men: Society for the Advancement of Management Officers, October 10, 1969, Sean Burguet
Newspaper Photographs, Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose Come to the Cow Barn, November 14, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper photographs, First Appearance, March 10, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Photographs, Mississippi State Athletics--The Year That Was…, April 27, 1973, The Reflector
Newspaper photograph, Smith Makes The Reception, October 6, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper photograph, Starkville Protest, April 3, 1970, The Reflector
Newspaper Photograph, Sunday Morning Walk, September 24, 1974, Barry Fox
Newspaper Photographs, Vanderbilt Pep Rally, September 24, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Photograph, The Matchmaker, March 30, 1973, Mike Gentry
Newspaper Photograph, To be Removed?, May 10, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper Photograph, Walter Pacer Setting Sail on 100 Yard Plus Kickoff Return, April 2, 1974, Barry Fox
Newspaper Photograph, Walter Packer Evading Tacklers at Football Game, September 10, 1974, Barry Fox
Newspaper Photograph, Welcome Program, January 18, 1974, Barry Fox
Newspaper Photograph, Welcome to Campus From the Reflector Staff, October 25, 1974, The Reflector
Newspaper Photograph, Women's Basketball Practice, January 21, 1975, Guy Zummo
Newspaper Photograph, Women's Basketball Team, February 14, 1975, Stan Kozlowitz
Newspaper section, Black America, February 12, 1971, The Reflector
Newspaper Survey, Dead Week Elimination, May 9, 1972, Jaci Fentriss
Newspaper Survey, Opinion…, September 12, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Survey, Opinion…,September 26, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Survey, Students Declare Bookstore Service Unsatisfactory, August 1, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Survey, Students Discuss Summer Reflector, June 20, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Survey, Suggested Groups for Student Association Concerts, May 10, 1968, The Reflector
Newspaper Survey, What Do Students Think of Democratic Candidates?, July 11, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Survey, What do Students Think of Visitors…, July 25, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Survey, What do Students Think Starkvillians Think of Students?, August 8, 1972, The Reflector
Newspaper Theatre Performance Review, Winbush Stands Out in "Lion", March 29, 1974, Roger Culbertson
NEWS You Can Use— Helping Older Adults Make Informed Food Choices, Chih-Cheng Lu and Sarah Francis
New Weighting Parameters for Non-Local Means based Denoising Algorithm, Ely Carroll and Hyeona Lim
New-York Line Regiment, 1862, published by A.P. Wooster & Sons (American)
Nielsen Cochran Behind a Microphone
Nielsen Cochran Behind a Microphone
Ninian Edwards Home and Lincolns Life Museum, distributed by Rowena F. Jarrett (American) and produced by Curteich (American)
No. 1 /Red, White and Blue/ No. 1/ of Norwich, produced by TAMS
Notice, Monogram Merite (American, 1968?-?)
Notice, produced by Monogram Merite (American, 1968?-?)
Not in Vain, Artwork by John McClarel
"Not Just Building", photography by Kenneth M. Wyner (American)
Numerous Books about Abraham Lincoln
Numerous Portraits featuring Abraham Lincoln
Nutrition Education for Refugees: Successful Strategies and Barriers, Jessica Smith, Habiba Nur, Martha Archuleta, Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, Celina Wille, Casey Coombs, and Heidi J. Wengreen
Offical 1974 Illinois Medallion
Official 1974 Illinois Medallion, Vandalia State Capitol, 1820-1839, produced by United States Bicenntennial, 1776-1976
Old Capitol Building, Vandalia, Illinois, produced by Wayne Paper Box & PRTG Corporation (American)
Old Capitol Building, Vandalia, Illinois
Old Ford's Theatre Where Lincoln was Shot, Washington, D.C., published by E. Frey & Company (American)
"Old Glory" at Lincoln Plaza, Abraham Lincoln National Historical Park, Hodgenville, Kentucky, produced by Curteich (American)
Old Mississippi Capitol Building Under Construction
Old Railroad Station, Jackson, Mississippi
Old Salem School Historic Structures Report, Aidan B. Taylor, Cyndi Parker, Charlyn King, Tommy King, and Sarah Johnson
Old Ship Church (Hingham, MA), published by Edward Wells (American) and produced by the Collotype Company (American)
Old State Capitol Building, Springfield, Illinois, distributed by Springfield News Agency (American) and produced by Colourpicture (American)
Old State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois, published by Illinois State Historical Society (American, 1899-present)
Old State Capitol, Springfield, Illinois, published by Illinois State Historical Society (American, 1899-present) and produced by Dexter Press, Inc. (American, 1920s-1992?)
Old State Capitol, Springfield, Illinois, published by the Illinois Historical Society (American, 1899-present) and produced by Dexter Press (American, 1920s-1980s)
"Old Tippacannoe" William Henry Harrison Commemorative Coin
Only the Bones Left, published by the Boston Herald (American, 1846-present)
Onstot's Cooper Shop And Residence New Salem State Park in Lincoln's New Salem, Illinois, published by Lincoln's New Salem Enterprise, Inc. (American) and produced by Dexter Press (American, 1920s-1980s)
On the political economy of knowledge-production - an Interview with Richard Wolff, Maria Cernat
On the Way Out?, published by the Christian Science Monitor (American, 1908-present)
Opportunities for mental health interventions in rural Mississippi communities during the COVID-19 pandemic: A quantitative analysis, Brice Fortinberry
Optimal multi-target navigation in complex environments via Generalized Voronoi Diagram graph structures, Brandon Black
Optimizing water, nitrogen, and row patterns for irrigated corn and soybean in the Mississippi Delta, Amilcar Jose Vargas Loyo
Original Draft of President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, photography by Herbert C. Ruckmick and produced by Dexter Press, Inc. (American, 1920s-1992?)
Original Walnut Stairway, Abraham Lincoln Home, Springfield, Illinois, produced by Curteich (American)
Original Walnut Stairway, Abraham Lincoln's Home, Springfield, Illinois, published by Springfield News Agency (American) and produced by Colourpicture (American)
Our Own Personal Handicap, published by the Boston Herald (American, 1846-present), copyright held by Los Angeles Times (American,1881-present)
Outbreak intensity ranking indices for primary severe weather modes, Adonte Netreven Knight
Outdoor Group Picture from the Abraham Lincoln Forum
Outdoor Group Picture from the Abraham Lincoln Forum
Outdoor Group Picture from the Abraham Lincoln Forum
Oval Shaped Portrait of Abraham Lincoln
Overcoming challenges in experimental quantification of the optical properties of photoactive metal-organic frame works: A case study with NU-1000, Samadhi Nawalage
Panoramic View of Washington from Virginia Hills, published by B.S. Reynolds (American)
Panoramic View of Washington from Virginia Hills., published by B.S. Reynolds Company (American)
Paper Dolls, featuring artwork by Wallace Goldsmith (American, 1873-1945)
Papier-mache Bust of President Lincoln
Patricia Winn, Dana H. [Shewalker?] and an Unidentified Man
Patrol Officer, P. R. James, 1976
"Peaches and Cream" Etching by Mamie Joe
Pencil Sharper Bust of President Lincoln
Penma. Klan Reunion, Gettysburg, PA
Penny, produced by the United States Mint (American, 1792-present)
Penny, produced by the United States Mint (American, 1792-present)
Penny, produced by the United States Mint (American, 1792-present)
Penny, produced by the United States Mint (American, 1792-present)
Penny, produced by the United States Mint (American, 1792-present)
Penny, produced by the United States Mint (American, 1792-present)
Penny, produced by the United States Mint (American, 1792-present)
Penny, produced by the United States Mint (American, 1792-present)
Penny, produced by the United States Mint (American, 1792-present)
Penny, produced by the United States Mint (American, 1792-present)
Penny, produced by the United States Mint (American, 1792-present)
Penny, produced by the United States Mint (American, 1792-present)
Penny, produced by the United States Mint (American, 1792-present)
Penny, produced by the United States Mint (American, 1792-present)
Penny, produced by the United States Mint (American, 1792-present)
Penny, produced by the United States Mint (American, 1792-present)
People and Buildings on Capitol Street, Jackson, Mississippi
People at an A-framed House in the Woods
People Crossing a Street, Jackson, Mississippi
People Outside the Town Creek Saloon, Jackson, Mississippi
People Waiting to Cross a Street
People Walking on a Sidewalk, Jackson, Mississippi
Performance evaluation of deep learning object detectors for weed detection and real time deployment in cotton fields, Abdur Rahman
Performance evaluation of low-cost GPS machine guidance systems for livestock production forage and pasture management applications, Conner Childress Wright
Personality Profile of Rural-Dwelling Older Adults With Hoarding Disorder, Mary E. Dozier, Caitlyn A. Nix, and Hilary L. DeShong
Petersburg, Illinois Survery Commemorative Medal
Pewter Bust of Abraham Lincoln
Photocatalytic disinfection of microbes in water by using titanium dioxide (TiO2) – decorated biochar, Aleria Story
Photograph Features an Abraham Lincoln Impersonator and an Unidentified Man
Photograph Features an Abraham Lincoln Impersonator and an Unidentified Man
Photograph Features an Interior View of the Lincoln Forum
Photograph features an Interior View of the Lincoln Forum
Photograph Features an Interior View of the Lincoln Forum
Photograph Features an Interior View of the Lincoln Forum
Photograph features Bob Willard and Steven Lee Carson
Photograph features Tim Branscum, Bob Glass, and an Unidentified Man
Photograph featuring a Cannon in a Field
Photograph featuring a Group Portrait From the Abraham Lincoln Forum
Photograph Featuring Allen Guelzo at the Abraham Lincoln Forum
Photograph featuring an Abraham Lincoln Impersonator and Three other Unidentified Individuals
Photograph featuring an Unidentified Man
Photograph featuring an Unidentified Man Sitting at a Round Table
Photograph featuring A Parade with Abraham Lincoln Impersonator on Horseback
Photograph featuring Charles Zimmerman, David Walker and Dale [?]
Photograph featuring Charles Zimmerman, David Walker and Dale [?]
Photograph featuring Civil War Reenactors
Photograph featuring Civil War Reenactors
Photograph featuring Civil War Reenactors
Photograph featuring Civil War Reenactors
Photograph Featuring Frank Williams at the Abraham Lincoln Forum
Photograph featuring Frank Williams, Harold Holzer and an Unidentified Man
Photograph featuring Frank Williams, Harold Holzer and four Unidentified Men
Photograph featuring Harold Holzer, Doris Kearns Goodwin and Frank Williams
Photograph Featuring Harold Hozer at the Abraham Lincoln Forum
Photograph featuring Michael McKeown and Newell L. Chester
Photograph featuring several people around a cannon
Photograph from the 2008 Lincoln Forum
Photograph from the Abraham Lincoln Forum
Photograph from the Lincoln Forum
Photograph from the Lincoln Forum
Photograph from the Lincoln Forum
Photograph from the Lincoln Forum
Photograph from the Lincoln Forum
Photograph from the Lincoln Forum
Photograph from the Lincoln Forum
Photograph of a Historical Tour
Photograph of a Historical Tour
Photograph of a Historical Tour
Photograph of an Abraham Lincoln Impersonator
Photograph of an Abraham Lincoln Impersonator
Photograph of an Abraham Lincoln impersonator
Photograph of an Abraham Lincoln Impersonator
Photograph of an Abraham Lincoln Impersonator
Photograph of an Abraham Lincoln Impersonator
Photograph of An Abraham Lincoln Impersonator
Photograph of an Abraham Lincoln Impersonator
Photograph of an Antique Desk with a Historical Document on it
Photograph of an Unidenified Man
Photograph of an Unidenified Man and Woman
Photograph of an Unidenified Man at the Abraham Lincoln Forum
Photograph of an Unidentified Couple
Photograph of an Unidentified Couple
Photograph of an Unidentified Couple
Photograph of an Unidentified Dog
Photograph of an Unidentified Group at the Lincoln Forum
Photograph of an Unidentified Group of People
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of An Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Man and Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Man and Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Man and Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Man and Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Man and Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Man and Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified People
Photograph of an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of An Unidentified Woman
Photograph of an Unidentified Woman and a Antique Desk with a Historical Document on it
Photograph of an Unidentified Woman and Man
Photograph of an Unidentified Woman and Two Men
Photograph of A Panel at the Lincoln Forum
Photograph of a Parade featuring Civil War Reenactors
Photograph of A Parade featuring Civil War Reenactors
Photograph of a Woman Pointing a Painting Featuring Abraham Lincoln and His Cabinet
Photograph of a Woman Pointing at a Painting Featuring Abraham Lincoln and His Cabinet
Photograph of Bewell L. Chester
Photograph of Bob [Unclear] and Pat Wilburn
Photograph of Chief Justice Frank Williams with an Unidentified Man
Photograph of Dan LeBlond and an Unidentified Man
Photograph of Dean and Melody Warner
Photograph of Doris Kearns Goodwin
Photograph of Doris Kearns Goodwin
Photograph of Doris Kearns Goodwin
Photograph of Edna Greene Medford
Photograph of Frank J. Williams
Photograph of Frank Williams and an Unidenified Man
Photograph of Frank Williams, Harold Holzer and an Unidentified Man
Photograph of Frank Williams, Harold Holzer and an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of Frank Williams with an Unidentified Couple
Photograph of Frank Williams with an Unidentified Man
Photograph of Frank Williams with an Unidentified Man
Photograph of Frank Williams with an Unidentified Man
Photograph of Frank Williams with an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of Frank Williams with an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of Frank Williams with an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of Gerald Prokopowicz
Photograph of Graham Purcell and an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of Harold Holzer, Frank Williams and an Unidentified Man
Photograph of Pat Wilburn and an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of Paul Bremer and an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of Shelia M.[unreadable],Catherine Peterson, and Brenda Powell
Photograph of Sin-U Nam and an Unidentified Woman
Photograph of Three Unidentified Men
Photograph of Two Statues featuring Abraham Lincoln and a Tourist
Photograph of Two Unidentified Men
Photograph of Two Unidentified Men
Photograph of Two Unidentified Men
Photograph of Two Unidentified People
Photograph of Two Unidentified Women
Photograph of Two Unidentified Women
Photograph of Two Unidentified Women
Photograph of Two Unidentified Women
Photograph of Unidentified Family
Photograph of Unidentified Man
Photograph of Unidentified Man
Photograph of Unidentified Man
Photograph of Unidentified Man
Photograph of Unidentified Man
Photograph of Unidentified Man
Photograph of Unidentified Man
Photograph of Unidentified Man
Photograph of Unidentified Man
Photograph of Unidentified Man
Photograph of Unidentified Man
Photograph of Unidentified Man
Photograph of Unidentified Man
Photograph of Unidentified Man
Photograph of Unidentified Man
Photograph of Unidentified Man
Photograph of Unidentified Men
Photograph of Unidentified People
Photograph of Unidentified Woman
Photograph of Unidentified Woman
Photograph of Unidentified Woman
Photograph of William Lee Mills and an Unidentified Woman
Photograph with an Unidentified Woman and Two Civil War Reenactors
Photo of a Group of Union Soldiers
Photo of President Lincoln's Hat Box, produced by Ross (American)
Phylogenomic Species Delimitation of Studfishes (Fundulidae: Fundulus): Evidence for Cryptic Species in Agreement with the Central Highlands Vicariance Hypothesis, Kayla M. Fast, Peter J. Hundt, Zachariah D. Alley, and Michael W. Sandel
Physical activity, sedentary behavior, and cardiovascular health of adults with and without Down syndrome, Brantley Kyle Ballenger
Physiology and gut microbiome diversity in honey bee colonies along an agricultural intensification gradient, Urita Mma Agana
Pilings Washed Out Beneath Bridge, April 1970
Pilot Evaluation of Programmatic Elements for First-Generation and Historically Marginalized Doctoral Students and their Families, Bridget A. Walsh, Sarah Mitchell, Emmanuel Kyeremeh Addai, Matthew Aguirre, and Keira Hambrick
Plaque of President Lincoln, engraved by M.W. Baldwin (active early 1900s)
Plaque of President Lincoln's Right-side Profile
Plaque of President Lincoln w/ Quote
Plaster Plaque of Abraham Lincoln
Plaster Plaque of President Lincoln
Plaster Profile Plaque of President A. Lincoln
Play Pen Abraham Lincoln, Copyright held by Courage USA, Inc.
Play Pen Abraham Lincoln, Copyright held by Courage USA, Inc.
Polyaniline analogs polymers and nanocomposites coating for corrosion protection applications, Raymond Femi Awoyemi
Porcelain Bust of President Lincoln, produced by Helen
Portrait of Abraham Lincoln, from a photograph by Anthony Berger (American, active 1860s)
Portrait of Abraham Lincoln, produced by Kodak (American, 1892-present )
Portrait of Abraham Lincoln, produced by Colourpicture (American) and published by Springfield News Agency (American)
Portrait of Abraham Lincoln by George Peter Alexander Healy, featuring artwork by George Peter Alexander Healy (American, 1813-1894) and printed by Clarke & Way, Inc. (American)
Portrait of Abraham Lincoln Featuring Artwork by Elbridge Ayer Burbank, featuring artwork by Elbridge Ayer Burbank (American, 1858-1949)
Portrait of Carl Schurz, produced by Warren's (American)
Portrait of Elmer Grandin, produced by Marceau Power
Portrait of Elmer Grandin as Abraham Lincoln, produced by Marceau and Power (American)
Portrait of John Stuart Mill, produced by E. & H.T. Anthony & Co. (American)
Portrait of June Carter Cash and Johnny Cash, undated
Portrait of Lenus Carlson, undated
Portrait of Mary Todd Lincoln, published by Laura N. Goldberg (American)
Portrait of Mary Todd Lincoln, from artwork by Frances B. Carpenter (American, 1830-1900) and published by Laura N. Goldberg (American)
Portrait of Mary Todd Lincoln, circa 1846, produced by Dukane Press (American) with publishing and copyright by Parks
Portrait of Mrs. Mary Todd Lincoln, produced by Brady's National Portrait and Museum of Historic Photography (American, 1860 - 1875)
Portrait of President U.S. Ulysses Grant, produced by A. Bogardus and Company (American, 1822-1908)
Portrait of Secretary of War John A. Rawlins
Portrait of William H. Seward, produced by Brandy (American)
Postcard Featuing Abraham Lincoln's Image
Postcard Featuring Abraham Lincoln's Face at Mount Rushmore, produced by Manugian (American)
Postcard featuring a Profile Portrait of Abraham Lincoln
Postcard Featuring Daniel Chester French Studio, photography by Sam Scarfone and produced by Crown Color Views (American)
Postcard with Bust Statue of Abraham Lincoln, published by Raphael Tuck & Sons (British)
Potential of Biochar for the Removal of Waterborne Microbial Contaminants, Shankia Musser
Predator-prey dynamics among large carnivores and their ungulate prey: from the Great Lakes to the Last Frontier, Nathan James Svoboda
Predicting Agricultural Sciences Students’ Media Literacy in a Post-Truth Era, Abigail Durheim, Kasey Harmon, Taylor Ruth, and Cara Lawson
Predictions of thermo-fluid transport over a poultry incubation period using high performance computing, Melvy Fernandes
Preparing to come home, not recidivate: Juvenile offenders' perceptions of the juvenile justice system, Robbie Kaitlyn Salters
Present Channel Span, April 1970
Presented to the class of 1924, Copyright held by Gorham Co.
Preservation Hall Jazz Band of New Orleans, undated
Preservice Agriscience Teachers’ Perception of Inquiry-Based Learning, John Porter, Nathan W. Conner, and Christopher T. Stripling
President Abraham Lincoln, I/R Miniatures, Inc.
President Abraham Lincoln, produced by I/R Miniatures, Inc.
"President Abraham Lincoln", produced by Anheuser-Busch, Inc.
President Abraham Lincoln and Family
President Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln's Tomb, Springfield, Illinois, photography by Penrod Studio, published by Lincoln's New Salem Enterprises, Inc. (American) and produced by Dexter Press, Inc. (American, 1920s-1992?)
President Andrew Johnson, produced by Joseph Ward (American)
President & First Lady Series Commemorative Coin Featuring Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln
President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lowell Thomas at a Car
Presidential Elections Provide Opportunities to Teach About Power, Proportions and Percentages, Liza Bondurant and Stephanie Somersille
Presidential Presence, produced by Walt Disney Productions
President Lincoln Carrying A Christmas Wreath, Willie Walking and Tad Riding, Washington, D.C. 1861, featuring artwork by Lloyd Ostendorf (American, 1921-2000 ) and published by Phil Wagner
President Lincoln Carrying A Cut Christmas Tree with Willie and Tad , Washington, D.C. 1861, featuring artwork by Lloyd Ostendorf (American, 1921-2000) and published by Phil Wagner
President Lincoln Pencil Sharpener
President Lincoln's Face at Mount Rushmore, photography by The Burgess Company (American), produced by Colourpicture (American)
President Lincoln's Side-Profile Plaque, made by Waltham Foundry
President Lincoln, Tad and Willie In Front of the Marble Fireplace in the White House, Washington, D.C. 1861, featuring artwork by Lloyd Ostendorf (American,1921-2000) and published by Phil Wagner
President Lincoln Visits Officers at Antietam, featuring photography by Alexander Gardner (American, born Scottish, 1821-1882), published by Parks & History Association (American) and distributed by Richard W. Coffman (American)
President Lincoln with Tad and Willie in Front of A Toy Store, Christmas, Washington, D.C. 1861, featuring artwork by Lloyd Ostendorf (American, 1921-2000) and published by Phil Wagner
President of the Confederate States of America, Jefferson1861-1865, designed by Frank Gasparro (American, 1909-2001) and produced by Bowers and Merena Galleries, Inc. (American)
President of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln, 1861-1865, design by Frank Gasparro (American, 1909-2001) and produced by Bowers and Merena Galleries, Inc. (American)
Presidents of the United States of America, published by L.E. Smith (American) and produced by Tichnor Brothers, Inc. (American)
Press Release Concerning Principals at Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana Schools
Prince Albert, from a painting by Sir William Charles Ross (British, 1794-1860) and printed by Lund Humphries
Prince Albert, Consort of Queen Victoria, from painting by Franz Xavier Winterhalter (German, 1805-1873) and printed by Raithby, Lawrence & Company Ltd. (British)
Private, 1861, 1st Special Battalion, Louisiana Infantry, "Wheat's Tiger", artwork by Dick S Von Schriltz (American, 1916-1991), copyright held by K/S Historical Publications (American) and produced by TBC Graphics (American)
Private, 1863, 42nd Pennsylvania, Volunteer Infantry, "Bucktails", artwork by Dick S Von Schriltz (American, 1916-1991),copyright held by K/S Historical Publications (American) and produced by TBC Graphics (American)
Processing and characterization of conjugated polymers utilizing electrospinning technique for optoelectronic applications, Humayun Ahmad
Process parameter optimization of M300 maraging steel and mechanical characterization of uniformly and selectively scaled M300 cellular structures, Haley Elizabeth Petersen
Proclamation of Emancipation, produced by Kettlesprings Ilns.
Producing college and career ready graduates in rural high poverty school districts, Hilute Hudson III
Profile of President A. Lincoln, produced by A.H. Christenson
Profile of President Lincoln, produced by Mosaic Tile Company (American)
Profile of President Lincoln, produced by A. Christensen
Project RECLAIM Clinician Manual, Mary E. Dozier
Promoting Rehumanizing Mathematics Through Embodied-Focused Noticing, Liza Bondurant, Diana Moss, Claudia Bertolone-Smith, Lisa Poling, Hortensia Soto, and Jonathan Troup
Promotional Material from Oneida Paper Productions, Inc., produced by Oneida Paper Products, Inc.
Promotional Materials for the Hotel Lincoln in New York, produced by the Lincoln Hotel (American)
Proper Order of Change, John Mayo, September 19, 1969, John Mayo
P.T. Barnum and Mlle. Ernestine
Public Service Commissioner, D. W. Snyder, 1975
Public Service Commissioner, John L. Dale, 1975
Public Service Commissioner, Norman A. Johnson, Jr, 1975
Public Support for Tobacco Control Policies Among Mississippi Adults, Emily McClelland, Tiffany Johnson, and Robert McMillen
Pure Silver Medal Featuring Abraham Lincoln
Quality and Quantity of Physical Activity Resources in the Mississippi Delta Data Set, Megan E. Holmes
Quantum task mapping for large-scale heterogenous computing systems, Mackenzie Danyel Ellenberger
Quarters No. 1, Fort Monroe, Virginia, photography by Walter H. Miller, published by Walter H. Miller & Company, Inc. (American) and caption by Fort Monroe Casemate Museum (American)
Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip
Queen Victoria, 1819-1901, from painting by Sir George Hayter (British, 1792-1871) and printed by Balding + Mansell Limited
Race: The Power of an Illusion - Part 1: The Difference Between Us, Christine Herbes-Sommers, Jean Cheng, Larry Adelman, and Tracy Strain
Race: The Power of an Illusion - Part 2: The Story We Tell, Christine Herbes-Sommers, Jean Cheng, Larry Adelman, and Tracy Strain
Race: The Power of an Illusion - Part 3: The House We Live In, Christine Herbes-Sommers, Jean Cheng, Larry Adelman, and Tracy Strain
Radical Politics Facing the ‘Emancipation Paradox’, Albena Azmanova
“Rahul is a Math Nerd” and “Mia Can Be a Drama Queen”: How Mixed-Reality Simulations Can Perpetuate Racist and Sexist Stereotypes, Liza Bondurant and Daniel Reinholz
"Rail Splitter", sculpted by Francis J. Barnum (American, 1928 - 2018)
Rations from the Stalk, artwork by A.C. Redwood (American, 1844-1922), produced by Glenn L. Hindale and published by Walter H. Miller & Company, Inc. (American)
Redlands, California Home of the Lincoln Memorial Shrine, produced by Redlands Coin Club (American)
Redlands, California Home of the Lincoln Memorial Shrine, produced by Redlands Coin Club (American)
Redlands, California Home of the Lincoln Memorial Shrine, produced by Redlands Coin Club (American)
Redlands, California Home of the Lincoln Memorial Shrine, produced by Redlands Coin Club (American)
Reenactment of Lincoln–Douglas Debates.
Reenactment of Lincoln–Douglas Debates.
Reenactment of Lincoln–Douglas Debates.
Reenactment of Lincoln–Douglas Debates.
Reenactment of Lincoln–Douglas Debates.
Reestablishing a New Normal: Addressing the Social Injustices at the Heart of Cardiovascular Disease Epidemic and Examining the Role of Feutin-A as a Potential Therapy, Christopher Robinson
Reflections, Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., published by Washington News Company (American) and produced by Tichnor Brothers, Inc. (American, 1908 - 1987 )
Reflector Black History Week Supplement, February 8, 1974, The Reflector
Rehumanizing Mathematics Through Multimodal Microanalysis, Liza Bondurant, Jonathan Troup, Claudia Bertolone-Sith, Diana Moss, and Hortensia Soto
Removal of emerging contaminants from water using green adsorbents, Rabia Amen
Replica Life hand cast of Abraham Lincoln, Copyright held by American Treasure Foundation
Replica life mask cast of Abraham Lincoln, Copyright held by American Treasure Foundation
Replica of Abraham Lincoln's Birthplace Cabin, produced by the Chicago Historical Society (American, 1856-present)
Replica of Abraham Lincoln's Birthplace in Hodgenville, Kentucky, produced by Arena Photo Post Card Company (American)
Replica of Lincoln's Birthplace Cabin, published by H.K. Barnett (American)
Replica of the Lincoln Memorial Statue, produced by Daniel Chester French (American, 1850-1931)
Replica of the Log Cabin that Abraham Lincoln Was Born in, produced by Illinois Central System (American)
Reproduction of Abraham Lincoln's Letter to Mrs. Bixby
Reproduction of Stone of Debate Between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas
Reproduction Photograph of Abraham Lincoln Looking out of a Window, paper manufactured by Kodak Company (American,1888-present)
Reproductive ecology and latitudinal variation of three cavity nesting duck species in Eastern United States, Hunter Elijah Mentges
Repulsive Coulomb interactions enhance Superconductivity Selectively at Density 0.5 per site, Jeremy Padvorac and Rudolf Torsten Clay
Residual stress predictions in L-PBF Ti-6Al-4V NIST bridges using FEM, Caitlin Delaney Luke
Resource description framework parsing method on the UAS integration safety and security technology ontology, Hunter Harris
Resource sharing in secure distributed systems, Trisha Chakraborty
Response Effort Attenuates Provoked Aggression, Mitchell E. Berman
Review of "Fiery Trial", written by Richard Locke (American, 1941-2023) and produced by New York Times (American, 1896-present)
Review of Frantz Fanon: Combat Breathing by Nigel Gibson (Polity Press, 2024), Rose A. Owen
Review of Gore Vidal's Lincoln, written by Joyce Carol Oates (American, 1938-present) and published by New York Times Book Review (American, 1896-Present)
Rhetoric or Change? The Role of State Policies and Conditions in Shaping Postsecondary Education Access and Success for Rural Students, Darris R. Means, Jenay F. E. Willis, Kim Getfield, Devon Golden, Bryson Henriott, Brandon Lee, Alejandra Medina, Hannah Reilley, Lily K. Tunstall, and Ying Zhou
Richard Current and an Unidenitified Man
Richard F. Somer and an Abraham Lincoln Impersonator
Richard Kelley and Tim Branscum
Rich Sokup, George [Bess?] and a young man
Right General Guide, 1861 14th "Brooklyn" Regiment, New York State Militia, artwork by Dick S Von Schriltz (American, 1916-1991),copyright held by K/S Historical Publications (American) and produced by TBC Graphics (American)
Risk assessment of severe weather events affecting animal production facilities, Impana Hassan Swamy Gowda
Risk prediction of Primary Ovarian Insufficiency by an early age among female childhood cancer survivors, Sakie Arachchige
Robert Boner, produced by Charles D. Frederick & Company (American)
Robert E. Lee, Lieutenant of Engineers, U.S. Army, photography by Walter H. Miller and published by Walter H. Miller & Company, Inc. (American)
Robert Lincoln's Bedroom, Abraham Lincoln's Home, Springfield, Illinois, produced by The Abraham Lincoln Museum (American, 1899-present) and produced by Dexter Press (American, 1920s-1980s)
Robust longitudinal velocity control for advanced vehicles: A deep reinforcement learning approach, Fahmida Islam
Rock Island 70th Anniversary Commemorative Medal
Rock Island Railroad 70th Anniversary Medal, produced by Whitehead & Hoag Company (American, 1892-1965)
Rogers' Statuettes, "One More Shot", published by A.A. Child and Company; sculpted by John Rogers (American, 1829-1904)
Role of a precision biotic and a protease fed alone and in combination to Dekalb White laying hens at peak production phase, ElsiAnna Rodewald
Ronald Reagan at Campaign Function
Ronald Reagan Speaking at Mississippi Campaign Event
Roquea, a New Genus of Lychnophorinae (Vernonieae, Asteraceae) from Brazil and Its Phylogenetic Placement, Benoit Loeuille, Roberto Baptista Pereira Almeida, Carolina Moriani Siniscalchi, Makeli G. Lusa, and Guilherme Medeiros Antar
Rose Budd Stevens and Children
Rose Budd Stevens and Son Feeding Chickens
"Royal Purple" reproduction, produced by Danbury Mint
Rural Parent Viewpoints of What Makes College Possible: A Q Methodology Study, Carol Cutler White and Diane D. Chapman
Rural, Poor and Working-Class Student Postsecondary Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Policy Lessons Learned for Supporting Future College Success, Ty C. McNamee, Sonja Ardoin, and Jenay F.E. Willis
Rural Students Find Their Voice on a College Campus, Ann K. Schulte and Karen Schreder
Rural Teacher Preparation in the State of Alabama, Avington Medeiros and Eva Kane
Rural Undergraduate Students’ Narratives of English Language Learning Within Multilingual Classroom Contexts: A Namibian Perspective, Annaly M. Strauss and Joanne M. Marshall
Salinity tolerance in the Elymus Genus, Hunter Pegram
Salmon. P. Chase, published by E. & H.T.
Salvator Patriae Memorial Medallion, sculpted by Emil Sigel Fecit
Sandra Walker of the Mississippi Opera, undated
Sarah Polk Commemorative Medal
Sarah Polk Commemorative Medal
Saving One Amphibian at a Time: Optimizing the Transferability of ART protocols in Anurans, Namia Stevenson
Scale sculpt of Mount Rushmore, Artwork by Joanna G. Kendall (1920-1989)
Scene at City Point, VA., produced by the War Photograph and Exhibition Company (American)
Scene from the Cyclorama, published by L.E. Smith (American)
"Sealed Lincoln", printed by the Meriden Gravure Company (American,1888–1989) and featuring a sculpture by Daniel Chester French (American, 1850-1931)
"Sealed Lincoln", printed by the Meriden Gravure Company (American,1888–1989)
Season Greetings from Steven K. Rogstad and the Lincoln Herald
Season Greetings from the John Hope Franklin
Season's Greetings from Steven K. Rogstad, Lincoln Herald
Season's Greetings from the John Hope Franklin
Seasons of Learning: Rural Indigenous Teacher Preparation, Dani O'Brien, Josh Montgomery, Bezhigogaabawiikwe Hunter, Niizhoobinesiikwe Howes, Waasegiizhigookwe Rosie Gonzalez, Manidoo Makwe Ikwe, and Kevin Zak
"Seated Lincoln", printed by The Meriden Gravure Company (American)
Seated Portrait of Abraham Lincoln, from a painting by George Peter Alexander Healy (American, 1813-1894) and printed by Clarke & Way, Inc. (American)
Second Floor Railing, Molding and Sculpture in Capitol Building, Jackson, Mississippi
Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1865, featuring photography by Alexander Gardner (American, born Scottish, 1821-1882), published by Parks & History Association (American) and distributed by Richard W. Coffman (American)
Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, produced by Philada. Photographic Company (American)
Secret Picture Thimble, Copyright held by Woodsetton
Secure and Effective Data Sharing for Metal-based Additive Manufacturing, Durant Fullington
Selective noise cancelling application for misophonia treatment, Timothy Wunrow
Self-and-Other Determination and the Invention of Whiteness: A Comment on Democracy and Empire, Emily Katzenstein
Senate Chamber, Old State Capitol, Springfield, Illinois, published by the Illinois Historical Society (American, 1899-present) and produced by Dexter Press (American, 1920s-1980s)
Sentiment trends in political tweets: a case study of Marjorie Taylor Greene, Madeline Enlow
Sergeant, 1861 Battalion of Washington Artillery, New Orleans, artwork by Dick S Von Schriltz (American, 1916-1991),copyright held by K/S Historical Publications (American) and produced by TBC Graphics (American)
Sergeant, 1861, Hampton's Legion, South Carolina Volunteers, artwork by Dick S Von Schriltz (American, 1916-1991),copyright held by K/S Historical Publications (American) and produced by TBC Graphics (American)
Sergio Fernandez at a Table, 1974
Series of Old Mississippi Capitol Renovation
Setting the table: A study of grassroots organization political training program and Black women interests to run for local government., Adrian Shonna Tillman
Several People Meeting with a Lincoln Impersonator at the Lincoln Forum
Sharlene Kranz and an Unidenitified Man
Shear Shack Building on State Street in Jackson, Mississippi
Shell's Mr. President Coin Game
Sherry Zannoth of Mississippi Opera, undated, Christian Stainer
Sho-Nuff, Promotional Portrait, undated
Short-term Impacts of Biochar and Mycorrhizal Inoculation for Pinus echinata Reforestation on Strip-mined Soils, Casey Iwamoto, Courtney Siegert, Joshua J. Granger, Adam Polinko, Krishna P. Poudel, and Zachary Freedman
Short-term Transformative Impacts of a Service-learning Study Abroad Program, Caroline Cully Garbers, Dale W. Pracht, and T. Grady Roberts
Shrine of Democracy, Black Hills, South Dakota, photography by The Burgess Company (American), produced by Colourpicture (American) and published by Rushmore Photo Inc. (American)
Side View of a Man Playing Guitar, undated
Sideview of Group Picture featuring Frank J. Williams and Harold Holzer
Sidewalk Bench and Children's Home Sign
Silhouette Drawing of a Family
Silhouette Profile of President Lincoln
Silver Bust of President Lincoln
Silver Coin Featuring Abraham Lincoln, Engraved by Henry Zearing
Silver Coin Featuring Abraham Lincoln and a Small Monument with Flags
Silver Coin Featuring Abraham Lincoln and a Small Monument with Flags
Silver Coin Featuring Abraham Lincoln and his Log Cabin, produced by Americana Medallion Company (American, active 1980s)
Silver Coin Featuring Abraham Lincoln and Presidents Seal, designed by AFFER
Silver Coin Featuring a Lincoln Monument, sculpted by W.H. Key
Silver Coin featuring A. Lincoln's Childhood Home
Silver Coin featuring Gettysburg Scene, produced by Americana Medallion Company (American, active 1980s)
Silver Coin Featuring Lincoln and Gettysburg Address
Silver Coin Featuring the Great Presidents Washington and Lincoln
Silver Coin for the Centennial of Abraham Lincoln, designed by P.L. Pratt
Silver Colored Bust of President Lincoln, produced by Tilden-Thurber (American, 1895-?)
Silver Colored Coin Featuring Lincoln Hall at the American University
Silver Medal Featuring Abe Lincoln and Cannon, issued by Hamilton Mint
Silver Medal Featuring Grand Army of the Republic, sculpted by W.H. Key.
Silver Medal Featuring Lincoln and Gettysburg Address
Silver Medal Featuring Mount Rushmore, issued by Hamilton Mint
Silvicultural strategies for converting longleaf pine plantations to multi-aged stands with groundcover species restoration in Georgia, USA, Gabriel F. Nyen
Simulated residual nitrogen scavenging and recovery among cover crop systems using nitrogen-15 in a corn production setting, Curtis Champ Knight
Singing Christmas Tree, undated
Singing in the Rain!, published by the Boston Herald (American, 1846-present) from publication by San Francisco Chronicle (American, 1865-present) and artwork by Cloyd Sweigert (American, 1897-1973)
Site of Ford's Theatre, artwork by Ankers and published by Washington Novelty Company., Inc (American)
Sitting Room at Abraham Lincoln's Home National Historic Site, photography by Terry Farmer, printed by Consolidated/ Drake Press (American) and copyright by Eastern National Park & Monument Association
Six Great Moments in the White House, produced by the Washington Sunday Star (American, 1852-1981)
Sixteenth President of the United States Plate, produced by Kettlesprings; issued by Richard Fay
Skyscrapers, Liza Bondurant
Small Metal Plaque of President Lincoln
Smithsonian Institution, photography by Alexandar Gardner (Born Scottish, American, 1821-1882)
Smithsonian Institution, produced by Smithsonian Institution (American, 1846-present) and produced by Mavis Puddling Picturecard (American)
Social Determinants of Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia: The Mississippi Landscape, Kenneth R. Butler Jr., Denise Lafferty, Stacee B. Naylor, and Kimberly C. Tarver MD
Socioeconomic status and rural community college students’ academic outcomes, Robert Jason Kelly
Software Defined Radio (SDR) based sensing, Ajaya Dahal
Solider' National Cemtery, Gettysburg, PA, published by Blocher's (American) and produced by Metrocraft (American)
Solider' National Cemtery, Gettysburg, PA, published by Marken & Bielfeld (American)
Solution synthesis of colloidal strontium zirconium sulfide nanomaterials, Naira Arrykova
Sonder, Rheagan Case
Sorting Out Equity: The Q-Sort Method in Mathematics Education Research, Liza Bondurant and Jamaal Rashad Young
Source contributions to nekton diet in an oligohaline ecosystem, Keith Antoine Chenier
South Dakota License Plate, 1972, produced by State of South Dakota (American, 1889)
South Dakota License Plate, 1973, produced by State of South Dakota (American, 1889)
South Dakota License Plate, 1974, produced by State of South Dakota (American, 1889)
South Dakota License Plate, 1975, produced by State of South Dakota (American, 1889)
South Dakota License Plate, 1980, produced by State of South Dakota (American, 1889)
South Dakota License Plate, 1986, produced by State of South Dakota (American, 1889)
South Dakota License Plate, 2000, produced by State of South Dakota (American, 1889)
South Dakota License Plate, 2003, produced by State of South Dakota (American, 1889)
Southern pine beetle colonization: Dispersal phenology and host selection, John William Thomason
South Main Street and Dixie Highway, Elizabethtown, Kentucky, published by Jas. E. Perry Company (American) and produced by Tichnor Brothers (American, 1910?-1950s?)
South Section of Civil War Museum, Melrose Civil War & Caverns, photography by Roanke Photo (American) and published by Roanoke Finishing Company (American)
Souvenir from Gettysburg-America's Greatest Shrine, copyright held by Marken & Bielfeld, Inc. (American)
Souvenir Lincoln Exhibit "Century of Progress"
Souvenir Lincoln Mug, produced by Thermo-Serv
Souvenir Lincoln Mug, produced by Thermo-Serv
Soybean Bacterial Inoculation: Against Herbicide Stress, Ncomiwe Andile Maphalala
Spatial and temporal vulnerability analysis of natural disasters due to climate change, Weiwei Xie
Spatiotemporal characteristics of instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, Holley Kamba
Speaking of Pictures: This is Lincoln in English Eyes
Special educators’ attrition and retention in the post-COVID-19 era: A systematic literature review, Brandi J. Young Sumrall
Speech Therapy for ASD: Funding Curriculum, Potential for Success, Lillian McElreath
Springfield, Illinois: Home of Abraham Lincoln, printed by Raphel Tuck and Son (English, 1866-1959)
Square Building with Multiple Columns
Stained Glass Lincoln Window in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Springfield, Illinois)
Stained Glass Lincoln Window in the Foundry (Methodist) Church, Washington, D.C.
Stained Glass Lincoln Window in the Plymouth Church of the Pilgrims (Brooklyn, New York)
Standing Lincoln, Sculpted by John Frank
"Standing Lincoln," Barn Sculpture Gallery, printed by the Meriden Gravure Company (American, 1888–1989)
Standing Portrait of Abraham Lincoln, published by The Ullman Manufactoring Company (American)
Standing Portrait of Mary Todd Lincoln, produced by Kodak (American, 1888-present)
St. Andrews Church, Hingham, published by Whiteholme (publishers) LTD (British, 2006-2015)
St. Andrew's Church, Hingham, Interior Looking East, produced by Geo. R. Reeve. LTD
St. Andrew's Church, Hingham Interior looking East, published by Geo. R. Leeve LTD.
St. Andrew's Church, Hingham, Norfolk
St. Andrew's Church, Hingham, Norfolk, Bust of Abraham Lincoln unvieled by the American Ambassador, Hon. John W. Davis, on October 15th, 1919, published by Geo. R. Leeve LTD.
St. Andrew's Church, Hingham, Norfolk, Bust of Abraham Lincoln unvieled by the American Ambassador, Hon. John W. Davis, on October 15th, 1919, published by Geo. R. Leeve LTD.
State Capitol and Abraham Lincoln, Springfield, Illinois, published by H.N. Shonkwiler (American) and produced by Curteich (American)
State funding of higher education institutions: An analysis of equity, Brittany O. White Doty
Statehouse in Vandalia, Illinois, designed and published by Josephine Burtschi (American, 1909-1997)
State Library, Old State Capitol, published by the Illinois Historical Society (American, 1899-present) and produced by Dexter Press (American, 1920s-1980s)
Statue of Abraham Lincoln Againt A Background of the Gettysburg Address, published by the Springfield News Agency (American)and produced by Colourpicture Publishers, Inc. (American)
Statue of Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln Memorial, published by B.S. Reynolds Company (American) and produced by C.T. American Art (American)
Statue of Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., published by B.S. Reynolds (American) and produced by C.T. American Art
Statuette of Abraham Lincoln, produced by Vaillancourt Folk Art at the Manchaug Mills; sculpted by J.C. Vaillancourt
Statuette of President Abraham Lincoln, produced by Gorham
Steel and Concrete Bridge By-Passed by Re-Channeling of the Streams, April 1970
Stephen Arnold Douglas, 1813-1861, from painting by Duncan Styles, produced by Smithsonian Institution (American,1846-present ) and printed by Museum Press, Inc. (American)
Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln Impersonators at the Lincoln Forum
Steric tuning of hexadentate chelates and their effects on the stability and redox properties of first-row transition metals, Ryan Benjamin Gaynor
Stimulus complexity and feature binding in visual sensory memory, Mary F. Catington
St. Mary Basilica, Cyndi C. Parker
St. Mary Basilica, Cyndi C. Parker
St. Mary's Cathedral, Tommy S. King
Stochastic programming models and algorithms to improve resiliency in a biomass supply chain, Jay Artil
Stone Bust of A. Lincoln, produced by Genesis Productions Inc. (American); sculpted by Dick Wiken (American)
Stone Relief of Abraham Lincoln
Storefronts at the Capitol Street and Mills Street Intersection, Jackson, Mississippi
Storefronts Inside the Metrocenter Mall, Jackson, Mississippi
Strategies to Recruit and Retain the Rural School Mental Health Workforce, Elaine S. Belansky, Liliana Diaz Solodukhin, Anna Edelman, Savannah Hobbs, Cynthia Hazel, and Nicholas Cutforth
Streamers Draped Across Atrium Railing, Metrocenter Mall, Jackson, Mississippi
Streamers in Jackson Metrocenter Mall, Jackson, Mississippi
Street View of Residential Subdivision
Strengthening Families Affected by Intimate Partner Violence: A Pilot Evaluation of a Rural Extension Program, Pamela B. Payne and Jill Baker-Tingey
Submissive natures, subversive acts: power, prescriptive literature, and the female voice in Shakespeare’s comedies, Joseph N. Newell
Sunglass holder, Copyright held by Lincoln Pest Control.
Surratt House and Tavern, Copyright held by The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Sustainable pathways for shortleaf pine in uncertain climates, Casey Iwamoto
Swapping Again, copyright by Chicago Tribune (American, 1847-present)
Synthesis and characterization of lithium tris (2-(dimethyl amino)phenyl)tert-butyl gallate [Li(Me2NPh)3GatBu] complex for the catalytic hydroboration of benzophenone, Mohammad Raziul Hasan
Synthesis and degradation of biobased polymers from plant oils incorporated with cellulose nanocrystals., Katherine Elmore
Synthesis of CCC-NHC pincer Re and Mn complexes: Air stable catalysts for borrowing hydrogen and dehydrogenative/oxidative cyclization reactions, Huy Hoang Pham
Synthesis of colloidal nanomaterials of emerging semiconductor chalcogenide perovskites and related structures, Daniel Zilevu
Synthesis of hexafluoroisopropylidene (6F) polyarylenes via interfacial polymerization of aromatic monomers with hexafluoroacetone trihydrate, Gustavo Adolfo Muñoz Ruiz
Tad Lincoln, from photograph by Mathew Brady (American, 1823-1896)
Taking the Oath Drawing Rations, featuring sculpture by John Rodgers (American, 1829-1904)
Tavern Room and Post Office, The Mary Surratt House (1852), photography and distribution by Gerry Peck (American)
Teachers’ Perceptions of an Integrated Nutrition Education Curriculum and the Impact on Preschoolers' Food Liking, Alicia Stapp, Laurel Lambert, Georgianna Mann, Kaitlyn Sills, and Kenya Wolff
Terrace-Barn Sculpture Gallery in Chesterwood, Stockbridge, Masschusetts, printed by the Meriden Gravure Company (American)
Terror Tactics: Vehicular attacks in Israel, Garrett Smith